Saturday, March 12, 2011

Film Streaming Salieri


E 'come FIGC official notification that the Lazio Regional Committee has allocated for the second consecutive year at the Cup Discipline Training Juniors ASD Atletico Pavona School Football Giorgio Castelli. " After Nicola Giustini in 2008/2009, it was the turn of the duo Alcantara - Del Bufalo to enrich the attendees Atletico Pavona with the trophy that goes to the most correct formation of the group. With the conquest
Cup 2009/2010, rising to five cups Discipline Pavona that Atletico won in the six years of activity within the FIGC. This award recognizes the style of a company that has always, it is an educational agency that, through sport, is vivere ai propri ragazzi, i valori dell'accoglienza , dell'integrazione e del rispetto per se e per gli altri che sono propri di una corretta pratica agonistica.

Il premio verrà consegnato il 22 Marzo, a Palazzo Valentini, Sede della Provincia di Roma, dal presidente Melchiorre Zarelli.

A Diego, Rafael e a tutti i ragazzi, vanno le felicitazioni di tutto l'Atletico Pavona.

Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Have Shelby In Pokemon Silver


( Tratto dal sito della Fondazione Castelli ) Un attimo per passare dalla gioia immensa alla disperazione più cupa. E’ successo negli Stati Uniti during a basketball game, during which challenged the High School (high school) and of Feinville Brighman, State of Michigan. Wes Leonard, sixteen, leader of its formation, the Blackhawks, and leading scorer, just a few seconds left in the game scored the decisive basket for his team: 57 to 55. Soon after it collapsed on the floor, died of cardiac arrest: his heart has not stood the great emotion and physical exertion. In the United States can be competitive sports activities, even at a high level of fitness without performing medical tests, is in fact a self-sufficient. A medical careful to ascertain the level is essential to avoid health problems related to the practice of sport: it is recommended for all ages, for all sports and possibly supplemented with an echocardiogram, performed at least once in a lifetime of sports 'individual. This is the first thing to do to prevent cardiac arrest in sports (primary prevention), the second to realize is represented by the spread of the culture of emergency when you do sports (secondary prevention). Awareness education, training in techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of defibrillation are the essential elements to successful implementation.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Projector Big Screen Fix Colors


Boys Federici confirmed the bete noire of the Oratory Latin airport, dealing with pontine, fighting for the play-out and well placed in the standings, a resounding 8 to 1, which raises the odds' Atletico Pavona in view of the Cup Lazio.
Still in the game, students show off the excellent physical condition, systematically attacking opponents and preventing the Latin to show off the beautiful game which we had become accustomed.
Nardelli Capitan in a day of grace running, wrestling, marks and signals. Alessio Winsniewski excellent return with a brace that is proposed as l'uomo in più per il finale di campionato. Federici fa giocare per lunghi tratti anche Gigante, proveniente dai Giovanissimi e Daniele lo ripaga con una prestazione tutta fosforo, coronata dalla rete su calcio di rigore che, per premio, Mister Sergio lo incarica di battere richiamandolo dalla panchina al momento del penalty. Grande prova di tutta la squadra che, con la vittoria di oggi raggiunge i 13 punti in classifica.

Friday, March 4, 2011

White Dress For Initiation


Si comunica che il COD ha respinto il ricorso avverso la decisione di sanzionare l'Atletico Pavona con la sconfitta di 0-3 a travolino per la squadra dei Pulcini Withe.
La Direzione Sportiva dell'Associazione accetta la decisione degli organi disciplinari del Cod, pur non condividendola e ritenendo which infringes against the only people absolutely unrelated to the incident: the boys.
We expressed our reasons and our motives as a friend of the Code which, however, did not wish to receive them.

Sporting Director
Marco Giustinelli

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mini Stroke More Condition_treatment

Safety Day: The article by Ariane SAROLA

The Lazio Region "takes the field for Sports Safety

(Arianna Saroli ) - Saturday, February 19 at the stadium Arnaldo Ciampino Zone was held on the second day of regional dedicata alla sicurezza nello sport, promossa dalla Regione Lazio in collaborazione con la Fondazione Giorgio Castelli Onlus e l’Associazione Alessandro Bini per la Sicurezza nello Sport. La giornata, che prevedeva la consegna dei primi cinque defibrillatori a cinque società sportive del Lazio (ASD Stella Azzurra Basket Roma, ASD Basket Città di Ladispoli, ASD Maco Nuoto Roma, ASD Angioina Juventus Accademy Rieti, Asd Anagni Calcio), è iniziata con una fase di formazione degli esponenti di tali società alla pratica della rianimazione cardio-polmonare attraverso l’utilizzo del defibrillatore grazie alla disponibilità e alla professionalità del professor Castelli e di suo figlio Valerio, responsabile sul campo della formazione BLS-D of lay workers.

the training course, which took place in the sports arena of Tor Sapienza, was followed by the official time of delivery of certificates and the use of defibrillators, which occurred by a testimonial, the actor Raoul Bova that, just as a former professional athlete and a parent of two children, he stressed the importance of safety and prevention in sport and naturally cured upon himself the attention of the public, autographs and giving shots to children and parents present.

