Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Good Song For Having A Kid
How can divide these two? Have been crucial in our history, the numbers at hand mglior pair of goals nsotra history. I see a tendency to consider them finished, panchinari. But I can not wait to see them together in the field, as with Real in 2003 and 2005, as May 5, 2002 in Udine marked when both, as in the season in B.
Hands off these two huge pieces of history it is white!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Ehler Danlos Syndrome Blogs
meshes were presented yesterday for next season. The following two images:

The first impact I smebrano very nice, even if the numbers on the first yellow jersey is still a punch in the eye, the second is one that does more to divide the fans. I personally like a lot. De gustibus ....
Yesterday there was a brake on negotiations that would lead to Turin Felipe Melo, as Marchionni Corvino has not agreed with the assignment (they dance difference of € 200 thousand). L'esterno romano è diventato in queste ore un bersagio della tifoseria bianconera, io chiedo che venga lasciato in pace: troverà certamente l'accordo con i Viola e noi avremo Melo; ma per piacere rispetto per chi è stato con noi in B e con la nostra malgia ha sempre dato tutto, nonostante la sfortuna si sia accanita su di lui!
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Felipe Melo è della Juventus. Alla Fiorentina 20,5 mln di € in contanti e l'intero Cartellino di Marco Marchionni (valutato 5 mln di €).
Finalmente un centrocampista di livello, a mio personalissimo parere il migliore in circolazione per la squadra bianconera.
Per la secondo volta in 1 mese (e che non diventi un vizio) I offer my congratulations to the leadership. Now under a left outer layer, the assignment of players in surplus (Poulsen and Almiron) and confirmation of Trezeguet.
Monday, July 6, 2009
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E 'was officially announced that co-owned by Marco Marchionni to Fiorentina for € 2.5 million. I know not to be trusted when I talk about Roman wing, as has always been my ball, but I find it sleazy to sell off certain players (5 million between him and Mellberg) to purchase other figures in sensational (3 mln for Gross, straight definition).
Hello Mark, I wish you luck Prandelli employed by dad, one who knows how to appreciate and with which you can retrieve your splendor. From We have found little space and lots of bad luck, but I did not forget and thank you for ever and all the other heroes who have fallen in B with us.
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Dario Galati: if you look at the moon instead of the finger
Our editorial team has so far followed in a precise and painstaking the parade of prosecution witnesses called to testify by prosecutors. We have heard varied characters, some of them really picturesque, whose credibility will be carefully checked by the Court. The day is June 30 but was called in court a witness who, in our opinion, must be read and considered carefully, not only for the contribution deriving from his professional career but also in relation to its identity as a human and moral point of view.We are talking about Dario Galati, currently employed by the FIGC, and which spoke in the early days of the outbreak of Farce (May 2006) as a possible key witness in support of an accusation that was looking for props from the early days they could keep up the castle mounted in the press. It was immediately named as a person informed to make its contribution, and he pulled back. It was heard by the Carabinieri, the PM, by Judge. All told the truth, a glimpse of life and the Federal Arbitration from 1992 to 2005. A truth, however, not practical for the Court of the horrors of Rupert, far from Moggicentrismo Gazzetta dello Sport, and very oriented to lift the veil on the real contradictions federal organization, the world of arbitration, and football in general. A stage in which Moggi was acting as an actor, like everyone else, adapting to the rhythms of a sick director since 1999 that had set up a redundant plot of conflicts of interest, low blows, envy and suspicion.
E 'therefore interesting to analyze his deposition, often on issues that our staff had already addressed, and are confirmed by the Galatians, along with some "cherry" going to embellish the cake for a game that the suspects now in 2004 and 2005, had started to be really heavy.
Here, then, that
PM questioned by Caputo (which replaces Beatrice) Dario Galati told her story. Dario has 41 years, is FIGC since 1992, initially was not taken regularly, but was paid daily allowances. He began work at the Arbitration Committee, and was a responsible Series C Benedetti, Lombardo-Tedeschi 1 year, 3 years and then from 1998-99 Lanese Pierluigi Pairetto, who chose him as his assistant although he was still in effect a "precarious" .
1999 was the key year. Lega Calcio was working on a project of "professional arbitration." The FIGC welcomed this project, although it was clear that this shift was a true anomaly. The project seemed to go against the AIA, and gave birth to a conflict of interest that undermined the impartiality of the arbitrator. There were several protests by union officials that caused the resignation of a hit Boggs (read the contents of his letter ).
dinner was organized as the famous "Seven Sisters" (Juventus, Inter Milan, Roma, Lazio, Parma and Fiorentina) during which it was decided, at the expense of all other companies, the attitude that was to be given to nascent National Arbitration Committee of A and B.
CAN started from scratch, it did not have the program symphony, the software application that enables automatic calculation AIA all the details of the referees, and then highlight the possible foreclosure and other statistics.
Paolo Bergamo was indicated by the League and its president Franco Carraro, as Manager Designation. However, the President of Roma, Franco Sensi, the candidate considered ALLOY too close "politically" for the club in the north and called for the election of a "double designator" proposed by the FIGC and was a real guarantor.
Nizzola proposed Pairetto which was then coupled to Bergamo. Pairetto came to the ANC, taking with him Dario Galati, who meanwhile had taken care to have employed regularly, and then against it had a debt of gratitude. In addition to the Galatians alla segreteria della CAN arrivarono Maria Grazia Fazi, segretaria di Bergamo e Manfredi Martino che si occupava dei rimborsi spese.
Maria Grazia Fazi, che era in una situazione molto simile a quella di Galati, inquadrata praticamente come commesso, cercava di farsi notare ed era molto ambiziosa, per cui cercava di imporsi a volte anche verso i designatori facendo più di quello che le veniva chiesto.
