Saturday, March 12, 2011

Film Streaming Salieri


E 'come FIGC official notification that the Lazio Regional Committee has allocated for the second consecutive year at the Cup Discipline Training Juniors ASD Atletico Pavona School Football Giorgio Castelli. " After Nicola Giustini in 2008/2009, it was the turn of the duo Alcantara - Del Bufalo to enrich the attendees Atletico Pavona with the trophy that goes to the most correct formation of the group. With the conquest
Cup 2009/2010, rising to five cups Discipline Pavona that Atletico won in the six years of activity within the FIGC. This award recognizes the style of a company that has always, it is an educational agency that, through sport, is vivere ai propri ragazzi, i valori dell'accoglienza , dell'integrazione e del rispetto per se e per gli altri che sono propri di una corretta pratica agonistica.

Il premio verrà consegnato il 22 Marzo, a Palazzo Valentini, Sede della Provincia di Roma, dal presidente Melchiorre Zarelli.

A Diego, Rafael e a tutti i ragazzi, vanno le felicitazioni di tutto l'Atletico Pavona.

Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Have Shelby In Pokemon Silver


( Tratto dal sito della Fondazione Castelli ) Un attimo per passare dalla gioia immensa alla disperazione più cupa. E’ successo negli Stati Uniti during a basketball game, during which challenged the High School (high school) and of Feinville Brighman, State of Michigan. Wes Leonard, sixteen, leader of its formation, the Blackhawks, and leading scorer, just a few seconds left in the game scored the decisive basket for his team: 57 to 55. Soon after it collapsed on the floor, died of cardiac arrest: his heart has not stood the great emotion and physical exertion. In the United States can be competitive sports activities, even at a high level of fitness without performing medical tests, is in fact a self-sufficient. A medical careful to ascertain the level is essential to avoid health problems related to the practice of sport: it is recommended for all ages, for all sports and possibly supplemented with an echocardiogram, performed at least once in a lifetime of sports 'individual. This is the first thing to do to prevent cardiac arrest in sports (primary prevention), the second to realize is represented by the spread of the culture of emergency when you do sports (secondary prevention). Awareness education, training in techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of defibrillation are the essential elements to successful implementation.