is about to start the season 2009 \\ 2010 and for the first time from the Adda of Zidane in the team we have a true champion. Not that the various Buffon, Del Piero, Chiellini and company are not, but Diego is different. The Brazilian is pure class combined with an extraordinary physical strength, as we saw yesterday in the Berlusconi Trophy, where he was by far the best in the field.
I am more than convinced that if it is not the target of physical problems, Diego may become the ultimate weapon in addition, the prophet who will make that leap to Juve the technical quality is lacking for almost 10 years.
Unlike many, they are also very happy for Felipe Melo. True that it is "a little big head" and loses a lot of balls (the last Monday night on goals by Pato), but has an incredible natural exuberance and if you concentrate very hard to pass. Sissoko let alone when it becomes available, I can not wait to see them together in the field to act as a wall in the median and shoulders to protect the Brazilian messiah.
Amauri also convince me, a true force of nature, Buffon seems much more focused than in the past two years, Chiellini is a guarantee (hopefully in a good season Cannavaro), Caceres Camoranesi is a very good prospect and if concentrated form and is lethal.
Yes, I am very confident for this season, but meanwhile we already think the first two wings of the championship, che verranno giocate di sera (troppo caldo l'agosto nostrano): la prima a Torino contro il Chievo di Mimmo Di Carlo, la seconda in casa della Roma. Io farei subito attezione ai veneti: da quando c'è l'ex mediano del Vicenza al timone è diventata una squadra molto pericolosa e gioca un buon calcio. La Roma la conosciamo benissimo, ma in questa stagione è difficile da inquadrare. In casa loro saranno difficili da affrontare, soprattutto a dinizio stagione, ma noi quest'anno dobbiamo puntare sempre e solo alla vittoria, quindi mi auguro 6 punti in queste prime due partite, ben consapevole che anche 4 sarebbero ben accetti.
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