The official ceremony began at around 15.00. Leading the event an exceptional speaker, Marco Giustinelli, Communication and Image Futsal Committee Regional Representative Lazio FIGC NLD. Among those present sports personalities such as the Head of Culture, Arts and Sports of the Lazio Region, Fabiana Santini, Vice Commission for Culture, Arts and Sports of the Lazio Region Mario Brozzi, Commission Vice-President of the Lazio Region Sports Enzo Foschi, the Director the Administrative Service dell'Ares 118, Joseph Salvati, Rita Giorgio Castelli Castelli Foundation Onlus Association and Delia Santalucia Bini Alessandro Bini. Among the various interventions of great social value and we find the demonstration intervention practice resuscitation on a mannequin by the instructors BLS-D Foundation Castelli, to reiterate the importance of the practice of first aid maneuvers especially in view of attention to the next and altruism, which features fewer and fewer relational dynamics of everyday life in today's society. Another highlight saw the children of school football players George Castelli ASD Atletico Pavona who wanted to make a floral tribute alderman, breaking into the field with a rush of joy, as a sign of gratitude to the institutions and to the person councilor specifically, that it is spending so much for safety in sport.

And now the voice of the protagonists.

Dr. Brozzi, what value does this important day for you?

Today is a day when the sun shines not by chance, because after many years of commitment on the part of the Castelli family before and after the family Bini, on that tragic circle of rosary beads that have different succession one after the other, we practically started a process to ensure that solidarity guide individual actions, that does not happen to others what happened to some of us, and then as we all know that if it happened to some can happen to anyone, we started to bring in the sports world this concept of respect for everything that is the race, the game, defeat, victory, but above all respect for the value of the first life, which is the most important thing there is. And this so that our children can do sport and sport is that educational model to create a life marked by the values \u200b\u200bof respect for the rules of honor, victory, defeat, surely only those values \u200b\u200bthat I learned in of the four lines that define the playing field of life are the same, but everything is done safely, by medical examination that is prevention, through a teaching is not only strictly technical, but considering other areas such as proper nutrition, respect for the body, health, because health is not only a right but a duty of citizens. To preserve all the contamination of the risks that today's life brings and that sport has inherent and un'impiantistica where our children can safely play sports: there are so taps, wire mesh, there are no structures at risk and prevent us from definitely prevent avoidable tragedies. Here, today is the day of the "avoids minds." The BLS course, BLS-D allow us to learn a very important gesture, learn what altruism, because the only person who can never be revived "yourself." This is something that we learn for others, is therefore a very important moment in the life of everyone. Already do this means remembering that there are others as well. In Italy the defibrillator is considered a tool of "bad luck", as if to avoid something happens that rightly fears. The generation of young people today will begin to understand that technology is something that should serve to improve the quality of life and give us the security of existence, and we can not fight and conflictual technologies, especially when they represent safeguard the value of life.

Mr. Bova, how important is the safety in sport and what is important to convey the concept of prevention in other areas?

Who is in charge of prevention must make information available to all sports facilities which is essential for the prevention of heart attacks or not disregard any of the structures that can be dangerous, unsafe, and cause damage of various kinds. The first aid courses are essential for the prevention but also for the attention to others. I still remember having done in school and I remember with great pleasure because it is still something that is useful to me with my children, to know which are the foundations, principles of first aid, also to have some confidence and not to panic in difficult situations, have control of the situation means Do not waste second key to saving a life. And it is important that in areas where many people gather, the airport, to meeting rooms, to the underground, in places considered "at risk", however, where the first aid does not arrive, these are tools, such as the defibrillator, in able to gain precious moments, no one could stop an airplane to provide immediate relief, it would cost to stop a train too much valuable time, these are the places which should be structured points of first aid gear, small emergency room, suitable to receive and deal with first aid.

Councillor Santini, what value does this initiative for the institutional framework represented by her?

safety in sport and the prevention policy has no color. We have taken great synergy with our colleagues in the Regional Council, in particular Vice-President and the Vice Foschi Brozzi for activities which may lead to more important targets on what is the theme of safety and prevention in sport. We are reasoning together to review, simplify and optimize the regional law 15 on sport and many other initiatives we have in tennis here in the coming months. Today is an early sign of a long series of interventions; defibrillators deliver 50 to 50 clubs in Lazio. This morning, five clubs have participated in the training course held by Professor Castelli and we delivered with Raoul Bova in the first five defibrillators. Our intervention is the first in a series of many other interventions that we wish to take on an institutional level. I hope so and I am convinced that by doing many small interventions can reach a big goal.

The synergy between institutions, sports bodies and voluntary associations such as the Bini and the Castle Foundation can help in preventing the decline of the tragic episodes that affect more and more young athletes ? The promotion of BLS-D courses at school, and sports can be a valuable way to go?


More than synergy between institutions and sporting bodies, I think the synergy has been created with volunteer organizations such as the Foundation as the Association of Castles and Bini. BLS-D courses, awareness about safety in sports, should be the cornerstones of training, especially in schools. The population should benefit from all those that have the potential for life-saving.


more one is aware of the problem, the more you can do it, so roll the union between the institutions, including associations, all with the aim to make the sport safe, that put the health of those who practice the sport on top of everything and everyone. Unity is strength. I would put the current BLS-D as a subject at school as you study mathematics, physics and other subjects you could study the main operations to save a human life. Unfortunately there is not even in boys the knowledge that 118 is the number to be trained to call the medical emergency. Begin to educate their children as early as the simple emergency call is already a step forward.

