Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ati Radeon Mobility 4330 Rank

...e me ne sto qui...

E' la notte tra il 15 e il 16 Agosto, ed è precisamente l'una e venti.
Non mi va di farmi take the piss and I rest sitting on my ass on a chair, listening as a monkey in the distance, the last sound of this summer is dwindling. I went out running this afternoon and saw the trees that are coming into life in the pre ... Strange is not it? Yes, I stopped and I felt that this stagnation is coming. Paradoxically, a leafless tree is more alive. He has a gem that most of the leaf, and it represents the beginning of its life cycle. They're even they sat on their ass on a chair. Ahead. Nor do they seem to intuition, to want to get caught up for a ride.
Last night, almost at this time, I was wandering through my private pool, my city, where I through water, or better, splash before last night. It is no longer my city. I was looking for a hole to make some suggestive photos, but all was tremendously space. Cars parked in dark places with or without people in it, I did not care, I was looking for a shy intimacy to find some good inspiration he met me, my camera, and the moment. But last night I did not want me taking the piss, and the place was not long in finding. It 's all a joke. Do you think the tree is "dead" in the winter, no, do you think the night is deep and has a bit 'of the place for you, it does not. Those places you thought were your are a little "Marred" by some stroke of the lantern, and so even your moment vanishes.
I do not think badly of prostitutes, but I think that they, too, are a joke. Now they are available everywhere to carry their burden of exploitation and violence and sbam! a door is slammed in your face right where they thought you found your slice of night, your flash of light in the darkness. No I do not think badly of prostitutes, but I think they are a joke, a great roar of hypocrisy, a hypocrisy that hurt me because the beatings they receive. Then I came back home a little 'humbled a little' hurt a bit 'dazed, I blamed the small hours but in my heart I knew it was not. A nothing, a segnetto plus I carry with me dragging behind like my left leg.
Appendix unwanted but necessary. Those of you who would be willing to cut a leg because it hurts ... I personally do not. So I will continue to bring back these segnetti, these wrinkles on the face of my expression, so when the time comes, will prove all his years without falsehood. Just to take the piss.
day I'll be back to try quell'angoletto night I was taken away, but as a photographer's shadows, I can not help but think of the scene at night with the lights and reflections ... But it will be just a picture of the day ...

Al prossimo post.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shovel Pond Nancy Drew Cheat

Kaji e il suo alter ego reale in: "Filosofia da marciapiede"

Non mi ricordo da chi e dove l'ho sentita, ma le parole "filosofia da marciapiede" mi suonano bene in testa; sarà la scarsa densità della mia materia grigia che favorisce il propagarsi di questi pensieri inconsulti oppure semplicemente la mia sciattaggine intrinseca che mi abbandona in paludi dalle quali mi è sempre più difficile uscire.
Ultimamente vengo sempre più spesso aggredito da una leggera vena di rabbia verso gli opinionisti improvvisati e pidocchiosi, non nel senso riferibile alla statura morale, ma nel senso proprio della dimensione di quello che vanno cercando e scovando all'interno di qualsiasi cosa gli si pari davanti.
Cercano sempre il pidocchietto, the inertia, the nit to criticize and groped to insinuate doubt, not so much the product of intelligence and creativity, but as its producer.
I find it simply disarming.
I despair even more abuse of the word "however" that precludes any kind of constructive discussion because, regardless, those lucky enough to be able to say it first, immediately poses a limit to its counterpart. There is no escape from that word.
becomes impossible to continue an argument. From then on it becomes exposed to a diktat thought impassable.
missing a predisposition, a bridge that can be spread between two people. Manca opening. This is true philosophy to the sidewalk, that we encounter every day, whatever we speak. As soon as I hear a "still" fly me salt hives. Much prefer a "my opinion" is more agent, expansive. It provides our views and hands it to anyone who listens to us enabling us to offer another point of view to another "in my opinion."
Another point is to set up the "beautiful".
missing. I miss it. I feel at times to be surrounded by close to this condition.
What it means to be prepared to beauty. In my opinion, is to create within us a kind of harmony, a sort of inner music which carries out what we have inside. I do not mean much more philosophical reason, which frankly I do not know everything, both Eastern and Western, ancient and modern, I refer to our philosophy that we write in our thoughts and in our actions. What should bring this condition?
I think should lead to blindness to the nit, louse to that annoying than jumping in front of us. Think about it for a moment, then your taste and pleasure you can slaughter them for criticism but as you do remember two things: that all these thoughts are just for me and not anyway.

the next post.