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Monday, January 31, 2011
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out today from the workshop where use 8 hours of my life, I stopped at the grocery store.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
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As planned, on Friday afternoon, the Students' goalkeeper Mirko Ginnetti underwent a delicate surgical operation at the ICOT Latina because of the serious incident occurred at the end of the game in the first race on Sunday afternoon at Palakilgour Ariccia.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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Sport is also made of this. The results now pass in secondo piano di fronte al grave incidente che ha coinvolto il portiere della squadra Allievi Mirko Ginnetti.
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At 09: oo this morning, in a statement on the official website of the Italian Federation Wheelchair Hockey, was given the news that we had expected, following on from late morning of Sunday was unofficially began to circulate in the voice that gave Michael as the new national coach. Here is the text of the Communiqué: The Federation Council, which met 14 to 16 January 2010, ratified the appointment of the new coach of the National. thank Luca Maino for his dedication and skill with which he has played this role of preparing the Italian National Wheelchair Hockey for the 2008 European Championships and World Cup 2010, Antonio Spinelli President, on behalf of the whole movement hockeistico Italian, welcomes Michael Fierravanti. He is our best hope of being able to continue and improve the process already begun by his predecessor! athletic Pavona also joined the congratulations of the Federation, and full of pride for the prestigious assignment entrusted to its Technical Director, is a huge "good luck!" to Michele, with the hope to achieve with the National successes and rewards it deserves as a man and as a sportsman. |
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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Atletico Pavona as always present at the Annual Conference of the Fondazione Giorgio Castelli. " In the splendid setting of Palazzo Valentini, the seat of the Province of Rome, there was discussion of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, with the extraordinary level of speakers who expressed their thoughts on the subject of "return" from beyond.
Bishop Rino Fisichella, a close collaborator of Benedict XVI, he met the Christian view, while the 'On.Walter Veltroni has dealt with the same subject from the secular point of view.
Good news has come instead Hon. Di Virgilio, presenter of the bill on early defibrillation has ensured that the many speakers who filled the room of Bishop Liegro ITER Procedural Law, which now lies in three legislatures and Parliament, it seems, is now undergoing final approval.
Particularly interesting relations techniques Enzo Castelli and Dr. Battisti, preceded by the moving testimony of Luigi and Daniela, a young player and he used her, hanno vissuto la drammatica esperienza di aver “fatto ritorno”, dopo un arresto cardiaco avuto su di un campo di calcio e nella Metropolitana di Roma.
La parte finale del Convegno ha visto la partecipazione attiva degli studenti universitari del Circolo degli Scipioni che hanno interagito con i relatori, ponendo una serie di quesiti relativi all’argomento trattato. Barbara, Camilla, Simone e Riccardo hanno spaziato dalle questioni tecniche sulla Legge a quelle di carattere personale e filosofico, raccogliendo l’applauso della platea che ha particolarmente apprezzato sia l’arguzia dei quesiti, sia la disponibilità e la franchezza delle risposte dei relatori interessati.
He did the honors, the President Nicola Zingaretti has also assisted in the audience for further work.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
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Saturday, January 8, 2011
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Friday, January 7, 2011
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Money Tree Poem Ideas
Cup Italy Soccer Five. Raised in the School Soccer Pavona, Alexander, after an interlude in the 'Soccer 5, campaigning today in Castel Fontana, formation of Serie C1, which was launched towards the promotion to Serie B. Sandra
be congratulated by all Pavona Atletico, who remembers him for his commitment and the seriousness human and sports, as well as the greatest "good luck" for the continuation of a competitive activity increasingly rich of success and satisfaction.