Ms. Castelli, in other European countries and beyond is the massive presence of defibrillators in places not closely related to sport, such as airports, train stations, schools. Think we're on the right track so that even in Italy the presence of defibrillators should also extend to areas not closely linked to sport?

The defibrillator is used not only in sports but in life every day because of cardiac arrest is dying everywhere, the mall, as well as at the airport or train station. Of crucial importance is then to continue the culture mainly through the emergence of the first impartizione important concepts to help a person. It is statistically proven that in the places where they were implanted defibrillators It has gone from a semi-mortality of approximately 90% survival of over 70%, as the airport in Chicago, such as Las Vegas, as well as some cities in Brazil and Mexico. So the spread of semiautomatic defibrillation certainly can reverse death rates in survival rates. Where he has managed to get in the first 4-5 minutes after cardiac arrest with the life-saving operations and using the defibrillator there was 80-90% of the salvation of people, and not cheap.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Online Mysoor Mallige Clip


As usual protagonists.
School Football "Giorgio Castelli" in the front row for the safe sport in Ciampino, Lazio Region, where he organized the event delivery of five defibrillators to as many companies formed by the Foundation Castelli.
The Board of Directors of ASD Atletico Pavona thanked the athletes, technicians and families who wished to be present at the event, giving visibility to the work done over the years, we have seen players in spreading the culture of a sport ever safer and where they emphasize the centrality and the enhancement of the person.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Unlock Rock Smash In Pokemon Silver


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Warts Genital Black Moles


What we will never be happy and festive in a foggy day ... Bah
something there for me, maybe not happy and joyful. But certainly relaxing.
As usual (when they are not "trapped" at work) are sitting comfortably in the warmth of my closet (the place sought and difficult to detect Within the meaning of my beloved dialect) just come home from the place of temporary detention that gives me the means to be able to write a little 'me and a bit' of you, with a hint of conceit and arrogance that luxury I allow myself to speak to that part of me that is in you.
I said earlier that, as usual, I'm sitting on my presidential chair, but obviously not in a human skin more timid imitation leather to reflect a little on a meaning that may have taken me to this cozy white blanket that has surrounded the buildings around me.
Normally when I think the fog is the only thing that I think "Yuck ... but today I needed to breathe the gills or should I turn into a frog to live well in this endless plain", then return to me and seeing All concrete that is gradually covers everything, change my mind and I realize that this is not a city for frogs, it was, but now it no longer is.
around my desk is thick layer of acidity that almost eats me, fortunately my mind is neutral, and armed with atomic spins free acidity keep away, even physically fit the space surrounding and defining my desk. All of a sudden rises out of a crisp wind first, then always a little 'cooler and in the blink of an eye all the moisture of the world seems to be concentrated here.
And not a bad thing.
organize a little 'thoughts, relax your legs and breathe in, all in one breath. A full lungs feel that white wall flexible, delicate, impressive stand between me and the world around them.
Now more than anything ...
A little 'as the old man of the famous film "Amarcord" of the late Mo Fellini, leaving the bar, surrounded by white cloak think aloud "Xela questa la mòrt ? Mo le propri 'na brota roba" (Trad. "Cos'è questa la morte ? E' proprio una cosa brutta") ai suoi tempi la nebbia era questo, isolamento, freddo e serate passate "a trebb" (al trebbo).
Qualcosa è cambiato se invece di percepire la nebbia come un ostacolo la si percepisce come un benefico isolante.

Al prossimo post.

Pantech Matrix Shuts Off


To the delight of the mothers of our children (due to the presence of a great actor Raoul Bova sporting history major), Pavona Atletico will be present, such as School Football, "George Castelli "the Second Day of Regional Security in the Sport. First Company in Lazio BLSD number of qualified instructors, our Association has been collaborating since 2008 with the Fondazione Giorgio Castelli Onlus for the spread of a genuine culture of safety in sport.

Brazilian Wax Okinawa

discuss ... to grow!