In ogni caso i designatori consegnarono ai tre collaboratori un documento che era un vero e proprio mansionario, in cui era scritto che la Fazi era delegata a parlare con le società. Da notare che la CAN veniva pagata dalla LEGA, cioè dalle società stesse, autorizzandole inconsciamente a considerarla come una cosa propria.
Galati remained the CAN Secretariat until January 2000, when newspapers reported the story of the famous Rolex given away to the arbitrators by the President of Roma Franco Sensi. A few days before Christmas in Galati was asked to send to the See of Rome's Lazio and home addresses of nominators, referees and linesmen. He refused. She felt something like an invitation to the "gifts" and do not consider it morally acceptable. Someone else did it instead. And, also called over-examination Att. Prioreschi (Moggi defense), makes it clear that Rome gave to the design of the watches Rolex market value of about 25 million lire, the referees Rolex watches from 5 million pounds and assistants cheapest Rolex watches not worth a few million dollars. He tells his bitterness, as they usually spent on gifts to officials and secretaries were distributed under the eyes of everyone, while never reaching that market value. Urged by the PM
recalls other incidents of his stay at that office. In particular, referring to the fact that there were several companies who were accustomed to call, some of which even so insistent, and remember how to Serie C this contact was unusual and usually entrusted to paper.
Also in the examination of the PM, Galati has confirmed its attendance at meetings of CAN, Bergamo, Pairetto, niche (current President of AIA ed), Celli, Drive and Fazi. Explain in detail that his job was to manage the software, and report the cases to Pairetto replays to show to arbitration meetings.
Fazi had no confirmation that the specific tasks within the office and merely supervise the work. It emphasizes that the grids were prepared by the Design, which took care to provide only the results of the software. It reiterates that, together with the notes prepared Fazi and balls to make the draw and that due to a mistake on their foreclosures designators got into the habit of verifying that the secretariat had prepared. Remember that during the season 98/99, the first days of the draw was made with plastic pellets particularly bad, so then came those of metal coated, bayonet use that is marked, a circumstance that sometimes made them recognizable. At this point a very interesting intervention, during-examination of Galatians, Att. Morescanti (defense Fabiani), which underlined the fragility of the metal balls, which apparently suffered to draw any further damage caused by mixing in the urn, which is why the recognition was completely outside the empirical. How special episodes
Galatians tells what happened at the beginning of the season 99-00. Sensi was struggling with its ghosts and, in the middle of power struggle, the second day there was a Roma-Inter that was given to the referee Domenico Messina. During the game the Rome feels abused and gave birth to the usual arguments (note that the favorite team at that time was the Inter ....)
the fifth round was reinserted into the grid for the Messina-Roma and Fiorentina Galati pains to point out that it seemed inappropriate, but was not heard even from the same Pairetto instead told him that "he lists" without further comment.
Other small anomaly that tells the Galatians is the draw for arbitration before the second class, which avveniva nella sede della CAN a cura degli impiegati della segreteria. In alcuni casi Galati segnala che i designatori gli chiesero di non farlo e di dire che l’arbitro sorteggiato fosse quello indicato da loro. Galati ricorda almeno tre episodi in cui ciò avvenne, ma precisa che le spiegazioni che gli furono date erano più che plausibili soprattutto in relazione a fatto che gli arbitri e le società interessate erano comunque sempre diverse.
Un importante episodio di conflitto di interessi fu il momento della nomina del rimpiazzo di Boggi come arbitro internazionale. Solitamente ciò avveniva su segnalazione da parte del Presidente dell’AIA al Presidente della FIGC che provvedeva alla nomina. I due designatori ritenevano però che la scelta fosse esclusivamente tecnica e su questa base proposero Tombolini, che si contrappose al candidato AIA appoggiato da Gonella, che era Farina. Non riuscendo a trovare un accordo rimisero la scelta al Presidente Federale, non prima di aver aggiunto un terzo candidato, De Santis, e aver commissionato uno studio tecnico quantitativo sul rendimento degli arbitri che fu preparato dallo stesso Galati, che però lo considerava poco significativo in quanto basato semplicemente su dati statistici e privo di altre importanti informazioni di tipo caratteriale e culturale. A spuntarla in quel caso fu Massimo De Santis (e probabilmente dei tre era davvero il migliore tecnicamente, visti i disastri che gli altri due hanno combinato negli anni successivi).
Galati CAN then worked at the Secretariat for just over six months from July 1999 to January 2000. Then, being on good terms with Virginio Quartuccio asked to go to work at the AIA office, and following the youth school where he met Innocenzo Mazzini, who, when he was elected vice president of the FIGC in December 2001, and proposed to follow him at his office, for He served until May 2005.
Among the salient episodes of his years as Vice-President Federal Galati Mazzini recalls a phone call in which the federal vice-president confided that Spruce had made the checks between the salaries of employees and transfers actually granted, finding many discrepancies. The circumstances would have suggested the existence of sections of the budget at the FIGC false, but this story was never heard anything. (Editor's note despite a mysterious parliamentary interpellation made by Senator Gigi Malabarba, a member of the Parliamentary Control Committee on Intelligence on March 7, 2006 Session No. 4-10255 act. 964 XV of the Legislature. The senator in question in Parliament demanded an explanation about the ' origin of certain transfers of a few thousand euro, which were traced to the accounts of some employees of the FIGC.)
Galati also points out that Mazzini had reports, and telephone, with all the presidents of companies, as part of its institutional role Federal Vice President.
In May 2005 he left the voice of the Galatians Innocenzo Mazzini largely because she felt exploited and not rewarded, as it felt to have a degree too low compared to the actual responsibilities that were entrusted to it by the letter of assignment specifications. His
became a real ordeal, it sparked a dispute with the FIGC and his story took on the contours of bullying, especially because due to serious health reasons was forced to remain for long weeks of illness. In November 2005 he returned to work in March 2006 and was transferred to the CAF, the federal appeals court in those days in the thick of the case Genoa.
the CAF Galati had major assignments, but soon saw the serious shortcomings in the procedures of protocol documents, so she wisely not to affix his initials on documents handled. He denounced this weakness but in fact, being already in full mobbing, was marginalized and then covertly accused of the disappearance of certain documents.
