Thursday, June 24, 2010

Flavor Metal Cores Scooter Wheels

Alexandra Mensing @ Tanalois

The climate is more forgiving in my small town "was" smiling coast of Romagna, and on this warm evening in early summer I wander to Puuiki thoughtfully.
Tonight opens the exhibition of Alexandra Mensing, irony fate comes the dreaded sea ..... No. .. It 's a joke. A visitor to the exhibition is called Marinu and above all does not run around shouting the exhibit "I came." Putting aside this
cnsiderazione psychopathological stress advertising do two steps for the show, as my usual, cigarette in hand, unfortunately, I enter the umpteenth journey into expressiveness.
I notice the abundance of colors and weaves.
hopelessly attracted by Japanese culture I come and start to see a flood of Enso scattered around the exhibition.
Provo to the explanation to a simple definition of Enso: "Driven at the time of the mental state of painter is possbile to draw a powerful and well balanced Enso only if you have the mind clear and free of thoughts and intentions. It 's the real moment of emptiness with fullness. And 'the reflection of your inner state of harmony "(taken dahttp: / / nda)
So Referring to this form of expression, I see Enso many before me where the state of absolute harmony of the artist is perceived by the constant flow and harmonious colors, and its openness to the world from the menu that opens "Touch" of the work.
few words to define a "roundness" that gives some hypnotic moment, a moment of contact with a flow that goes beyond the sense of the work.

The only real differences that I take in the works, compared to the thin definition of Enso, is the "emptiness", in fact we have not really an empty space to welcome in the ' work, but a well-defined space within which fluctuate with the option to leave if the form and flow of colors.

The next post

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Single Deck Pinochle Online

Nexuno Thespian @ Tanalois

are immersed in our thriving piece of land to cultivate art and experience of digital life in industrial quantities.
Outside the windows of my study it is still raining, but fortunately the weather here in Puuki follows my orders and the sun bends its rays to my will, so set lunch and I enjoy sunbathing by the tails of my avatar, practically hands , feet and face and the rest of toasted white as a sheet.
within the building that houses the exhibition Nexuno and are pleasantly greeted by a beautiful water effect on the ground softened by a few hundred yellow and red flowers.
some friends waiting for me and we salute you; on my way to find good Lookatmy Back attempting to steal my work commenting on the color palette but I will not be intimidated.
As a good engineer who has proved to be my track marks to follow.
The real focus to follow and interpret or color choice and researched and elegantly set in the photographs of our guests.
are those who "naturally" do not exist in SL, such as purple skies, azure night reflections.
It 's a frantic search of the artifact in the virtual.
It captures the exasperation of the situations brought, caught the moment that is repeated in a different key.

Per capire a fondo, occorre calarsi con le scarpe in SL e vedere con occhi critici la spasmodica ricerca della riproduzione del reale dentro il digitale, cieli sempre più sfumati, azzurri limpidi tersi, nubi sfilacciate o morbide come pecorelle, acque azzurre di verde smeraldo a perdita d'occhio... Ma... Cosa succederebbe se tutta questa perfezione venisse stravolta ?
La risposta a questa domanda la trovo nei lavori di Nexuno, persona simpatica, affabile che concede il proprio modo di non vedere.
Non fraintendete.... Lui ci vede benissimo, ma offre, secondo me, una proposta di non-luoghi digitali. Luoghi che nel metaverso non esistono, quindi un posto al outside the logic that becomes a non-place. All we can meet in those places.
Hues puts on us, with the way we live this SL.

In this respect also our skies can be dyed in purple, we can find colorful cityscapes at night, a thousand shades and we can invent things that do not exist as an albino sparrow.
This show manages to make us forget the sad scenes Twilight (idea Lookatmy Back nda), indeed, I would add, are diametrically opposed.

It is uncommon for even the arrangement of the works, set up huge blocks of wood strips, angled and scattered around the building as if they were dice thrown at the table, who wins and who loses can not be said simply because they do not exist. The green table of life is drawn, and the flowers that decorate let us wait for the softness of the picture Nexuno.

the next post.

Peliculas Free Online

... we live on memories.

today from the windows of my study American see only clouds. Throw a light breeze from the ground so I feel safe from the idiot of the ham. The marine environment for today if they stay away from my little village di provincia sul finire della campagna e sull'inizio del mare. Si sente solo il profumo della pioggia e il frenire di alcuni pioppi in lontananza. Le mie moto mi guardano languidamente e, se non sapessi che non hanno motilità facciale, giurerei che mi stanno implorando di uscire. 1600 centimetri cubi e 200 cavalli in due, ognuna col suo carattere, pregi e difetti.
Vive a modo loro.
Viene da usare un linguaggio scurrile e violento per descriverle, quando il culo appoggia sulle loro selle e il feeling aumenta e cresce in maniera smisurata dopo le prime curve, non se ne può fare a meno; si sente la necessità di far emergere la loro indole.
Una più pacata, timida, che va stuzzicata, presa per mano e allungata in alto dove il motore becomes a growl and a gear change becomes a rap that you hear on the foot and stretches the legs of the front fork ...
's always other bad, angry, rude, which in turn calls always three things: gas, butt out and almost touching the knee open' asphalt that makes you always wonder if you're driving on the street or track.
are small fragments of memory, chips are crazy for spending days in the hills between the hairpin bend and a bend in the middle.
are memories.
The vessels of life, where all the flowers that shine day we ragalano, are also filled with these things. Are liquid, like water, keep cut flowers, those flowers that remain in whatever happens.
These are memories that are adapted to the container, fluid, filling all the interstices of the soul.
... memories ....
In these days where a light rain smooths, flattens and plane, the clouds envelop the sky and the drugs do not look like rain, are not doing their "job" takes the value of all memory, a binary code that runs in front of your eyes, overlay on the screen and you realize that the horses of the PC may not look like the horses of the beast is watching you. E 'strong' s instinct to open the door and turn it in the middle of the wind, rain, the lightning and thunder, to hear him, if only for a split second, that place where it seems to come: a circle of hell.
But it's all a memory superimposed translucent.
Reality is a chair, the drugs, the ants in the feet and hips that seem to explode.
A punch that does not care that there is under your skin, you line the body, with scarring and contempt.
from the groin to the knee, and back, via the skin, by all that's inside (cited Marco Paolini from "Vajont-October 9, 1963 note)
but open your eyes, look down and everything is still in its place.
's just the constant reminder of' the other day where the sun was shining and it could be the last.

the next post.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Eagle Metal Core Wheels Wholesale

Tanaloisini my dear, I am attaching the link

interview of the winner of the first poetry competition Tanalois weblog.

thanks to Lion Igaly for its availability.

Happy reading ...: O)