As for this artist guest of Tanalois I declare myself incompetent because it is an artist working in RL that offers a selection of his works then I'd rather entrust the interview Aliza Karu I report in its full text.
Augusto Needles, the emotion of the body
colors and anatomy, light and shadow. Paolo Dei Rossi tells Whipart during his first exhibition in Second Life.
The expressionist language comes out with a loud voice from the paintings of the Venetian painter Paolo Dei Rossi, aka Augustus Needles.
tells us that the current preference of the German Expressionists, who is close with his works. And you can not give a reason: violent and bright colors are the masters, accompanied by hand from soft curves of bodies, as well as the study of light that ' particularly expressive portrait subjects. Not only that, there are also poems of dreams and also a self-produced films (of which more later).
Augusto needle, already had several exhibitions, both personal and collective, will exhibit from Aug. 2, 2010 in a 3D environment, Second Life *.
Q: When did you get into art?
A: Let's say I have an early start to be attracted by the colors. At age 18, attending the arts high school, I started to learn the techniques, focussing on the very human figure, which is the ABC in my work. Only lately I'm changing, art is a continuous search.
Q: Have you ever used oil?
A: Initially I used acrylic, to experiment. But painting in acrylic painting is anxious, because when you post a picture once you finish it. With the oil painting you have more freedom to shoot the picture the next day, there's no hurry to complete the work on an emotional level that disturbs.
Q: Have you tried other techniques?
A: I used the bitumen also either alone or mixing it with wax warming and going to work "to remove" you go to undermine the strength to leave a yellowish glow, like a light. I also worked only by wax, again using the technique using the sculptors of taking away, then paints, enamels. Even the china with the bleach for example, depending on the color you use you can get yellows, pinks .. Lately I've been working with the resin.
Q: When you complete a picture starts right away?
A: It depends. There is emotion, idea, which can come at night. Then it may happen that there is something new, then storing the canvas and start painting something diverso.Quella the resume when the time is right: there are paintings that I finished in two years.
Q: In some works I have noted several richiami a pittori famosi
R: Sono degli omaggi ad artisti che sento vicino, ovviamente in una mia rivisitazione, come Mirò.
D: Che ne pensi del momento culturale attuale
R: Credo che sia un brutto periodo di stasi. Viviamo in un'epoca in cui si ha più bisogno del bene materiale piuttosto che del superfluo. Occorrerebbe una rivoluzione, soprattutto nel campo artistico, per cercare una risposta, nuovi stili di vita. Credo che gli ultimi anni di fervore artistico siano stati gli anni '80.
D: A cosa è imputabile secondo te questa stasi
R: Tutto è collegato al sociale, di certo. La crisi economica non permette ai "Mere mortals" to live calmly, and its upper floors do nothing to change that. We pass off a fake freedom.
Q: Who is Augusto Needles
A: It is a person who did everything myself: my life is geared up for myself, I semrpe right on my legs and, most importantly, I have never accepted compromises .
Q: Explain in Second Life ... idea that you
A: I did not know this world, to be honest, but I think it is an innovative reality that goes precisely known. It is another way in more than you can follow. And of course I am very curious to see what will come out.
Article / Interview
Aliza Karu