Dear Friends,
belonging to the large group of Italians in recent days has caught the flu, take this opportunity to respond to the lively debate that has broken out around my article on 'Athletic ... according to Mark. " Beyond the identity of the mysterious "Anonymous" (what a little 'intrigues me but I'm not staying awake at night), I would go back on the essence of the debate and that is, if Atletico Pavona is, after all, like all other clubs, or is it something else (not saying better, but, in fact, different). I do not want to go back on the issues of volunteerism, of the eight euro etc, because we risk autoincensarci and this is not my desire, then we risk being a bit 'silly. Deal with the subject of "play all". Personally, I always Atletico Pavona has pursued the approach not to select any of those who join the "family". And when I say "no" I mean from our leaders, from coaches and players themselves. Then, open to all, subject to the availability of space and time. Clearly this does not mean to be a "mutual fund", where even those who do not exercise, those who are unruly, who does not respect the coach or the other "must" take the field, however, the same way as everyone else. At the base of the sport is the sacrifice, commitment, attachment to the mesh, respect for teammates and opponents and so on and so on. Those who think that coming to Atletico Pavona mean I always play is absolutely agree. We come then to the figure of the coach. A difficult role, because even on the bench are fifteen players and you play five at a time. If we think of the Championship Cod, where even those who organized it has very clear concept of the three times ... Mathematically, therefore, at best, a player, well that goes, you do a third of the race and the "poor" coach is forced to extricate themselves from lists and stopwatches to field more or less for most or all about the same time. And then there are the parents. Who is complaining because his son plays little, those who complain because we did not win for having to play all those who complain because the coach yells too much and those who complain because he is always silent. In almost ten years the number of "lamentable" far exceeds that to which runs well but sometimes a compliment. It also ranks technical Michele Fierravanti Atletico have come out, the head coach of the Regional Representatives in 2010 and current coach of the Italian National Hockey Wheel chair from athletics and other friends who went to train in other companies, so to speak, more . In addition, statistically, we are the company that in recent years has maintained le migliori posizioni in classifica sia a livello Cod, che a livello FIGC, e scusate se è poco! La vittoria di quattro Coppe Disciplina Regionali completa la torta con l'ultima ciliegina. Quindi, se tanto mi da tanto, i nostri tecnici non sono poi così scarsi. Ma non solo, se non bastasse, abbiamo attivato anche un percorso di formazione continua per allenatori e dirigenti, con Docenti di assoluto livello, perchè da tutti gli allenatori è nata l'esigenza di migliorarsi sempre di più, per offrire un contributo sempre più qualificato e vicino alle esigenze dei ragazzi.
Nonostante tutto questo, fare l'allenatore è sempre e comunque impresa ardua e fare l'allenatore che riesce to please everyone is impossible, it is miraculous!
Finally, it is however also distinguish between Soccer School (Mini Team, Chicks, Beginners) and competitive sector (Juniors and Students). While for the first rotation is almost mandatory, and all the coaches are not difficult to play all those present for the latter the situation is obviously more complex, both for age-related dynamics of the participants and the inevitable conflicts due to hormones in freedom that must be managed by the adult on duty, is to read what happens in sports field. In any case, the guidelines provide for more involvement of all the players in the squad. And if it happens that a player believes, perhaps rightly, to be less of another employee, age begins to be to seek an open confrontation with his coach. You will find however that the availability of both listening and dutiful explanations will still be a growth opportunity for all. If then all the other teams in the movement used the same philosophy, I'm happy to happen, because it means that football is improving. But I get the little voices that say anything and then, let's close the Atletico and appreciate what today would be foolish to regret tomorrow.
hug you all and we continue to face because, as the old wise saying "cogito ergo sum".

Marc or

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Quinciañeras Desnidas


Saturday, February 12, at the Centro Sportivo Roma 3 Z Centocelle to be held the second meeting of the year for coaches Futsal. The first, in Naples, attended by a large delegation of technicians who fight in formations of Lazio, which will come back to Rome to confront some of the leading experts in the youth sector.

It will be Richard Manno, university lecturer and contributor to the Commissioner Coach of the Italian Roberto Menichetti, Raul Albani, coach of the Italian National Under-21 and Richard Budoni, goalkeeper coach of the Italian National Under-21 to deal with the many coaches who are crowding the meeting room of the plant Capitoline.

"It 's another step towards the development of Futsal - explains Marco Giustinelli, Head of Communications of the Representative of the Regional Committee Futsal - and all its components, as advocated by 'Luciano Zaccardi friend in his proposed reorganization of regional representation. The "creed" of Luciano based mainly on the involvement of all members and coaches are certainly the business card of every society. They, in fact, is entrusted with the task of training young players who are approaching, many for the first time in futsal. In a recent meeting with the President of the Youth and Scholastic, Gianni Rivera, the former AC Milan and the National Capion reiterated the need to rethink the shape of the coach of the youth sector. Today it is necessary that the coach is primarily a "master" and then a technician. Next to the care of the athlete from a physical point of view and tactical, we need a figure that also transmit ethical values and moral principles are still the basis for all sports and ours in particular. "

And the stage on Saturday wants to be a moment of confrontation between the local reality, represented by the technical teams Lazio and who, instead, represents the elite of Italian football to five youth in the world.

"Project - occurs Zaccardi - is aligned to the changes introduced by management of the Blue Team coach Roberto Menichetti. Without taking anything away from the many foreign athletes "imported" from overseas, who have given so much in terms of quality and visibility to our Futsal lines Federal guide us moving increasingly towards the exploitation of our youth. It can not, of course, be no exploitation of young people, without an adequate youth sector. The final maturation of Futsal passes through the structuring and growth of the nursery. And it is unthinkable that a nation like ours, which, after Brazil, is one that has won more world-wide, is unable to express class athletes. The problem is that often we take, pass me the term, disillusioned with football and that, too often we lose, especially among the young, the most gifted athletes, attracted by the sirens of billionaire football. "

Today, in panorama of football has grown to five the number of qualified technicians and not of those who enter the field with good skills. Workouts begin to be structured in a professional manner right from the lower class. This requires that you start thinking the Soccer School as an asset of the entire movement, where young players have to find people who are prepared both in sports than human, capable of transmitting efficiently, values \u200b\u200band skills. The alarming fact that there are only two football schools qualified Futsal speaks volumes about the need to sensitize the whole movement towards the creation of real incubators of futsal.

