Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Winchester Model 1400 Mkii Manual

QQFashion @ Tanalois

Voglio aprire con un ringraziamento Quinnye Quinnel per aver scelto Tanalois come luogo per presentare la sua collezione autunno/inverno 2010-2011.
Ricordo anche che ci ha sponsorizzato anche il primo concorso di poesie tenutosi qualche mese fa, e che riscosse un discreto successo in tutti i sensi, come pubblico, come critica e come partecipanti.
Ho partecipato alla sfilata e, devo dire, che nonostante la mia completa ignoranza in materia (vesto gli stessi abiti da 3 anni n.d.a.) , ho visto una bella collezione di abiti. Eleganti, mai pacchiani, facilmente indossabili in tutte le occasioni.
The event was coordinated impeccable Magnificent Florence, led by Tatanka Ferraris who also worked on the musical aspect, Tani Thor to "local chat" that came back in writing what he read and Tatanka thanks to the models:

David Batistuta
Redevil Rhiarda
Sissi Aquila
Moira Dexler
Eljisa McLain
MirkoReina Mode
Kessy Laville
Moie Dexler
Apple Shu

rigorous in any order but all equally good.

Thanks to all participants, to all our guests who have followed us.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Often Are Japanese Sharking

Tanalois @ 2Lei (Giornata mondiale contro la violenza sulle donne in Second Life)

I confess to a certain prohibition in writing this post ...
For the first time I find myself having to write Tanalois (as a single entity) that is the focus of an event.
This time we have provided to a parallel initiative to the RL, in our opinion very important,
violence against women is 2Lei.
We performed this initiative because it is particularly suited to our way of understanding art and the connection that is able to create between what is generated inside, the perception of what comes from outside and that the mixture of these two elements creates.
I said in the opening post that this initiative connects and covers a lot of land, all with different artists. A
Tanalois exhibited:

Abso Zlatkis
Aloisio Congrejo
Apple Shu
Daco Monday
Flurry Fargis
Joy Snowfield
Giovanna Cerise
Giulia Janus
Gleman Jun
Katy60it Cyberstar
Kicca Igaly and None myoo
Lion Igaly
Lita Menges
luciella Lutrova
Lookatmy Back
Marisa Falbo
Musique Gable
nexuno Thespian
Nino Vichan
Qatesh Denja
Solkide Auer
Tani Thor

E' estremamente difficile cercare di passare in rassegna tutti quanti senza il rischio di cadere nel retorico e nel ripetitivo poiché, ahimè, le parole per descrivere le emozioni a volte si ricalcano, e con i passaggi della penna ledere il foglio, l'anima e l'occhio di chi legge ed, esattamente come succede quando tentiamo di calcare troppo un tratto, passare al foglio sottostante alleviando il tratto ed andando un pochino a tracciare un segno fantasma di una parola che non ci sarà. But otherwise I will not dwell over the player I became, and instead, the hero must be the message that vibrates and passes through the works of our guests, always careful and precise, now sailed in conveying their "I" from within this world of pixels to the world of cells.

Daco Monday (non-maternity):

gives us a woman "dismantled" and idealized into a container in which seems to revolve around her being almost forced to play a role clearly defined and classified. Constrictive work which gives us the sense of being a woman over time. But the obscurity of Daco gives us an escape made of red cubes, which leaves the breath of passion.
But the title leads us to the supreme constraint: the lack of procreation; cornerstone of life and of women.

Giovanna Cerise (Fragility):

a visually striking everything related to the copious flow of drops, tears, body only hung himself. The only protection
dark aura, almost a translucent screen to act as a mirror to hide the reality of groped an intrinsic fragility.

Tani Thor (Women in rebirth):

More sunsets, most of the flight of a bird,
the wonderful thing ever,
is a renaissance woman.
When they stand up after the catastrophe, after the fall.
What one says is over.
No, finita mai per una donna.
Una donna si rialza sempre,
anche quando non ci crede, anche se non vuole.
Parlo di te,
che questo periodo non finisce più,
che ti stai giocando l'esistenza in un lavoro difficile,
che ogni mattina è un esame, peggio che a scuola.
Te, l’implacabile arbitro di te stessa,
che da come il tuo capo ti guarderà deciderai
se sei all'altezza o se ti devi condannare.
Così ogni giorno,
e questo noviziato non finisce mai
e sei tu che lo fai durare.
Oppure parlo di te,
che hai paura anche solo di dormirci, with a man;
who are terrified that a story will take off the air,
not flirt with anyone
because you have the fear that someone from entering your life.
Or worse: if we remain caught in the middle you,
then suffer like a dog.

you tired.
There is always someone with whom you have to justify
someone who wants to change,
or that you have to change for you tenertelo close.
So you're cultivating the loneliness inside.
Yet you tell it,
you say when you talk to the other:
"I I'm okay. I'm okay, I'm better this way. "

And the sky falls by another palm.

