For the first time I find myself having to write Tanalois (as a single entity) that is the focus of an event.
This time we have provided to a parallel initiative to the RL, in our opinion very important,
violence against women is 2Lei.
We performed this initiative because it is particularly suited to our way of understanding art and the connection that is able to create between what is generated inside, the perception of what comes from outside and that the mixture of these two elements creates.
I said in the opening post that this initiative connects and covers a lot of land, all with different artists. A
Tanalois exhibited:
Abso Zlatkis
Aloisio Congrejo
Apple Shu
Daco Monday
Flurry Fargis
Joy Snowfield
Giovanna Cerise
Giulia Janus
Gleman Jun
Katy60it Cyberstar
Kicca Igaly and None myoo
Lion Igaly
Lita Menges
luciella Lutrova
Lookatmy Back
Marisa Falbo
Musique Gable
nexuno Thespian
Nino Vichan
Qatesh Denja
Solkide Auer
Tani Thor
E' estremamente difficile cercare di passare in rassegna tutti quanti senza il rischio di cadere nel retorico e nel ripetitivo poiché, ahimè, le parole per descrivere le emozioni a volte si ricalcano, e con i passaggi della penna ledere il foglio, l'anima e l'occhio di chi legge ed, esattamente come succede quando tentiamo di calcare troppo un tratto, passare al foglio sottostante alleviando il tratto ed andando un pochino a tracciare un segno fantasma di una parola che non ci sarà. But otherwise I will not dwell over the player I became, and instead, the hero must be the message that vibrates and passes through the works of our guests, always careful and precise, now sailed in conveying their "I" from within this world of pixels to the world of cells.
Daco Monday (non-maternity):
gives us a woman "dismantled" and idealized into a container in which seems to revolve around her being almost forced to play a role clearly defined and classified. Constrictive work which gives us the sense of being a woman over time. But the obscurity of Daco gives us an escape made of red cubes, which leaves the breath of passion.
But the title leads us to the supreme constraint: the lack of procreation; cornerstone of life and of women.
Giovanna Cerise (Fragility):
a visually striking everything related to the copious flow of drops, tears, body only hung himself. The only protection
dark aura, almost a translucent screen to act as a mirror to hide the reality of groped an intrinsic fragility.
Tani Thor (Women in rebirth):
More sunsets, most of the flight of a bird,
the wonderful thing ever,
is a renaissance woman.
When they stand up after the catastrophe, after the fall.
What one says is over.
No, finita mai per una donna.
Una donna si rialza sempre,
anche quando non ci crede, anche se non vuole.
Parlo di te,
che questo periodo non finisce più,
che ti stai giocando l'esistenza in un lavoro difficile,
che ogni mattina è un esame, peggio che a scuola.
Te, l’implacabile arbitro di te stessa,
che da come il tuo capo ti guarderà deciderai
se sei all'altezza o se ti devi condannare.
Così ogni giorno,
e questo noviziato non finisce mai
e sei tu che lo fai durare.
Oppure parlo di te,
che hai paura anche solo di dormirci, with a man;
who are terrified that a story will take off the air,
not flirt with anyone
because you have the fear that someone from entering your life.
Or worse: if we remain caught in the middle you,
then suffer like a dog.
you tired.
There is always someone with whom you have to justify
someone who wants to change,
or that you have to change for you tenertelo close.
So you're cultivating the loneliness inside.
Yet you tell it,
you say when you talk to the other:
"I I'm okay. I'm okay, I'm better this way. "
And the sky falls by another palm.
Or that boy you're going to live,
you lived there at Christmas and Easter.
In this man we've thrown in the soul
and has been a long time,
and you've wasted so much blood,
that one day you begin to look for you in the mirror
because you do not know who you become.
Whatever the case,
now you are here
and I know that there was a time
you looked down and my feet were in cement.
Wherever I was, we were close:
in your history, your work, in your solitude.
And it was a crisis, and you cried.
what God cry!
Do you have a water source in the stomach.
You cried as you walked into a crowded street,
the Tube station,
on the motorcycle.
And that night you took the car and you drive for hours,
dark because the air will dry the cheeks.
And then you dug
have spoken
as spoken, girls!
You are tears and words.
To understand
to pull out a six-meter long root
to give meaning to your pain.
"Why do it?
How is it that I always repeat the same pattern?
Am I mad?"
If they are asked for all.
Then go down with the bulldozer in your story,
two, four hands,
and jump out thousands of pieces.
An intricate puzzle.
Here is where it starts. Did you know?
E 'by the great liver that you want us to look at it,
fragmented in a thousand confetti
goes again.
Why does a woman again, however,
has an instinct inside that will drag on and on.
