many, many years ago, in a beautiful home a sweet little girl was born. It was so good and quiet that went to sleep despite the ticking of the clock or other sudden noises. When a puff of air caressed his cheek or the scent of the mother tickled her nose, the little girl woke up. He was deaf.
Mom was a good woman who took care of her daughter with great love. After a few years, unfortunately she died and her father, to give the necessary care to small, married another woman who already had two daughters clumsy and vain. Some time after the second marriage, also the father died and stepmother immediately showed its true character: arrogant and obnoxious.
The girl, now girl, sad and often sat alone near the fireplace stroking his cat. She wore modest clothes that become soiled with ash and often why it was called Cinderella deaf.
The second mother did not have the patience to explain things to the deaf girl with her hands to gesticulate and ashamed in public, especially when her friends saw her, then hid in the kitchen, Cinderella, deaf or in the attic, where poor old girl was sleeping on a bed and hard.
Cinderella deaf girl was very nice and good and so the stepmother and sisters were very jealous of her and forced her to do the hardest work: every day was a fire, cook, wash and polish the floors, making beds. Despite this, deaf Cinderella endures all things without complaining, always kind and courteous to all, though suffering from lack of affection.
Across the country, on a hill, there was the magnificent castle of the king who asked almost every day to his only son: "When you get married?". One day, finally, the prince tells the king that his father had decided to marry.
Cinderella deaf one morning, as he went out to fetch water, he saw a herald of re handing out flyers and took one. He read: "the king's command, every young girl of marriageable age will participate in the court dance where the prince will choose the best that will become his wife."
Cinderella ran home full of enthusiasm and gave the sheet to the stepmother, hoping to finally realize the dream of going to a dance. The stepmother read it with surprise, then whispered something to his two daughters. The older half-sister said to Cinderella: "You can not go to the ball. A deaf like you how do you feel the music? But it's there! You better stay home to do some work." The sisters giggled to each other racing room and spun with their mother to prepare for the ball.
Alone, Cinderella ran to the kitchen, sat by the fire and burst into tears. Behind him, a fairy appeared that said: "My Daughter ... oh, I forgot that she is deaf" and called it by touching it with a hand on his shoulder. Cinderella turned wide-eyed with wonder with his hands and said: "Who is she?" "I'm your fairy godmother," replied the fairy, sweet and flowing movements of hands, "She is deaf?" asked Cinderella. "No, I am deaf," replied the fairy. "Why do you speak my language of signs?". The godmother smiled sweetly and replied: "I am a fairy, I know many languages, including quelle usate dalle comunità sorde. Perché piangi?". E Cenerentola: "La mia matrigna e le mie sorelle sono andate al ballo. Anche a me piacerebbe andare ma non posso, perché sono sorda e non ho un vestito da sera". "Oh, non è vero! Anche tu puoi andare al ballo", le replicò la fata che tirò subito fuori la sua bacchetta magica e l'agitò in aria . Poi toccò il suo brutto vestito e lo trasformò in un splendido abito da ballo.
"Ma se sono sorda come faccio a sentire la musica?" chiese Cenerentola. "Dammi la tua mano" disse la fata e agitò la sua bacchetta magica. Subito apparve un piccolo oggetto a forma di mezzaluna sulla mano della ragazza sorda. Cenerentola stupita chiese: "What?" and the fairy: "Put it in your ear and see." Cinderella, as soon as he slipped the hearing aid in his ear, began to be mistaken for the sounds he could distinguish and elated to hear the joy of music to dance the prince. The fairy did appear to be a smart coach with eight beautiful horses, we drove into Cinderella and advised her to go home before midnight, otherwise the coach and horses would be gone and she would find herself in the foot and put his old clothes.
As he entered the hall of the castle, the girl exclaimed, astonished: "Beautiful!" and at that moment he felt, for the first time, his voice strange and discordant and not look bad he decided not to speak out for the whole evening.
The prince, as soon as he saw it, struck by its beauty immediately invited her to spend the whole evening dancing with her. While dancing, the prince asked her name, but Cinderella did not answer and he thought it was timid because the other questions she answered only by signs.
The girl was so happy that he forgot to look at the clock and the first stroke of midnight, just caught by surprise. Shooting freed his hand from the prince, and began to run away down the stairs in a hurry. The young man shouted desperately chase: "Wait for me! at least tell me your name!", but Cinderella does not turn around. As he descended from his ear fell to the ground minutes something shiny.
Prince saw it and picked up the strange object. He did not understand what it was and to find out, he summoned the magicians and scientists of the castle. A magician said, "It 's a hearing aid. That beautiful girl is deaf!" "E 'deaf?" exclaimed the astonished prince. The king's son thought and turned and turned around in bed all night.
The next morning, informed his father that he was madly in love with the deaf girl and wanted to marry her.
The next morning, informed his father that he was madly in love with the deaf girl and wanted to marry her.
The king immediately ordered his soldiers to bring all the girls at the castle of the country and align them in a large hall. Then the prince went with a friend of his noble bearing a pillow over the famous dentures, the noble tried to insert the device into the ear of every girl, but the prosthesis did not fit in any ear, because everyone was too large to insert an object so small.
The last girl was deaf and her own Cinderella prosthesis fits exactly. Now the prince asked her to marry her, but instead of talking about Cinderella took a notepad and a pen with blue wrote: "I'm sorry, but I can not marry because they are sorda e parlo soltanto in LIS che tu principe non conosci e quindi non possiamo comunicare". Il principe allora andò di corsa ad iscriversi ad un corso di LIS. Passati due anni, ritornò da Cenerentola e le segnò: "Vuoi sposarmi?". Lei felice gli rispose di sì.
In seguito il re ordinò che il tutto il popolo imparasse la lingua dei segni così che tutti i sudditi potessero comunicare con la futura regina sorda.
una storia un po diversa ma per me significativa...
ho paura di averti dimenticato...
mi manchi...
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