"Ironically - continues Giustinelli - unlike other sports," minor ", the five a side football has developed, so to speak, upside down. In the sense that instead of starting with young people and, consequently, create a senior team, in most cases it was initially given rise to the so-called "first team" and then, with the passage of time it was thought the implementation of the youth sector. This was possible because, unlike basketball and volleyball, for example, in Italy all play soccer and find athletes already "ready" was not a problem. But while this is fine for a movement at an amateur level, as has been the top Futsal, problems arise when the entire circuit is professionalised. Then emerge all the shortcomings of this approach. It is therefore necessary, in my opinion, is working on the technical expertise of coaches, and we welcome the initiatives promoted by AIAC and Luciano, but also work on the visibility of our discipline. Many of the younger boys playing football in the head instead of having five football. E 'Instead, the loyalty of young people, making them fall in love with the sport that has time to play, manage technical, tactical movement other than football. Another problem is that the large number of players foreigners since the lower class, in fact narrows the spaces for our children. The Futsal is the only discipline where a young Italian amateur is almost impossible to reach the higher levels. This obviously entails the alienation of those who live the sport as a way to emerge and be realized. But this is the worst side of the coin. The exciting part is that the five a side football, by its nature, can play to perfection the social role that belongs to the sport. The low cost of ownership compared to calcium, the ability to create smaller systems, the need for a smaller number of athletes involved, may provide an opportunity for a small local community to congregate around a sports initiative, restoring a sense of "bell" which for decades has been the strength of our teams in the country, or neighborhood or district, where grandmothers and girlfriends, however, found themselves at the "pitch" to typhoid. Soccer Schools organize effective means to anchor the sport to the area and take advantage of opportunities and resources. It 's a way ambitious, but it is certainly the most challenging. "

on these issues will be based on comparison with Richard Manno, director of Project" I Futsal "which involves the construction, starting from the company Series A, of Schools Football qualified for each club.

"It 's certainly a long and difficult - says Luciano Zaccardi - but it is definitely the tool to finally take off the Futsal. We, as the Italian Football Coaches Association, we are ready to get involved to offer our technical us all the tools necessary to their personal development and growth of the whole organic movement. Let's start at the regional level, by this stage the youth sector. We will then turning our attention to the women's movement, also in strong growth to continue over time to further all those aspects that can contribute to the growth of Futsal at national and local levels. It will be a great job, but the commitment, as everyone knows, certainly does not scare me and the good group that I created is the best guarantee to achieve the objectives we have set ourselves. "

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jim Edmonds Catch Kansas City

L '"Atletico" according to Mark ... and not just on him!

When, that evening in May, around the fountain in Piazza Berlinguer, five gave birth to what is now the Athletic Pavona, maybe the ideas were not clear enough on the "how" should have been done. However, they were very clear about what should be.

The choice was made by Paul, Anthony, Mark, Luke and Nicholas took days of discussion on how the construction and organization, but only a few seconds to reach agreement on what should have been the founding principle of our Association.

"We must realize - we said - a healthy, peaceful, based on Christian values \u200b\u200bof hospitality, solidarity, cemented on friendship and respect for others, reinforced the principle that the boy is the center of the project. And the Sport is the means by which this project is done. "

We did not even remotely thought of having to select the children for skill and competence for the coaches. We just ask that those who enter the Project is simply put at your disposal.

And so it was.

The first group joined Rafael and Henry and a Sergio Federici, one of us who came from school and former football player himself. With him not talking about technique or tactics, but we went to a local radio and denounced all things football and we do not like that, even today, we try to counteract.

As always parents around us that we "lend a hand" and that do not fit in "to second" or companion.

making a single mistake: we bought a coach with a background of fear (league championships, European Cup, Italian Cup) but which, together with undoubted ability, also led to division, discussions, and many other things that might put against each other.

Ah, I forgot, it was also the only one in the history of Atletico Pavona, thanks to the generosity of our members, also received a fair reimbursement.

He the end of every good coach and competent. Relief. The first and only relief occurred in many years. Not counting the results, indeed, with him we won the first championship Cod, counted the fear of deviating from the one we had created.

Today, after so many years, I see that the original idea of \u200b\u200bthe athlete and still in danger. I am not surprised, but I worry.

Perhaps we failed to explain to some parents and coach us, whether we like to win, we have no problems if we lose and after a moment of disappointment, back to laughing with the children.

Others are the victories that we seek, and we do not want missing.

We want to win on the witness . Why pass on to kids who are adults who are willing to spend their time, their commitment, their weekends and even their money for them, without asking anything in return, is a strong message, showing that a word as "love", which can have many meanings (also more noble) to someone is not just a word, but it is a way of looking at someone else more important than leisure time.

