Tonight opens the exhibition of Alexandra Mensing, irony fate comes the dreaded sea ..... No. .. It 's a joke. A visitor to the exhibition is called Marinu and above all does not run around shouting the exhibit "I came." Putting aside this
cnsiderazione psychopathological stress advertising do two steps for the show, as my usual, cigarette in hand, unfortunately, I enter the umpteenth journey into expressiveness.
I notice the abundance of colors and weaves.
hopelessly attracted by Japanese culture I come and start to see a flood of Enso scattered around the exhibition.
Provo to the explanation to a simple definition of Enso: "Driven at the time of the mental state of painter is possbile to draw a powerful and well balanced Enso only if you have the mind clear and free of thoughts and intentions. It 's the real moment of emptiness with fullness. And 'the reflection of your inner state of harmony "(taken dahttp: / / sottoilciliegio.blogspot.com/2008/06/enso-il-cerchio-del-sumi.html nda)
So Referring to this form of expression, I see Enso many before me where the state of absolute harmony of the artist is perceived by the constant flow and harmonious colors, and its openness to the world from the menu that opens "Touch" of the work.
few words to define a "roundness" that gives some hypnotic moment, a moment of contact with a flow that goes beyond the sense of the work.

The only real differences that I take in the works, compared to the thin definition of Enso, is the "emptiness", in fact we have not really an empty space to welcome in the ' work, but a well-defined space within which fluctuate with the option to leave if the form and flow of colors.

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