In particular there was an episode in which a document on the story disappeared Boudianski-Zetulayev, (the players had been licensed by Reggina Juventus but they were, and it had appealed, winning it on the basis of a conflict between a norm of the state structure and a sporting rule). The mystery is explained by the lawyer. Prioreschi over-examination: the document was not unlawfully removed from the archives, but was sent to Rome prosecutors in the process GEA.
Up to this point the Galatians witness statements are very interesting. But even become explosive atmosphere in the made-examination by the lawyer. Prioreschi that skillfully brings out some important circumstances.
The first concerns the Republic of journalist Corrado Zunino.
Galati confirms that called him the second day after the release of interceptions, 4 May 2006, while there was still the confidentiality of investigations on the material that was circulated. Zunino called him and told him to meet and want to know his story, Galati accepted because he hoped to address his question to work, to explain his concept of addiction as a public service, talking about the first time a union had entered into a federation privatized. The reporter promised to do an article about his harassment and the rights of workers, and that would never have used his case, but immediately disappointed his expectations and after some time in October 2006, the call in the evening Republic of Sport at the headquarters in Rome, asking him to help him about Calciopoli transcribed interceptions, which were in possession of some Zunino CD containing all final-examination of files.Il Prioreschi is explosive. Moggi's lawyer asks if he knows Galati Alessandro Lulli, a former lineman, who worked for the FIGC, Italy Club officer for relations with international referees. Galati nods and talks about an incident that had underestimated the time, but in light of what happened during these years is really disturbing.
Lulli confided to him that in April 2005 he went to do the tour of the referee for the match v Inter Milan Champions League and said that the trio had not been happy with the treatment received by the host society (AC Milan); Then began a strange speech that he had spoken with a manager of Inter, probably identified in the figure of Rinaldo Ghelfi, and they told him they had commissioned a private investigation to a survey / dossier against the referee, giving even the cost of about € 500 000. Investigation, however, illegal and therefore unusable. It remains to understand what were the findings of this survey.
(Some time ago Moratti confirmed that there had been a survey or something, but specifying that the results were negative. Without this consideration, there are three possible hypotheses. The first is that the dossier is the same Ghelfi file, and then confirmed by Moratti is unusable because it contains nothing. The second is that the file is different from that of Ghelfi Moratti confirmed. The third is that the dossier contained Moratti confirmed with something interesting but Moratti has lied, so that someone asked him on behalf of the illegally acquired information).
Among those listening to the testimony so far we Galati one of the richest and most suitable to fully understand the reality of the case Calciopoli. The astute reader will have noticed that Dario Galati never names Luciano Moggi, and certainly not because it is his court-appointed lawyer. Not appointing him because his analysis focuses on the conflict of interest, internal contradictions FIGC, the power struggles, weak points in the federal system and the League. All
stuff that is not "popular sentiment" and that serves to eliminate enemies uncomfortable and unfortunately very good.
In the best tradition, while everyone looks at the finger, Dario Galati look at the moon, and clearly helps us to understand.
Source: www.ju29ro.com
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Popcorn Prepack Redenbacher
re-emergence of the themes of Farsopoli and now that the process enters the hot phase, we must continue to take the lead.
last few days I follow the story Gilioli on his personal blog, which I think has done a lot. For those who were not informed that the Espresso journalist earlier this week published a piece on gional general circulation in which casts doubt on any aspect the process of Naples, making it clear to many inaccuracies. I will not matter, as others have already done and I gave in against one of the previous posts, but I was surprised (positively) the attack that the reporter has it on his blog.
My opionion is simple: good at all. No one is allowed to insult Gilioli, but rather argued its case with some facts and figures, the usual speculation lasica opponents bar, the "everybody knows" and, above all, my absolute favorite, "what has been was now nothing can change the decisions of sports justice. "
Assuming that I do not believe in the good faith of journalists, so as not to think of ice cream, the bartenders. That is, do not believe in good faith in general and do not like to think in categories. But I hope that the Gilioli has given its free-thinking and in this context have good players and assign, with the appropriate ways, that things were not quite that way. As mentioned, the full file of all hearings of the trial are available to all on the website of Radio Radical, and what could be less malleable whole that recordings in which we can hear the interrogation from the point of view of content, that the tone in which they are placed. I myself have heard them all I can say Motl raised: whether the forum is right (not as in 2006), things si rovescieranno.
Purtroppo per molte persone, ormai Internet è una fonte inesauribile di notizie e grazie ad esso non dobbiamo passare dal filtro dei giornalisti dei quali, lo dico da sempre, non mi fido. Ne abbiamo avuto lampante prova nel 2006, ne abbiamo costante riprova ogni giorno.
Cari giornalisti, il popolo non ha l'anello al naso e con un minimo di impegno può reperire da solo le notizie, ognuno così è giornalista di se stesso. Negli anni avete abusato della vostra posizione per fare disinformazione e ora molti hanno aperto gli occhi, dubitando di goni cosa voi scriviate. Non è che essendo iscritti all'abo avete più potere di noi, anzi l'avevate, ma questo potere morirà assieme alle vecchie generation. Resign, you're finished. And I enjoy.
That said, I would like to return to full activity retum of the blog, but to do this I need help. Anyone who wanted to propose, without any commitment, please contact me at mail: antiinfjuve@hotmail.it
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For those interested in listening to the processes of Naples without passing the filter of the biased and hired giornaliai Italian, please use the following link, courtesy of Radio Radical and available to everyone. I recommend listening to the hearings well in the classroom, to understand the differences with what we pretend to be newspaper overt truth.