We want to win on the health and safety . Why siamo stati una delle prime Società del Lazio ( e d’Italia ) ad avere un defibrillatore in casa e ancora oggi siamo il club che, in assoluto, ha il maggior numero di istruttori ( praticamente tutti, oltre a Responsabile della Segreteria, Presidente e Direttore Tecnico e Direttore Sportivo ) qualificati dall’Ares 118 sul primo soccorso in caso di arresto cardiorespiratorio. Tutto questo grazie alla amicizia nata con la Fondazione “Giorgio Castelli”, al cui ricordo abbiamo dedicato la nostra Scuola Calcio e a quella con la Dottoressa Laura Romeo, pediatra di chiara fama che, anche lei gratuitamente, ci regala qualcuno dei suoi sabato mattina rubandoli ai suoi affetti e al suo poco tempo libero. E anche in questo, non ricordo che Other Football Schools in the area, they can afford to do so.

We want to win on integration. We are doing our kids to experience that skin color or nationality or birth of the Italian region of origin, or separate bank account, no evidence on which to judge a person. And they have taken the football team in El Salvador which is composed of students from overseas who live in Rome, is the proof of this.

We want to win solidarity . Why try to keep the costs associated under ten euro a month is not easy, given that the average cost of the Soccer Schools around us is between three hundred and five hundred euro a year and that we, to stay we have to rely on certain shares (and may God bless them), on many large and small donors who believe, like us, to our project. This means ensuring that everyone, including families with some economic problem, to be able to play sports for their children. Without, of course, to deal in his pocket to anyone.

And this is thanks to all of us that we have never pocketed a € Pavona Atletico since he was born, but thanks to the participation of the Tennis Club that easily accommodate nel prezzo e mettendoci a disposizione l’intera struttura.

Vogliamo vincere sulla preparazione dei nostri amici che vogliono stare in campo con i ragazzi , perché è importante che un allenatore abbia quelle nozioni necessarie a fare con competenza, quello che già fa con passione e dedizione. Per questo abbiamo realizzato un percorso di formazione continua per i nostri allenatori, in collaborazione con i nostri amici dell’Albano calcio a cinque, che sta vedendo la presenza di docenti di primo livello. Abbiamo poi iscritto ai corsi della Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio i nostri tecnici che ce ne hanno espresso il desiderio.

We want to win on the prospects to give our kids . Why are we happier when we give them the best, once you've finished the experience with Atletico Pavona, the opportunity to "break" in sports. Today we can say that some of our young athletes play at the national level and a bit 'him to feel responsible for us all. Some of us have achieved prestigious achievements as executives and / or coaches. Michael is the current coach of the Italian National Wheelchair Hockey, after leading the first technical Mobility in Europe, an Official Selection of the Italian Football Federation. To That is why we linked the Roll Futsal, a company that plays in the National Championship and Series B shares with us that our ethical and moral principles and is able to offer our children the opportunity, if they deserve it, of play at the highest levels.

These are the victories of which we can not and do not want to do without. The other there are nice, but if not penalize or discriminate against any of our kids, our coaches or opponents we meet.

Far Pavona means the athlete can lose a game and stay with a smile, satisfied with the work we have done, the commitment that we took, the serenity that we sent and we have received.

who does not share this philosophy, be it manager, coach, player or family must, in my opinion, questioning whether this is really the environment that suits him and have the courage to take other roads.

not think any other Sports Club is able to offer more to those who believe in the idea of \u200b\u200bSport and Life.

Atletico Pavona is a project of life before a sports project.

It is, in my opinion, the greatest opportunity that can be offered to those who love sports and football in particular to five.

This does not mean that we are not perfect and that everything we say we can always do it the right way. But the errors are recognized to be fair and to move forward without deviating from the path set.

I believe that today Atletico Pavona is proof that there may be a way to do Sports so peaceful where victory and defeat are the only elements of the game (as important as you want, but only elements of the game) and not the ultimate goal of those who practice sports.

Our eyes must always look to the future, but our feet must stay firmly planted in our roots.

Why Atletico Pavona Pavona remains at Atletico.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Beach Themed Country Songs

Tanalois @ LAIBELA

...E' una sera buia e molto fredda... ma a me non importa un fico secco, alzo il riscaldamento quel tanto che basta a lasciarmi godere in santa pace le mie mura domestiche while winter rages outside with large amounts of moisture and frost at night. Tonight I feel
chameleon, and with an eye to the window and turned to a monitor, I go around the latest exhibition of Aloisio and Tani (Tanalois is the derivative of the contraction of Tani and Aloisio note) so I can safely say to be in the throes of acute Tanalois.
Although a few years now (we are talking about years in RL without calculation of absurd parameter between RL and SL) who hangs my friends (capitalization intentional) Aloisio and Tani, a little breath 'of fresh air. Air of freedom.
I feel a slight drop of the canonical and the need to "ought" to do. A pleasant tickle.

