Calciopoli: "L'Espresso" nello stagno interista
Alessandro Gilioli (first from right)
I wonder in which category of interaction was stuck Gilioli? Maybe in the "psychiatric" or "small"? We do not know, ask to read the book to find out would be too. Of this paper, Inter fan, there was enough just to read the article "Forget Calciopoli " on the number of "L'Espresso", 27 June. Indigestible stuff to read for those of us who are following the process of Calciopoli the facts. Then we saw that those who had written article is not really so much a person "above the parties" but a fan nerassurro and it was like taking an Alka Seltzer . We digested the whole pond!
Now we have introduced the character with certain colors, we can understand why the piece of writing in these attacks "Judges listless. Parties civil eliminated. Pm transferred. And a climate much forgiven. Thus it is shipwrecked on which the process was to re-establish the Italian football. " We got it wrong or maybe the Gilioli is among those who believe that the re-establishment of the systems do not make laws but the processes? If things are not as judges are lazy, not good that the plaintiffs have been removed and who cares if they were the same pm (Beatrice) to request the transfer perhaps the first hint of the stench of burning!
Et voila, the Gilioli immediately identifies "the revealing phrase" so that worry him dell'andazzo process Calciopoli. Refers to when the president Casoria at the end of the hearing on 19 May let out a "there are processes to do more serious, this section," stating that it was related to those processes that people locked in prison. But this article does not say, but the author is appalled by the sentence and not much ability to write: "just like that: processes more serious, as if the one taking place in Naples on Calciopoli was half a joke, a 'useless parade. " Sigh, "says the magistrate if - consider the Gilioli - is not that the rest of the world can take too seriously the judicial outcome."
Gilioli That is not touched by the slightest doubt that everything is really a "half-joke" can be understood from subsequent lines in which incorporates the refrain hottest summer 2006 alluding to "the one that was well the biggest scandal in the history of Italian football, the team with more championships over the country in class ". The paradox comes when the ' aficionados Inter complains that "the newspapers - with very few exceptions - do not give this process Calciopoli bollard more than half a month, and no one speaks even more in the sports bar on the telly. "
Hey, boys ! It will not be the case because the facts as they emerge from the hearings," casually "not listed in 'article, are demonstrating that things did not go as now only those who have blinders on does not want to see? Some even say that Inter curve can listen to the hearings files downloaded from the website of Radio Radical, unless you want take advantage of time to time in reports we write!
The fact that they were done out of the process for the plaintiffs is the journalist of L'Espresso "a very real test dell'andazzo" because after all, is highlighted in the article, "Juventus, Lazio and Fiorentina have already condemned by the sporting justice." Ah yes, the process sporty as the mother of all processes. Strange concept of justice that emerges from this passage. It takes a reference to sports hurried process in a fortnight, crippled by a Court and in which the defense has hardly had a chance to plead anything. But this should not happen only in dictatorships and in the courts of a rule of law! But not content with the
Gilioli goes even further with the argument "This is not crumbs: in case of civil damages, the three clubs would have to pay on trial ... a figure between 150 and 300 million euro: that is, the lost revenue, public and TV rights, arising from relegation. Obvious that such a spill of cash (for which Juventus, Fiorentina and Lazio were called jointly) would have drastically reduced the available cash of the companies convicted, reducing their chances of buying new players and to pay handsomely for the samples already employed. One nightmare scenario, both Juventus and Fiorentina (that next year they are playing the Champions League) as for Lazio (which also has before it a European competition and behind a mountain of old debt). It 's the point that everyone's favorite piece: a confirmation of that from the couch cover of "Just lose," the Inter Gilioli fan has not raised more!
laughing at the reasons for the exclusion of civil parties are not so much the experts referenced in the article (university professors, judges, lawyers etc) but those who read allegations that the exclusion "would not have had a proportionate eco print only for the condescending respect for great players such as ownership of the companies concerned, especially the Fiat Group and the Tod's ". I wonder why the newspapers in the orbit at the outbreak of Calciopoli Fiat were the first to raise the finger and pin it against Moggi and Giraudo? Someone explain to Gilioli seondo that "the orientation of the jury is still in Naples became clear: you can order one now out of the loop - how Moggi and Giraudo - but the football system must not be disturbed." Of course, now those are the atmosphere and guidelines that dictate the decisions in the process, who cares of the facts!
Gilioli And, for what he writes, "seem" concerned as it seems the public prosecutor Giuseppe Narducci worried about the performance of the process. Why? But why "the three judges Casoria Teresa, Maria Pia Francesca Pandolfi Gualtieri and often exhibit their boredom, they understand clearly little or no calcium and do not seem particularly interested in understanding the connected to the 'dome' as they emerge from eavesdropping. " Compared to ascertain the facts in civil and then, according to the Gilioli, it is notable that the judges do not get involved in football to silence the rest. Aberrrante! But why not find a Another former board member for the presidency of the Inter section IX of the Court of Naples?
The latest from the pond is reserved for the conclusion "It's hard to leave it at least Moggi and Giraudo without damage - Judgement Article - but could also pass the principle that Italian football is already in crisis on its own, only that we lack is asked to pay for past mistakes. " Auspica nuovi protagonisti il Gilioli, anche in Federazione e in Nazionale che "dopo un breve intermezzo sono tornate in mano agli uomini dell'era Calciopoli..." Gilioli fa le carte al processo continuando ad annusare le atmosfere. Ancora una volta sembra che non contino i fatti processuali per arrivare alle sentenze, ma "il principio secondo cui..." L'allusione poi a Lippi in particolare come "uomo dell'era di Calciopoli" รจ la degna fine di un pezzo da "caccia alle streghe".
Che dire ancora? Pezzi come questi, scritti da chi si fa scudo di un'autorevole testata, per celare la propria maglietta da tifoso, ci fanno vergognare anche per chi, scrivendo, vergogna non ne ha.
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