Or that boy you're going to live,
you lived there at Christmas and Easter.
In this man we've thrown in the soul
and has been a long time,
and you've wasted so much blood,
that one day you begin to look for you in the mirror
because you do not know who you become.
Whatever the case,
now you are here
and I know that there was a time
you looked down and my feet were in cement.
Wherever I was, we were close:
in your history, your work, in your solitude.
And it was a crisis, and you cried.
what God cry!
Do you have a water source in the stomach.
You cried as you walked into a crowded street,
the Tube station,
on the motorcycle.
And that night you took the car and you drive for hours,
dark because the air will dry the cheeks.
And then you dug
have spoken
as spoken, girls!
You are tears and words.
To understand
to pull out a six-meter long root
to give meaning to your pain.
"Why do it?
How is it that I always repeat the same pattern?
Am I mad?"
If they are asked for all.
Then go down with the bulldozer in your story,
two, four hands,
and jump out thousands of pieces.
An intricate puzzle.
Here is where it starts. Did you know?
E 'by the great liver that you want us to look at it,
fragmented in a thousand confetti
goes again.
Why does a woman again, however,
has an instinct inside that will drag on and on.
E 'adventure, rebuild themselves.
's largest.
No matter where you start,
if the house, the color of the curtains or the haircut.
I have always adored women in rebirth,
for this wonderful way of proclaiming to the world
"Sono nuova!"
Semplicemente con una gonna a fiori
o con un fresco ricciolo biondo.
Più delle albe, più del sole,
una donna in rinascita è la più grande meraviglia.
Per chi la incontra e per se stessa.

It's spring in November.
When you least expect it ...

enclose any text because the real focal point is the impulse of passion, translated into colors, red escaping upward bound of the soul "The woman in rebirth."

Solkide Auer (The Women):

woman as schematic as essential biological entity frozen in the symbol Scientific gently nestled in an altar. Here is the gift of words Solkide.

can 'be locked in a golden room,
can' be blamed for an original sin,
can 'be misunderstood in his enigmatic personality',
but maintains his innocence inner
emit its own light,
is tinged with pink to remember her being female, however, that distinguishes it.
that tells the world .. I exist and you can never do without me, otherwise the end of humanity '.

Dedicated to all women who suffer in this world, and all those who fought for freedom 'and civil rights of women.
Dedicated to the woman to claim the simplest of rights is dead and still dying.

Igaly Lion (Stop the Violence):

woman trapped and stigmatized in the act of looking out behind a glass where you can see in one direction only. The violence consumed the dark of a room dominated by the grayness.

Aloisio Congrejo (Nancy)

the crucifixion as an atonement of guilt expiation inner bad ever made.

Apple Shu (Stop!):

an image from a strong emotional impact, well built, great emphasis all'incombenza and the need to cease all violence.

Musique Gable (Calm after the storm):

a black and white strong emphasis on the dignity of the post. The wounds and scars visible, but faded and softened by a tender face, available on demand dry remark: "Why?"

Katy60it Cyberstar (Sacrifice):

difficult to interpret. An image hard, complex, all built around the symbolism of vampirism.
But more than the removal of sap, the clearer reference, is the dispersion of the sap ... A futile expenditure constraint and that is violence.

Lookatmy Back (Stop it one and forever):

un affresco moderno. Pulito e chiaro. Un'anima sorge sopra un corpo steso, nudo, le braccia tese con la forza della disperazione.

Flurry Fargis (Violence):

un'immagine chiara e d'impatto. Le regole vengono stravolte alla stregua del volto del soggetto.
La paura dipinta, le mani a tentare di parare il colpo inevitabile. Uno spaccato vero e potente.

Julie Janus (Involution):

a beautiful introspective of what is generated from going out to the soul.

Abso Zlatkis (maltreatment):

the explosion of tears, like the explosion of violence, give us a tangible cognizance of developments both internal and outside. What is generated inside and outside is generated.
But inside is an endless tears that will not stop anymore.

Qatesh Denji (Be blind):

exterior image of the sweet pride that acts as a counterweight to the gesture of shelter, hide and close our eyes to an ugly reality.
A nice description for a page definitely black.

Joy Snowfield (Fear):

seen almost fear for the future through a door and through the lens of the past.
A future bright but disturbed by scratching lines and blurry, which indicate the uncertainty and fear through that.

