Monday, September 20, 2010

Plan Bfrequent Urination

Augusto Aghi @ Tanalois - Puuiki

As for this artist guest of Tanalois I declare myself incompetent because it is an artist working in RL that offers a selection of his works then I'd rather entrust the interview Aliza Karu I report in its full text.

Augusto Needles, the emotion of the body

colors and anatomy, light and shadow. Paolo Dei Rossi tells Whipart during his first exhibition in Second Life.

The expressionist language comes out with a loud voice from the paintings of the Venetian painter Paolo Dei Rossi, aka Augustus Needles.
tells us that the current preference of the German Expressionists, who is close with his works. And you can not give a reason: violent and bright colors are the masters, accompanied by hand from soft curves of bodies, as well as the study of light that ' particularly expressive portrait subjects. Not only that, there are also poems of dreams and also a self-produced films (of which more later).

Augusto needle, already had several exhibitions, both personal and collective, will exhibit from Aug. 2, 2010 in a 3D environment, Second Life *.

Q: When did you get into art?
A: Let's say I have an early start to be attracted by the colors. At age 18, attending the arts high school, I started to learn the techniques, focussing on the very human figure, which is the ABC in my work. Only lately I'm changing, art is a continuous search.

Q: Have you ever used oil?
A: Initially I used acrylic, to experiment. But painting in acrylic painting is anxious, because when you post a picture once you finish it. With the oil painting you have more freedom to shoot the picture the next day, there's no hurry to complete the work on an emotional level that disturbs.

Q: Have you tried other techniques?
A: I used the bitumen also either alone or mixing it with wax warming and going to work "to remove" you go to undermine the strength to leave a yellowish glow, like a light. I also worked only by wax, again using the technique using the sculptors of taking away, then paints, enamels. Even the china with the bleach for example, depending on the color you use you can get yellows, pinks .. Lately I've been working with the resin.

Q: When you complete a picture starts right away?
A: It depends. There is emotion, idea, which can come at night. Then it may happen that there is something new, then storing the canvas and start painting something diverso.Quella the resume when the time is right: there are paintings that I finished in two years.

Q: In some works I have noted several richiami a pittori famosi
R: Sono degli omaggi ad artisti che sento vicino, ovviamente in una mia rivisitazione, come Mirò.

D: Che ne pensi del momento culturale attuale
R: Credo che sia un brutto periodo di stasi. Viviamo in un'epoca in cui si ha più bisogno del bene materiale piuttosto che del superfluo. Occorrerebbe una rivoluzione, soprattutto nel campo artistico, per cercare una risposta, nuovi stili di vita. Credo che gli ultimi anni di fervore artistico siano stati gli anni '80.

D: A cosa è imputabile secondo te questa stasi
R: Tutto è collegato al sociale, di certo. La crisi economica non permette ai "Mere mortals" to live calmly, and its upper floors do nothing to change that. We pass off a fake freedom.

Q: Who is Augusto Needles
A: It is a person who did everything myself: my life is geared up for myself, I semrpe right on my legs and, most importantly, I have never accepted compromises .

Q: Explain in Second Life ... idea that you
A: I did not know this world, to be honest, but I think it is an innovative reality that goes precisely known. It is another way in more than you can follow. And of course I am very curious to see what will come out.

Article / Interview
Aliza Karu

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Para Que Sirve Quadriderm

Le strade non ci raccontano più nulla (o quasi...)