E 'adventure, rebuild themselves.
's largest.
No matter where you start,
if the house, the color of the curtains or the haircut.
I have always adored women in rebirth,
for this wonderful way of proclaiming to the world
"Sono nuova!"
Semplicemente con una gonna a fiori
o con un fresco ricciolo biondo.
Più delle albe, più del sole,
una donna in rinascita è la più grande meraviglia.
Per chi la incontra e per se stessa.
It's spring in November.
When you least expect it ...
enclose any text because the real focal point is the impulse of passion, translated into colors, red escaping upward bound of the soul "The woman in rebirth."
Solkide Auer (The Women):
woman as schematic as essential biological entity frozen in the symbol Scientific gently nestled in an altar. Here is the gift of words Solkide.
can 'be locked in a golden room,
can' be blamed for an original sin,
can 'be misunderstood in his enigmatic personality',
but maintains his innocence inner
emit its own light,
is tinged with pink to remember her being female, however, that distinguishes it.
that tells the world .. I exist and you can never do without me, otherwise the end of humanity '.
Dedicated to all women who suffer in this world, and all those who fought for freedom 'and civil rights of women.
Dedicated to the woman to claim the simplest of rights is dead and still dying.
Igaly Lion (Stop the Violence):
woman trapped and stigmatized in the act of looking out behind a glass where you can see in one direction only. The violence consumed the dark of a room dominated by the grayness.
Aloisio Congrejo (Nancy)
the crucifixion as an atonement of guilt expiation inner bad ever made.
Apple Shu (Stop!):
an image from a strong emotional impact, well built, great emphasis all'incombenza and the need to cease all violence.
Musique Gable (Calm after the storm):
a black and white strong emphasis on the dignity of the post. The wounds and scars visible, but faded and softened by a tender face, available on demand dry remark: "Why?"
Katy60it Cyberstar (Sacrifice):
difficult to interpret. An image hard, complex, all built around the symbolism of vampirism.
But more than the removal of sap, the clearer reference, is the dispersion of the sap ... A futile expenditure constraint and that is violence.
Lookatmy Back (Stop it one and forever):
un affresco moderno. Pulito e chiaro. Un'anima sorge sopra un corpo steso, nudo, le braccia tese con la forza della disperazione.
Flurry Fargis (Violence):
un'immagine chiara e d'impatto. Le regole vengono stravolte alla stregua del volto del soggetto.
La paura dipinta, le mani a tentare di parare il colpo inevitabile. Uno spaccato vero e potente.
Julie Janus (Involution):
a beautiful introspective of what is generated from going out to the soul.
Abso Zlatkis (maltreatment):
the explosion of tears, like the explosion of violence, give us a tangible cognizance of developments both internal and outside. What is generated inside and outside is generated.
But inside is an endless tears that will not stop anymore.
Qatesh Denji (Be blind):
exterior image of the sweet pride that acts as a counterweight to the gesture of shelter, hide and close our eyes to an ugly reality.
A nice description for a page definitely black.
Joy Snowfield (Fear):
seen almost fear for the future through a door and through the lens of the past.
A future bright but disturbed by scratching lines and blurry, which indicate the uncertainty and fear through that.
Lita Menges (Lost innocence):
clear picture of innocence lost loved man in the violence.
And the common meaning attributed to the loss of innocence, takes on a more dramatic to result in a deliberate sexual violence.
Kicca and Igaly None myoo (Teacher of Love):
teacher of life, always the teacher role Prince Women's steward who teaches kindness, and gentleness that puts love in bending and stooping down to caress. This role will not lose anymore. Teach your man made the value of love in all its immensity and transmit to him, as children, all the affection he is capable. The multi-role fighter woman love.
Nino Vichan (Shackling of pregnant incarcerated):
is a work strong in terms of involvement. The symbolism is in perfect harmony with the meaning and significance. The coercion of women to be ancestral mother, taxation becomes a natural violence since the moral compulsion to do so. Sounds like a punch in the face of the male figures hovering above the scene to show that the centuries have not changed the history of the average woman, common, everyday, bound to this role has always and forever.
Gleman Jun (Stop fear):
the tension is palpable, it is visually impressive, straight lines and a blend of white light as the crack of Burri reminiscent terrremoto that shocked Gibellina, built with the rubble of the town itself encased in chain mail and sealed for future memory of the shape of the buildings. This is the impression that I get and I take with me. A cut to life, the fear takes over and forces the corner, bare essentials, stripped of all superstructure and condensates, caged in fact, in the moment of fear.
I hope I never have you bored and had not "spent" too much paper and that your soul remains steeped in a long time for the beautiful messages that have been proposed.
the next post.
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