Lita Menges (Lost innocence):

clear picture of innocence lost loved man in the violence.
And the common meaning attributed to the loss of innocence, takes on a more dramatic to result in a deliberate sexual violence.

Kicca and Igaly None myoo (Teacher of Love):

teacher of life, always the teacher role Prince Women's steward who teaches kindness, and gentleness that puts love in bending and stooping down to caress. This role will not lose anymore. Teach your man made the value of love in all its immensity and transmit to him, as children, all the affection he is capable. The multi-role fighter woman love.

Nino Vichan (Shackling of pregnant incarcerated):

is a work strong in terms of involvement. The symbolism is in perfect harmony with the meaning and significance. The coercion of women to be ancestral mother, taxation becomes a natural violence since the moral compulsion to do so. Sounds like a punch in the face of the male figures hovering above the scene to show that the centuries have not changed the history of the average woman, common, everyday, bound to this role has always and forever.

Gleman Jun (Stop fear):

the tension is palpable, it is visually impressive, straight lines and a blend of white light as the crack of Burri reminiscent terrremoto that shocked Gibellina, built with the rubble of the town itself encased in chain mail and sealed for future memory of the shape of the buildings. This is the impression that I get and I take with me. A cut to life, the fear takes over and forces the corner, bare essentials, stripped of all superstructure and condensates, caged in fact, in the moment of fear.

I hope I never have you bored and had not "spent" too much paper and that your soul remains steeped in a long time for the beautiful messages that have been proposed.

the next post.

Tooth Bone Spur Graphic

2Lei Day

Here ..: O) # p2

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What Size Box For Alpine Type R 12

25/11 2Lei : Giornata Mondiale contro la violenza sulle Donne in Second Life

Thursday, November 25, 2010 22:00 (1.00 pm sl)

Tanalois 20Things/29/93/402

2Lei is a collaborative project between 2LifePhotos, Free Art, Arts Merkaba, PAD, SL Art, Tanalois, Salim, WDT Planet, CSW Island, The Knot, groups of Second Life, to raise awareness and dissemination of events organized to mark International Day against violence against women. On November 25, 2010

different virtual artists, gallery owners and cultural figures of SL have been called to share in their own land and groups belonging to the common message of solidarity to the woman.


2Lei - La Passione delle donne Un omaggio alla donna a 360 gradi che vuole essere allo stesso tempo un segno di solidarietà verso le donne violate, maltrattate, denigrate, soggiogate, odiate, temute, sfruttate...

un modo per essere vicini a tutte quelle donne che in questo giorno non possono essere con noi a gridare il loro inno alla vita perché la loro passione non si è conclusa con una con la morte, la privazione... l'annientamento dell'essere.

Un abbraccio a tutte quelle donne che con noi hanno camminato su questo mondo con passi da esseri umani tacciati di una differenza inesistente, di una particolarità scomoda, di una sensibilità inopportuna, di un entusiasmo pericoloso..di un essere donna da distruggere piuttosto che da amare.

Essere donna oggi è essere umana! Con i nostri corpi virtuali, la nostra coscienza globale e l'immortalità che ci contraddistingue in questo mondo perfetto vogliamo dedicare un giorno all'essere umano. Nel giorno in cui il mondo reale si riunisce in questa denuncia senza confini, apriamo le porte del Metaverso per diffondere il nostro messaggio di solidarietà alle donne. Questo messaggio vuole arrivare ai cuori degli esseri umani attraverso l'arte virtuale. Orgoglio di una società parallela in cui l'espressione creativa vanifica le distanze e si riunisce sotto un solo manifesto. 2Lei è l'esempio della collaborazione dei residenti di Second Life che a partire da un progetto italiano ha riunito per la stessa causa artisti e galleristi di tutto il mondo per dedicare anche nell'ambiente virtuale un giorno alla Passione delle donne. Il 25 novembre 2010 vieni in Second Life ed abbraccia con noi tutte le donne del mondo!


Istituita con la risoluzione n. 54/134 dalle Nazioni Unite nel 1999 al fine di sensibilizzare governi, istituzioni e società civile. L'Onu ha scelto questo giorno per commemorare la tragica vicenda delle tre sorelle Mirabal violentate, pugnalate e strangolate il 25 novembre del 1960, per ordine del dittatore Trujillo.


da "UN WOMEN":

Fatti and the numbers of women in the World

Monday July 19, 2010 12:10 http:// www. unwomen. org /

Violence against women - Over the last decade, to fight violence against women has become a priority in many countries. A study by the Secretary General in 2006 on violence against women has found that at least 89 states have some laws on domestic violence and 60 had specific laws against domestic violence. Marital rape was a crime punishable in at least 104 countries. Ninety-three countries had some rules regarding human trafficking. Ninety states had laws against sexual harassment.