Despite injuring his back today I went in motion ... Without much desire and unpretentious me and my "partner" we headed towards our beloved hills on the border that separates the big S (of our fellow Laura Pausini sigh!) From the hon hoha hola hannuccia (trans. Coca-Cola through a straw).
After a bit 'of kilometers we step on my favorite, the wind is brisk and take off the helmet is a little' how to let free the thoughts that had been banished to a hidden part of the brain. The T-shirt under the jacket is a bit 'wet and cool so I prefer not to risk I keep it on him.
A rapid scratching inside pockets and extract a cigarette, cross relaxation and delight. I look a bit 'round and an abundance of gray hair under the helmet, profiles marked by time, some infirmities of age that is indistinguishable from some ailment of kisses cursed the road. My partner knows one of these profiles can be recognized and immediately opens a killer smile. Depart from the classic biker talk about the latest exploits and future rounds.
I feel a little 'alien look and listen with a bit of' detachment with a look a bit 'stupid (I think .. in fact I am sure) ... I've just upgraded to level again and already I feel outdated.
Honestly I have not found my motorcycle but I'm sure to be increased by at least two levels this season: I started as a "nail in the curve" ... Does it have to explain it to you? Well ... Put it this way ... Plant a nail in a board and try to tilt without tilting the axis, or even to move forward again without changing the position of the wood ... In short, I had the wheels side as children ...
I have come to the level "Curbstone ... Does it have to explain it to you? Well ... Normally the wayside following the road but as a "fold" is pretty hard ... I aspired to get to level "those who go round about." Do not ask me what it means, but I suspect it has something to do with smooth running of the engine, but I'm not so sure.
In the meantime, "what goes round up" (my partner) and what he has "the right step for fun" continue to tell ... And I in my small way, I prefer to stay with half sat perched on the saddle of my bike. I admit even my partner has a few years older than me and I realize that I have a different way to talk about the streets.
"It's not the goal, but what is in the middle between the departure and arrival." Here ... I belong to the generation of variants is not a road they have traveled that it remained so. Once the road told us a lot of the place which we crossed, we held the memorial stone alive the memory of heroic deeds, a Madonna in a small cloister bless us even 50 meters before or after a handful of gravel on the asphalt we had pulled out of his mouth a few words too ... Now there are variations ... Where before there was a curved bridge and a viaduct now there's another curve that has eaten the Virgin Mary, the stone and the cornerstone that was promptly replaced by a sign of iron ... While I am completely lost in embryos of these thoughts end to talk and tell things that I probably will not do because of these variations or not see.
place the helmet on the saddle and I went toward the bar and a band of young men just licensed complains del nuovo codice della strada e le varianti mi fanno sorridere.
Mi immagino una strada di collina che fu tortuosa, ripida dove ogni curva richiedeva il suo tributo di polso e braccio. Adesso no, ci sono le varianti per me e soprattutto per loro che, a ragione, sbeffeggiano i chiodi e i paracarri perché sono veloci solo sul dritto e a volte nemmeno sul dritto perché un tele laser o un autovelox minaccia la loro targa colpevole di essere troppo dritta e facilmente fotografabile. Dopo il caffè usciamo dal bar e con passo lento io mi dirigo verso il mio missile senza turbina e il mio socio verso il suo aereo (lui ha già da un po' dismesso i panni del paracarro n.d.a.).
Per il ritorno scegliamo una strada inusuale, un po' stretta, winding and steep ... Well thankfully someone is saved, but when I thought I had escaped yet another straight artificial viaducts is materialized in all its ugliness and destruction in all its ... A variant with a lot of discussion. I crossed incredulous, bewildered, almost did not recognize the places and last but not least a long way in the trenches in motion is as bad you can conceive. In secret I kept to my sorrow, this transposition of our day, straight, directed and controlled with false choices, where a release is no longer a difference and journey time between the start and finish must be as short and flat as possible, I realized in a way that accomplished little, and we hope the rest of the soul, now, do not think any more. To make that trench downed trees, Madonnas and probably also some closed source which has now been harnessed and driven directly into the sewers without being able to be more useful. From the trenches do not see anything, and we see nothing. Tight curve to the right because it has no doubt that after the corner there is an obstacle, but on the straight you are sure to be, in fact, comes from behind a car, gives me the I-beam and overtake. No, not afraid of my velox, I just plan are curbstone choice for aspiring and "one who goes round up" to continue to learn to stand on the street believes that the road can still tell us something different from an anonymous e pericoloso dritto che assopisce, fa premere sull'acceleratore e dove una distrazione non lascia scampo.
Adesso me ne sto qui, ancora come una scimmietta, seduto sulle mie chiappe con una sigaretta tra le dita e un caffè fumante sulla scrivania. Guardo negli occhi le mie moto e mi domando dove andremo Sabato e Domenica prossimi per evitare le varianti... Posso sempre consultarmi con l'uomo della pubblicità che stando a quello che fanno vedere il "vento marino" che stagiona i suoi prosciutti lo insegue in moto.... Forse le varianti le hanno inventate per lui così non si deve impegnare troppo.