Contrariamente alla prassi che mi vuole seduto sulla mia comodissima poltrona di pelle reclinabile ad osservare e a "leggere" le opere, questa volta me ne sto appollaiato come un barbagianni in piena notte, con gli occhi spalancati a cogliere tutta una serie di sfumature che non avevo mai colto, oppure strafatto ed assuefatto alle gallerie, non ero più in grado di ammirare con stupore.
Ora, non che io voglia a tutti costi tessere le lodi ai miei amici, sospetto lecito cari Ospiti lettori, dato che lo spazio che sto riempiendo appartiene proprio ad Aloisio e Tani che mi fanno da editori, ma lasciatemi sottolineare che non ho mai avuto nessuna indicazione editoriale ne di indirizzo its content, a fact well documented by my sittanto extensive ramblings on all forms of human events described above.
But soon abandon these traces of memory and minzoliniana way to give me away, soul and heart, and expo last dive of the aforementioned friends.
I do not know what there is to think in new works but I would like particularly to underline how they are perceived "easy" works, well balanced and proportionate measure millimeter.
conclude by saying, perhaps repeating, I can not do a reading because I want to pray and to say that these are the works of artistic maturity of the society.
In the next post.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dbz Doujinshi: Bulma X Vegeta


Saturday, February 12, from 09:00 to 12:30, at the Meeting Room of the Centro Sportivo Roma 3 Z, Via Centocelle 236 / to be held for the Stage Coaches by Title :


Speakers some of the leading experts in the field, as

coach of the Italian National Under-21 Soccer at 5

University Professor and Consultant of the CT Roberto Menichetti, the Italian National
Responsabile del Progetto "Io calcio a cinque"

Preparatore dei Portieri Nazionale Italiana Under 21 di Calcio a 5

Lo stage è stato organizzato dal Commissario Tecnico della rappresentativa del CR Lazio, Luciano Zaccardi, rappresentante per il Calcio a 5 dell'AIAC ( Associazione Italiana Allenatori di Calcio ).

Modera l'incontro Il Responsabile della Comunicazione delle Rappresentative di Calcio a Cinque del Comitato Regionale Lazio e Direttore ASD Atletico Sporting Pavona, Prof. Marco Giustinelli.

Participation is free and open to the Stage also coaches are not enabled. E 'reservation required, enter the full name, company affiliation, to be made by email to the email address

luciano.zaccardi @

Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Build A Tool Bench

Non ho mai visto uno zingaro sorridere...

out today from the workshop where use 8 hours of my life, I stopped at the grocery store.
I was standing on my legs uncertain, leaning with his left hand to my proverbial Zanetti (trans. walking stick for the elderly) and I was going to commit my euro for half an hour of happiness to rent a cart. What is the greatest happiness of a cart, but to be driven from thousands of euro of biscuits, chocolates, snacks, fruit juice drinks and many dances, meat and fish carefully packed in aseptic plastic bags.
you know ... I Hygiene del pesce fà un po' schifo. Il miscelarsi dell'odore della varechina con il sano profumo del pesce fresco mi mette un po' di nausea e di ansia. E' l'apoteosi dell'innaturale. Supero tutte queste sensazioni e passo davanti a copiose e festose composizioni di pane, ma non riesco a fare a meno di pensare al profumo del pane nero, fatto col lievito madre e senza fermentazione alcolica. Io non lo ho mai sentito ma deve essere per forza diverso, altrimenti non mi spiego l'adagio popolare "buono come il pane".
Infilo le mie poco delicate manone (25 cm dalla punta del mignolo alla punta del pollice) negli scaffali avendo cura di scegliere ciò che secondo me, fa meno male alla mia salute, rendendomi però conto che è una missione quasi impossible. Shooting down a packet of biscuits, a cereal, and my conscience prevents my being animal to fill the truck (a bit 'sad given the dietary content of my purchases) of nutella and its derivatives.
moves toward the chest with an uncertain step, not because of intent but as for my continued support to the handle of the cart can not stand me now more, like the white horse of the bandolero Vecchioni.
An elderly lady fuck me the place in line and try to move them a sense of "compassion" with cynical skill but I can not. Relentless giant dwarf with cotton candy for hair bitter.
finally earned the cash I pay my account ... On the other not too salty. The diet does more good for the wallet to me.
Esco ... And I'm back on my feet flicker.
What I saw before I had only materializes in the distance behind the sliding glass doors of that sad and beautiful world called super market, which has only super sizes.
A gypsy ...
Brown skin, mustache and black hair with some silver thread. One for each year of age I suppose ...
fifties. China's head and hands him a green plastic pot.
invites him to follow and deposit my shopping cart that instantly returns to his life and dark gray under a canopy of plexiglass.
pull out the euro with whom I hired her the happiness and put it in the saucer of the gypsy, he mentions a move with the head (the British and Americans would say, "Nods") but the corners of his mouth do not move, remain motionless, I remain perplexed.
memory emerge from a little 'memories. I've never seen a gypsy smile.
rudely laugh out loud ... Sound and physical but I've never seen a smile on their faces with light-heartedness. Faces marked by life. Deep wrinkles. And those eyes always halfway between heaven and earth, but someone must still be able to convince me that look at the horizon of freedom they say they live. But other than us, not them. Make us sad and prevent them from living la felicità che cercano nel loro vagare.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Washington Quarter Gold In Color


E 'failed the father of Vincenzo Castelli, President of the Fondazione Giorgio Castles "and a great friend of all of us Atletico Pavona.