June 16 2009, teste Gianluca Paparesta
26 maggio 2009, teste Danilo Nucini
19 maggio, teste Romeo Paparesta
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Calciopoli: "L'Espresso" nello stagno interista
Alessandro Gilioli (first from right)
I wonder in which category of interaction was stuck Gilioli? Maybe in the "psychiatric" or "small"? We do not know, ask to read the book to find out would be too. Of this paper, Inter fan, there was enough just to read the article "Forget Calciopoli " on the number of "L'Espresso", 27 June. Indigestible stuff to read for those of us who are following the process of Calciopoli the facts. Then we saw that those who had written article is not really so much a person "above the parties" but a fan nerassurro and it was like taking an Alka Seltzer . We digested the whole pond!
Now we have introduced the character with certain colors, we can understand why the piece of writing in these attacks "Judges listless. Parties civil eliminated. Pm transferred. And a climate much forgiven. Thus it is shipwrecked on which the process was to re-establish the Italian football. " We got it wrong or maybe the Gilioli is among those who believe that the re-establishment of the systems do not make laws but the processes? If things are not as judges are lazy, not good that the plaintiffs have been removed and who cares if they were the same pm (Beatrice) to request the transfer perhaps the first hint of the stench of burning!
Et voila, the Gilioli immediately identifies "the revealing phrase" so that worry him dell'andazzo process Calciopoli. Refers to when the president Casoria at the end of the hearing on 19 May let out a "there are processes to do more serious, this section," stating that it was related to those processes that people locked in prison. But this article does not say, but the author is appalled by the sentence and not much ability to write: "just like that: processes more serious, as if the one taking place in Naples on Calciopoli was half a joke, a 'useless parade. " Sigh, "says the magistrate if - consider the Gilioli - is not that the rest of the world can take too seriously the judicial outcome."
Gilioli That is not touched by the slightest doubt that everything is really a "half-joke" can be understood from subsequent lines in which incorporates the refrain hottest summer 2006 alluding to "the one that was well the biggest scandal in the history of Italian football, the team with more championships over the country in class ". The paradox comes when the ' aficionados Inter complains that "the newspapers - with very few exceptions - do not give this process Calciopoli bollard more than half a month, and no one speaks even more in the sports bar on the telly. "
Hey, boys ! It will not be the case because the facts as they emerge from the hearings," casually "not listed in 'article, are demonstrating that things did not go as now only those who have blinders on does not want to see? Some even say that Inter curve can listen to the hearings files downloaded from the website of Radio Radical, unless you want take advantage of time to time in reports we write ju29ro.com!
The fact that they were done out of the process for the plaintiffs is the journalist of L'Espresso "a very real test dell'andazzo" because after all, is highlighted in the article, "Juventus, Lazio and Fiorentina have already condemned by the sporting justice." Ah yes, the process sporty as the mother of all processes. Strange concept of justice that emerges from this passage. It takes a reference to sports hurried process in a fortnight, crippled by a Court and in which the defense has hardly had a chance to plead anything. But this should not happen only in dictatorships and in the courts of a rule of law! But not content with the
Gilioli goes even further with the argument "This is not crumbs: in case of civil damages, the three clubs would have to pay on trial ... a figure between 150 and 300 million euro: that is, the lost revenue, public and TV rights, arising from relegation. Obvious that such a spill of cash (for which Juventus, Fiorentina and Lazio were called jointly) would have drastically reduced the available cash of the companies convicted, reducing their chances of buying new players and to pay handsomely for the samples already employed. One nightmare scenario, both Juventus and Fiorentina (that next year they are playing the Champions League) as for Lazio (which also has before it a European competition and behind a mountain of old debt). It 's the point that everyone's favorite piece: a confirmation of that from the couch cover of "Just lose," the Inter Gilioli fan has not raised more!
laughing at the reasons for the exclusion of civil parties are not so much the experts referenced in the article (university professors, judges, lawyers etc) but those who read allegations that the exclusion "would not have had a proportionate eco print only for the condescending respect for great players such as ownership of the companies concerned, especially the Fiat Group and the Tod's ". I wonder why the newspapers in the orbit at the outbreak of Calciopoli Fiat were the first to raise the finger and pin it against Moggi and Giraudo? Someone explain to Gilioli seondo that "the orientation of the jury is still in Naples became clear: you can order one now out of the loop - how Moggi and Giraudo - but the football system must not be disturbed." Of course, now those are the atmosphere and guidelines that dictate the decisions in the process, who cares of the facts!
Gilioli And, for what he writes, "seem" concerned as it seems the public prosecutor Giuseppe Narducci worried about the performance of the process. Why? But why "the three judges Casoria Teresa, Maria Pia Francesca Pandolfi Gualtieri and often exhibit their boredom, they understand clearly little or no calcium and do not seem particularly interested in understanding the connected to the 'dome' as they emerge from eavesdropping. " Compared to ascertain the facts in civil and then, according to the Gilioli, it is notable that the judges do not get involved in football to silence the rest. Aberrrante! But why not find a Another former board member for the presidency of the Inter section IX of the Court of Naples?
The latest from the pond is reserved for the conclusion "It's hard to leave it at least Moggi and Giraudo without damage - Judgement Article - but could also pass the principle that Italian football is already in crisis on its own, only that we lack is asked to pay for past mistakes. " Auspica nuovi protagonisti il Gilioli, anche in Federazione e in Nazionale che "dopo un breve intermezzo sono tornate in mano agli uomini dell'era Calciopoli..." Gilioli fa le carte al processo continuando ad annusare le atmosfere. Ancora una volta sembra che non contino i fatti processuali per arrivare alle sentenze, ma "il principio secondo cui..." L'allusione poi a Lippi in particolare come "uomo dell'era di Calciopoli" è la degna fine di un pezzo da "caccia alle streghe".