A Enzo, Rita, and Valerio Alessio a large and affectionate hug from friends Pavona Atletico, who express their friendship in this time of sorrow.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Front License Plate Bracket For 08 Honda Civic


MINI TEAM: Defeat at home to 5 to 2 CHICKS
BLEU: Home win 4 to 1
WHITE CHICKS: not reached the result

Ovarian Cysts And Energy


As planned, on Friday afternoon, the Students' goalkeeper Mirko Ginnetti underwent a delicate surgical operation at the ICOT Latina because of the serious incident occurred at the end of the game in the first race on Sunday afternoon at Palakilgour Ariccia.
Dad reassures us about the conditions of the boy: "An intervention taken longer than expected, considering also the delicacy of the injury, but, according to the health, well managed. Mirko is peaceful and looks forward to coming home in a couple of days, consistent with post-operative course. "Mirko greetings to all friends Pavona Atletico ahead in the field stronger and more motivated than before.

Metricflight Simulator X


PUPILS: Defeated 10 to 5 for a tank with the City of Cisterna
YOUNG: Tied for third at 3 at home with the City of Cisterna
BEGINNERS: Defeat of the measure for two races with a Pomezia

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Block Out Physical Pain

THE RESULTS OF THE DAY league overshadowed by the serious incidents occurring in MIRKO Ginnetti. DERBY IN THE BLUE AND BROWN SANDRO TRIUMPH FOR 4 AND A 0

Sport is also made of this. The results now pass in secondo piano di fronte al grave incidente che ha coinvolto il portiere della squadra Allievi Mirko Ginnetti.
Al 25' del primo tempo, su una azione di gioco Mirko si procurava la frattura del malleolo e del perone con interessamento dei legamenti. Immediatamente trasferito al Pronto Soccorso dell'Ospedale San Giuseppe di Albano i sanitari disponevano il trasferimento a Latina che avveniva solo nella serata di domenica.
Mirko dovrà sottoporsi Venerdì ad un intervento chirurgico e alla necessaria lunga riabilitazione che vi farà seguito.
Moltissimi i messaggi di auguri di un pronto ritorno in campo che stanno giungendo in queste ore all'Atletico Pavona. In primo luogo i suoi compagni di squadra e le loro famiglie, gli allenatori, the Board of Directors.
A special message of love also came from the Tennis Club Pavona from the Register and Futsal.

The day of the championship was won at home the very young who beat up a network of young carlisport Ariccia, after a close race and, at times, nervous.

The newcomers are to have lost 10 to 2 by the transfer of Velletri.

The Atletico derby, among formations of chicks trained respectively by Nicola and the duo Sandra-Bruno, who has seen the triumph of the team of blue with the networks of Giant-Doors-rich-Moretta Luca. Mister Sandro, sports, makes the compliments to his opponents, notably the two goalkeepers authors of a capital performance.

How Much Do Good Weaves Cost?


At 09: oo this morning, in a statement on the official website of the Italian Federation Wheelchair Hockey, was given the news that we had expected, following on from late morning of Sunday was unofficially began to circulate in the voice that gave Michael as the new national coach. Here is the text of the Communiqué:

The Federation Council, which met 14 to 16 January 2010, ratified the appointment of the new coach of the National.

thank Luca Maino for his dedication and skill with which he has played this role of preparing the Italian National Wheelchair Hockey for the 2008 European Championships and World Cup 2010, Antonio Spinelli President, on behalf of the whole movement hockeistico Italian, welcomes Michael Fierravanti.

He is our best hope of being able to continue and improve the process already begun by his predecessor!

athletic Pavona also joined the congratulations of the Federation, and full of pride for the prestigious assignment entrusted to its Technical Director, is a huge "good luck!" to Michele, with the hope to achieve with the National successes and rewards it deserves as a man and as a sportsman.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Old You Have To Be To Buy A Bb Gun At Walmart


Atletico Pavona as always present at the Annual Conference of the Fondazione Giorgio Castelli. " In the splendid setting of Palazzo Valentini, the seat of the Province of Rome, there was discussion of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, with the extraordinary level of speakers who expressed their thoughts on the subject of "return" from beyond.

Bishop Rino Fisichella, a close collaborator of Benedict XVI, he met the Christian view, while the 'On.Walter Veltroni has dealt with the same subject from the secular point of view.

Good news has come instead Hon. Di Virgilio, presenter of the bill on early defibrillation has ensured that the many speakers who filled the room of Bishop Liegro ITER Procedural Law, which now lies in three legislatures and Parliament, it seems, is now undergoing final approval.

Particularly interesting relations techniques Enzo Castelli and Dr. Battisti, preceded by the moving testimony of Luigi and Daniela, a young player and he used her, hanno vissuto la drammatica esperienza di aver “fatto ritorno”, dopo un arresto cardiaco avuto su di un campo di calcio e nella Metropolitana di Roma.

La parte finale del Convegno ha visto la partecipazione attiva degli studenti universitari del Circolo degli Scipioni che hanno interagito con i relatori, ponendo una serie di quesiti relativi all’argomento trattato. Barbara, Camilla, Simone e Riccardo hanno spaziato dalle questioni tecniche sulla Legge a quelle di carattere personale e filosofico, raccogliendo l’applauso della platea che ha particolarmente apprezzato sia l’arguzia dei quesiti, sia la disponibilità e la franchezza delle risposte dei relatori interessati.

He did the honors, the President Nicola Zingaretti has also assisted in the audience for further work.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ugly Doll Birthday Party Invitation