Che dire ancora? Pezzi come questi, scritti da chi si fa scudo di un'autorevole testata, per celare la propria maglietta da tifoso, ci fanno vergognare anche per chi, scrivendo, vergogna non ne ha.
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Paparesta deny the influences of and exonerates Moggi Bertini
Besides, if one listens to the hearing yesterday for what it really was (Radical Radio always be praised) and then begins to read the notes of the leading magazines, can not but feel the presence of something pathological in ' obstinacy with which the facts that stem from it are deformed. One wonders, for one thing, if only for reasons of time that nobody brings that which produces the controesame dei difensori, limitandosi tutti al riassunto della tesi dei pm. Che resoconto è mai questo? Lo sanno, questi esperti di giudiziaria, che, a differenza della Figc nel 2006, il CSM, almeno per ora, non è commissariato da un tifoso dell’Inter?
La deposizione di Paparesta, guidata nella sua prima parte dalle domande del pm Narducci, inizia con la rievocazione delle sue traversie seguite a Farsopoli: dopo lo scoppio dello scandalo, non è più stato riammesso ad arbitrare. Inizialmente, essendo indagato, le ragioni di opportunità ci stava pure, ma dopo l’archiviazione dell’inizio 2008, è stato dismesso comunque.
Reggina-Juve 6 November 2004: here, Gianluca confirms what has already been told by his father. Reminiscent of the protests in post-game of Moggi and Giraudo, vehement, but no insults, and denies ever having been closed in the locker room, on the other hand there were other people with him. In-examination of Trofino (Moggi's lawyer), admits that the conspicuousness of the reaction of leaders Juventus was proportionate to the conspicuousness of his mistakes in the sense that the world of football is something that, for ethically sanctioned, it happens and how, and often less obvious reasons.
The failure to report on protests Juventus, despite the attempts of the prosecutor to give him his decision to intimidation Juve, the Advocate-examination Trofino, concedes that if, instead of Juve, there was Inter or AC Milan, his assessment would have been the same. The suspension was by CAN for those errors, also believes that it was normal practice and not pressure eagle. On the other hand, points out how the lawyer of Bergamo, in 2004-05 Paparesta refereed a considerable number of matches, including 40 leagues, cups, tournaments, a number that makes him a top referee, one that is enhanced, not certainly penalized. Also, after that Reggina - Juventus, who suffered the stop was absolutely minimal: November 14, and the week after that, already refereed Torino-Venezia. On 25 November, even a game internationally as Benfica - Dinamo Zagreb. On November 28, Messina-Fiorentina Serie A
The witness then detailed the history of relations with his father and Moggi Fabiani, point by point reiterating what has already been told in person by Romeo, so we refer to the corresponding guide . On call after
Reggina - Juventus Moggi, Paparesta confirms mobile phone use of his father, who had invited him to be felt Moggi to respond to media attacks and accusations of bad faith on the part of leaders Juventus. Fabiani-examination by lawyers of Bergamo and, finally understand that Gianluca Paparesta not even knew that the phone came from Moggi, or that contained a Swiss sim. The origin of cellular Gianluca discovered it only after the outbreak of Farsopoli. In addition to Moggi's phone call hangs up the phone, Gianluca, at the invitation of the father who lent him the equipment, he used that user the next day, Bagno di Romagna, after contacting the afternoon with Fabiani. Fabiani's role in that case, as highlighted in the ds-examination of the lawyer of the former Messina, was just to involved to extinguish the controversy that erupted in those days. The evening, Gianluca Moggi had an interview with calmer, even if everybody sticks to their positions.
Other contacts have been assumed by the prosecution denied: January 17, 2005, Quarto d'Altino, where the referee was in the company of his father, he left a phone call to Fabiani, but it was an appointment of Father Romeo Gianluca and recalls that his father had a phone outlet and tried repeatedly to call the hotel.
Regarding the telephone call between Moggi and Bergamo in February 2005, the famous one in which they speak of the arbitration grid draw for the upcoming day of the championship, with Moggi who claims to know that Gianluca will return Friday from a trip to Turkey for a youth tournament, the witness denies having heard Moggi, assumed that the information had been given by the father (who later confirmed it to him), and another noted that this information was wrong, because in reality only returned to Italy on Saturday (as claimed by the commissioner Bergamo).
For the rest, in addition to contacts post-Reggio, none ever had with Moggi and other Fabiani, nor on that of Switzerland or by other users. Paparesta Fabiani knew of view, as a manager any who crossed only when arbitration the parties of his team. It never tried to contact Paparesta Fabiani, even through his father.
There was also another hypothesis which is based on the adversarial allocation a Swiss Sim to another referee, Paolo Bertini. Well, never had contact with Paparesta Bertini on Swiss Sim.
Warning: Paparesta said that Bertini was among the arbitrators, the closest to him, friend and confidant. The two often felt, did you courage in difficult moments of their careers. Well, at the express request of the defender of the arbitrator Tuscan Paparesta said Bertini has never talked about mobile phones in Switzerland, I remember having ever called on foreign utilities.
This figure is not just because it goes to dismantle an assumption adopted by the sporting justice at the so-called "Calciopoli" 2 , Bertini was sanctioned when (at first instance and was later acquitted of the "ne bis in idem") because of these accusations of ordinary justice.
Before Reggina - Juventus, it was hypothesized that the long arm of the phantom moggiana dome had begun to target the referee after the FA Cup final Bari Italy, 2004, in May of that ' year. It was said that Paparesta had been subjected to suspension of the ANC as a result of dissatisfaction of Juve, who lost the cup.
In fact, since the Trofino-examination, we find that Paparesta had been suspended due to violation of disciplinary rule that prevents the referees to make statements to reporters after the match . Paparesta was interviewed by RAI, and so the nominators had sanctioned. In addition, the lawyer reminded the arbiter of Bergamo statement in that post-game, the Lazio Giannichedda " I have to thank the referee was not good to give me the second yellow . Then, there were also errors that explain the pro-Lazio Moggi distrust toward him.
Beyond all, the fact remains that, as noted by the Advocate, the penalty was not particularly heavy: Bergamo authorized Paparesta going to referee a tournament in Ostuni indicted a few days after the match, However in June and refereed a game of B and 27 July was also a mandate to lead the Intertoto match.
Paparesta There have been some questions about the relationship between referees and designators in the period in question. The referee Bari describes itself as an introverted person who is not one of the referees with a relationship of confidentiality with special designators. Asked to name names, describes as the most Trefoloni near Bergamo and Pairetto, and secondly, De Santis and others.
curious then that the prosecutor has asked to recall as Paparesta designators evaluated together with the referees, two hotly contested games of that year, namely, Lazio, Fiorentina and Lazio-Brescia, directed respectively by Tombolini and Rosetti. Gianluca Coverciano remembered that there dwelt a lot on a missed penalty in the first to Lazio, and Fiorentina to a lack of rigor in the second. Curious, they said, mostly for the fact that the application has not been paid for Reggina-Juve. Evidently, the designators Paparesta not subjected to great pressure, for those mistakes against Juve. Required
Advocate of Pairetto, Paparesta then denies having ever received requests from Pairetto favor any team in particular.
And finally, when the lawyer is seeking advice on Bergamo's arbitration system now in place per paragonarlo a quello sotto processo, l'ex fischietto barese non rileva particolari differenze.
A proposito, a questo resoconto manca un dettaglio fondamentale: Gianluca Paparesta è stato chiamato a deporre in quanto testimone dell'accusa, risultando, come si è visto, molto più utile alla difesa. E ciò fa tanta più impressione, se consideriamo che sempre l'altro ieri il grande accusatore di Moggi, Franco Baldini, non si è nemmeno presentato.
Fonte: www.ju29ro.com
Vintage Stereo Receivers
Il mio nome è Bond, Danilo Bond
so we could feel protected at least once, and you, with a look of sweet and severe,
replied to me that this thing could not ask, you were not capable.
He was not able to Thy great dignity, he was not able your natural honesty, sportsmanship
intact from the first day that you joined Inter
Nucini Danilo, a former whistle Bergamo active in Series A and B in the second half of the '90s to the 2004-05 season, appeared in court the day before yesterday (May 26) to recount the ostracism by the entire world to him confidential arbitration, so as to deprive him of the possibilities for advancement to high levels. It has been repeatedly called a free spirit, a man without a master, but the story told has many flaws, and tell it committed numerous inaccuracies and contradictions, reacting with arrogance and irritation to those who pointed out him.
Many species did the story of his assiduous, and was an arbitrator in business, with a maximum of Inter manager, the late Giacinto Facchetti, which he described as a constant point of reference to whom he turned to take comfort from his career problems.
Not to mention the numerous inaccuracies and oddities that dot the history of encounters with Fabiani and Moggi and Italian with the matter of SIM on non-complaint. But let's order.
Nucini accuses the National Arbitration Committee has always operated with logic patronage careers without merit, repeatedly declaring himself a victim of the system.
mean admitting that they had problems with all the commissioners who succeeded to the leadership of the ANC, without exception, by Casarin, a Baldas / Mattei, Pairetto and Bergamo. Nucini says candidly that he had a fight with everyone. Moreover, he admits that he never even tied with colleagues, he has always kept in isolation from others. According to him, the problem was not him but the fact remains that anyone around him was not good. In short, the classic troublemaker. Except for the first year, the ANC commissioner, time of emergency that led to the cooptation of many referees from the lower leagues, allowing access to the highest level, refereeing in Serie A and B, a goal that otherwise could hardly be achieved. To try to
give substance to his allegations against the world of arbitration, the journalist mentions the old story of Thomas Tuttosport, that in the infamous 1997-98 season, according to a survey by the competing (!) Journal, was accused of having inappropriate relationships with some referees , which, however, when subjected to disciplinary proceedings, were acquitted. This will not be the only time Nucini use arguments related not so much facts, but to press campaigns and views close to the Inter reasons (the deal By Thomas broke out at the notorious controversy over Ronaldo's penalty and subsequent whining ).
BOLOGNA JUVENTUS 1-0 of 14/01/2001
Nucini tells of being ostracized by designators Bergamo and Pairetto after having conceded a penalty against Juventus in the domestic match against Bologna on January 14, 2001. He attributes the incident to a suspension of 40 days he suffered. But then he admits that he also responded poorly to Pairetto which, at the next weekly meeting in Coverciano, had pointed out the error. But there was the penalty? Before talking about an interview in which, according to a story his wife's telephone immediately following the match, Iuliano, the author of the phallus, to prove him right, he is forced to admit that they have suffered all unanimous criticism from the press, and not only for the penalty, an arbitrage disaster, For all of them. I invite the reader to read
The article in the Corriere on that game, since eloquent subtitle: "The referee Nucini the worst in the field." But read it all worth it. Reporters and Padovan Franchetti devote two thirds of the space they have available to comment of referee mistakes, most unique setting, such as to obscure the performance of the players. For another, its direction is defined as blatantly pro-Juve until a few minutes from the end (it has the reputation of being a referee home), when the referee awards a penalty much doubt Bologna, in a 1-0 (penalty wrong then da Cruz ).
We are confident that the designs criticized him only for that penalty? Indeed, the witness said he resisted the invitation to Bergamo to apologize for the reaction to Pairetto Coverciano. So Nucini arbitrated evil and wrong answer to the findings of the designs. What's more, laments the lack of solidarity among colleagues, in his view too competitive with new entries.
He is asked if the leaders Juventus after the match went to protest, but the answer is no. To give a semblance of substance to his "feelings", is attached to a post-game gadgets, those who always give the host club to the arbitrators and, in the case of Juve, consisted of a shirt and a backpack containing the videotape the match: in that case, Nucini he found a black and white jacket with a black square instead of the name of the player. In practice, describes the episode as it was a retaliatory thriller, lacking only the blood.
So, from that race, from that penalty against Juventus, according to him would have ostracized. Worse, the following year led him to arbitrate only Serie B. True? No, false. Just check: Lecce - Parma, 18th day, January 14, 2002, and Verona - Fiorentina, 25th day, March 3, 2002 (and other 3 in 2002-03). In fact refereed matches in Serie A until the last years of his career, 2004-05, for example, when he directed a highly contested Fiorentina - Messina.
Insomma, su questo il teste mente.
Non solo, sempre nel 2000-01, dopo quel Juve-Bologna diresse altre 4 gare di serie A, di cui una della Juve stessa (Juve-Reggina, vittoria della Juve) e, quando gli avvocati difensori glielo fanno notare, si rifugia nell'evocazione di una fantomatica strategia dei designatori per dismetterlo senza destare sospetti. Delirante.
Ma quale fu la prima partita di A che diresse dopo quel Juve-Bologna?
INTER – UDINESE 2-1 del 25/02/01
Questo è il vero momento chiave, molto più del rigore dato contro la Juve. Infatti, in seguito a una mancata ammonizione all’interista Di Biagio, Nucini viene redarguito negli spogliatoi dal commissario arbitrale, e poi telefonicamente da Bergamo. Come negli altri casi, l’arbitro non accetta la critica, ribatte a muso duro al commissario, e Facchetti, che assiste alla scena, il giorno dopo lo chiama.
Un dirigente interista che telefona a un arbitro, per altro dopo un errore arbitrale in suo favore. Gli avvocati vanno a nozze: “ E’ normale questo? Era consentito dal regolamento? ” No, ammette, ma Bergamo è una città piccola e la conoscenza con Facchetti risaliva già al '98, no, al '99, no, al '97. Ci si incontrava, si beveva un caffè (come Baldini e Auricchio a Roma?). Gli chiedono perché non ha segnalato all’Ufficio Indagini la telefonata del dirigente interista, particularly since the witness had previously said he had reported the presence of the designated locker room after a Moggi in Naples and Ancona arbitration by him (who had simply, and politely greeted, he admits), and that his "complaint" had below; " eh, but the call depends on the content "; " eh, but Moggi was to stay in Naples." The Government pointed out that the top had complained of the behavior of referees accused (then acquitted) of having attended a journalist, who preaches well and scratching so bad. E 'forced to agree.
Then the dossier. Former referee about a dossier , compiled by him, errors arbitration pro-Juve (direct and indirect) on the season May 5, 2001-2002, and how designators, in his view, assess them in juve-optic wire. The idea would be born with indignation to a penalty conceded by a Bolognino Juventus-Chievo 15 September 2001. The document is on the file. In the file there is a Parma-Juve, in which the text to say there was a penalty not given to landlords by Racalbuto; operative legal Racalbuto that points out that in reality the game was won by Parma and that Juve claim for failure to eject Almeyda. Response. " I wrote what interested me . The Advocate va oltre: " Sa qual è la sospensione più lunga comminata a un arbitro? 8 mesi, che vennero inflitti a Racalbuto per un rigore dubbio concesso alla Juve contro la Roma ". Nucini abbozza.
Gli si chiede se con Facchetti si cominciarono a vedere dopo quell’episodio, ma lui ammette che si frequentavano già prima, al bar, anche nell’ufficio di Facchetti a Bergamo, dove faceva l’assicuratore. Parlavano di “impressioni verbali, sensazioni, episodi e poi l'elenco delle partite ”. Con che frequenza si vedevano? Frequentemente, anche settimanalmente.
Poi la questione Fabiani, e il racconto di Nucini si trasforma in una spy-story.
was Facchetti, according to the account of the former referee, who had the idea. Nucini, after the "tragic" May 5, he presented the dossier to his friend on Juve, he said hardly convincing (in fact Inter had ever complain before then ...) the alleged rotten in football (during-examination of defendants , the witness admitted repeatedly that it was only his "feelings" are not substantiated by evidence). Facchetti would have advised him to become a "friend" of the arbitrators, in particular, De Santis (Dossier Telecom). And a Christmas dinner (2002?), Would then increasingly Facchetti said: " information about who is Fabiani "(singular: he, too dossier Telecom).
During a dinner, so he asked Nucini colleagues who this Fabiani, acknowledging jitter (?) By Racalbuto. The next day, De Santis, under the pretext of a tear on the car of Nucini to the training ground at Linate airport, asked him why he was interested in the subject, confiding to know him was to be his colleague at a juvenile prison, before scolding him again for the penalty given against Juve now more than a year ago (remember the article in the Corriere Nucini the worst in the field "!).
Later, after a Cosenza - Triestina (including Fabiani was DS) arbitrated by the March 16, 2003 Nucini same, the airport would take place the first meeting, during which the DS would give him his phone number. Fabian's lawyer, in-examination, challenged the presence of his client at the airport that day, producing travel documents prepared for the trip from Trieste, which did not provide the return flight for him. Moreover, in the pm about a Nucini Fabiani that promises to get him a good rating by the commissioner of arbitration, but the Advocate-examination reverses, in reality this was only a brief, friendly greeting.
After that, it would have been called by Nucini Fabiani that would bar called the Crystal Hotel in Bergamo, dove l’avrebbe rassicurato che ci avrebbe pensato lui a fargli tornare ad arbitrare la serie A. Tramite "il suo uomo". Peccato che, come già detto, nel 2002-03 Nucini la serie A l'aveva già fatta: Piacenza – Empoli del 26 ottobre 2002, Piacenza – Como del 2 marzo 2003 (quindi solo 14 giorni prima della partita di Cosenza) e Como – Perugia del 12 aprile.
L’"uomo di Fabiani", ovviamente, sarebbe Moggi, che in quell’occasione sarebbe stato contattato al cellulare, per farlo parlare direttamente con Nucini. Davanti al pm, il teste rievoca un ambiguo invito di Moggi: “ Fai quello che dice lui ” (ma poi al controesame, al solito, parzialmente ritratta, parlando of a simple exchange of courtesy phrases), and a show of Fabiani, once closed the call with Moggi, he would have bragged of being able to appoint the arbitrators. So the prosecutor asked him what happened after that meeting, and the witness replied that he actually went to finally make a lot of A. Too bad that in the classroom just mention that Piacenza - Como, a race that had taken place two weeks before Cosenza - Triestina, and well before the first meeting at the bar . You arrive at the 2003-2004 season. Nucini is expected to start from A, but send him to B in Palermo - Cagliari. His leadership is challenged by the observer Ingargiola, but Fabiani, he said, he would have called to reassure him: " Do not worry, do not you mess, I'll . The test performed at Coverciano no trouble, but is punished anyway: then Fabiani is a Cazzaro? And why did not designate the A?
At that point, finally, Fabiani it was decided to submit to "her man". Appointment to Gregg, the Milan-Turin, where he was loaded into the machine heads, visiting a village to make a cash and buy a phone charger from a tobacconist (bizarre and confused the story). Then back to their cars at this point would have led to Turin Fabiani, Concord Hotel, where a room would follow them Moggi himself, after the pleasantries would have made a couple of calls to both demonstration designators, treating them badly, making the case for Nucini and inviting them to enhance it (and incidentally, almanacs in hand, the only league where Nucini not miss a game refereed by A was exactly what : the face of the dome moggiana!) also would have ordered not to designate a Pairetto Dondarini for Juve. And where Donda went on to do damage that Sunday, according to the witness? Of course, in Udine, to punish the entire, the greatest victim of abuse moggiani (and incidentally, chronicles the hand, in the range of that game - the way: the range?! - The friend of Inter Nucini became the star of a visit protest in the dressing room of the arbitrators, as the "official", the Corriere was defined as "inappropriate"). Moggi
When vanishes, Fabiani was awarded to Nucini an Italian SIM.
So, not foreign? No, Italian. Bah.
exhilarating, finally, the reconstruction of the instructions that would have given Fabiani: "I explained that cells divide cells here ... ... ... cells there." Maybe he meant "cells", however it is a masterpiece of nonsense.
NEVER USED THE SIM, rather it '; never reported, rather it', indeed, NO, I DO NOT WANT TO SAY
Therefore, the sim Fabiani. Italian. Here everything is even more confused and grotesque.
Nucini Facchetti said he immediately called on the highway, returning from the meeting at the Hotel Concord, to tell the Sim. Some time later, at the home of Facchetti, would have then made a more detailed account. " Here is the problem " would have concluded the two. We should now be towards the end of 2003, and it is interesting to see when, according to some press reports in 2006, began the activities of the Inter Tavaroli, because there are curious inconsistencies (like the famous "dossier Thieves" is in fact already a year before). But
Sim? Nucini used it? No. Actually, yes. Maybe a couple times. The witness continues to contradict itself. Moreover, as they then see lawyers, had told investigators that he marked the number (press only Facchetti) and that he had thrown away. No, now I remember better, not right away, before there were a couple of calls Fabiani. But Nucini
Facchetti and decided not to press charges? At that point they would hand in a nice bomb: the sim. Someone should send him to the nearest whole Boccassini, the Milan prosecutors. He goes there, but the sim had already thrown. Why? Could not keep and to enable the magistrate to catch that number? But then he said the public prosecutor in Milan? Mystery. Nucini not want to talk about it. " talked about football. " In short, a "here you study stage" with a dash of "a day in district court." And the office's investigation
Figc? He was there on purpose. But no, he Nucini, the man without a bridle, he did not trust anyone.
None of them. Indeed, one of you: "I told Giacinto Facchetti, it was the only the only one who could remove everything! If I had addressed inquiries to the office, to anyone, no one would listen, but I would be thrown out! .
They ask if it is true, as reported by some newspapers, that she wanted to work for Inter, maybe make the referees involved. Nucini first vehemently denies any ipotesi di tal genere, poi deve ammettere che Facchetti gli aveva offerto un posto di lavoro . Tiene a specificare che lui avrebbe rifiutato sdegnoso.
Gli avvocati lo incalzano: “ Negli incontri con Moggi e Fabiani, non le è venuto in mente di portare un registratore?" . Risposta. “ Il registratore non è elegante. E poi non faccio l’investigatore .”
E per finire questo prolisso resoconto, una piccola chicca: infervorato, sotto i colpi del controesame dei legali che gli contestano le discrepanze tra la testimonianza resa in aula e quelle rese nel 2006 e 2007 agli inquirenti, Danilo Bond si lascia andare: “Sa cos'è? Per venire qua mi sono letto a file of 250 pages that I checked in and then I had not done! .
Lawyers speak out: "Ah yes ? And where did he get this information? And when he collected? He had it in 2007 by the Police, then? Before coming here in recent days has spoken to anyone about this process? He consulted with anyone? .
A lawyer observes strange textual similarities between two of his previous statements to investigators, as if the second was the result of the first copiaincolla. The judge tries to calm tempers. Danilo Bond does not accept any insinuations about "prompters" in 'shadow
" No, no, no I am interested in anyone, do not worry, a lawyer! I never had any master, lawyer . Maybe.
Source: www.ju29ro.com