- Despite these advances, violence against women and girls is a global pandemic. The problem continues to be universal, with women and girls victims of violence in every region and every country. Women who have been victims suffering from various health problems, and reduced ability to participate in public life. - A study on domestic violence conducted in 10 countries by the World Health Organization (WHO), a percentage between 15 and 71 percent of women reported to have suffered physical or sexual violence from their husbands or partners.

- Among women aged between 15 and 44, the acts of violence are among the leading causes of death and disability than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war. - In 2006, women and girls accounted for 79 percent of the victims of human trafficking. - More than 60 million girls worldwide are forced into early marriage, before age 18.

- It 's estimated that between 100 and 140 million girls and women in the world currently live with the consequences of female genital mutilation, and an estimated 3 million girls are at risk each year. - Impunity for the perpetrators, inadequate services for victims / survivors, attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate negative stereotypes and violence against women, and a general lack of resources for the implementation of existing measures remain persistent obstacles to prevention and to 'eradication della violenza contro le donne. L'evento itinerante coinvolge (in ordine di percorso) (verrete guidati da magici portali)

Tanalois Gallery di Tani Thor

CSW Gallery di Aliza Karu

Arte Libera di Simba Schumann

2LifePhoto di ChrisTower Dae

Museo PAD di Matteus Taurog

SaliMar Mila Tatham and Rodroguez Imako

The Knot of Shellina Winkler 20Crystal / 64/228/1001

WDT Planet Alice Mastroianni 20Planet/84/97/50

credits: Photos of Kristine Lowey

Special Guest: EddieGuitar Dagger Sherrif who will sing a song created especially for the event!

Text manifesto: Marjorie Fargis and Simba Shumann

Creating portals: Mila Tatham

Translations: Shellina Winkler

Book: Aliza Karu and MarkWD Helendele

Hospitality for meetings: Christower Dae

Directorate Meeting: Marjorie Fargis, Tani Thor, Aliza Karu

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Knee Replacement Surgery

Tanalois & Friends

I admit I feel a bit 'like Del Noce when presented with Pavarotti and Carreras Domingo Baths of Caracalla in 1991 ... But then began to expire when the poor face in micorfonate Staffelli. What
tell you this evening which is languidly flowing under my, and your eyes?
This reopening, after moving from Puuiki, passes through a deep redesign the layout of the entire land.
Everything is born from the pen of Tani Thor amplified with a reading of the issues have already been tried Gemini. But with so many prim in hand.
The land is divided into several levels, and an aspiration to search for content, each with its own personality and connotation that makes it unique.
Because this type of setup ... Well I think it can not be denied if I read it as an artist to provide a choice of "skin" (or pixel) of the environment is most appropriate and suitable to him, understood as a personality, that his works without necessarily have to bind to a label, a style of construction of buildings;
in this way can give you the opportunity to articulate even "talk" structural customizable within of that context.
I can not refuse to make a list of names of places and then ... I do not want to disappoint anyone, but I will review each individual artist, you need to know that they are all people of whom we have already been in the company and we have got to have with us on our path of gallery, and then going to groom well, certainly you will find a review, albeit brief, or in the form of interview.
At this point someone might also wonder why the move ... the move ... Well simply because of the excessive lag that subivamo to Puuiki, so find this piece of land, we immediately transferred.
Nothing has changed on the team, we are always us
Aloisio Congrejo: Artistic Director and PR - Talent Scout, Thor
Tani: Builder PR Manager and Administrative Director;
Magnifico Florence: PR Party Manager and promoter of events related to literature;
Kaji Jewell: Wild man and writer.
As anticipated it all started from an idea of \u200b\u200bThor Tani, these are the environments and the names of people who have populated their works and creations that involve both the RL that SL.
good trip.

In environment "Undersea" 20Things/56/67/402

63d41marion Zeplin
Giovanna Cerise
Merlina Rokocoko
Newbab Zsigmond
Pol Jarvinen
Solkide Auer

Ambiente sobrio... Accattivante. Ricco di specie ittiche e misteriosi anfratti dove relitti e siti archeologici si alternano. E' un luogo di grande impatto cromatico e largamente ed intrinsecamente introspettivo. Da spazio e respiro a se stessi.

At "The beach" surround 20Things/54/48/300

Abso Zlatkis
Aloisio Congrejo
Lungu aka Angelica Luna Hall
Bruno Canadee
Joy Snowfield
Gleman Jun
Maryva Mayo
Mystery Hifeng
Morgana Nagorski
Qatesh Denji

Typical informal environment to chat about this and that ... But as we know, or rather, as many psychologists have told us by now: it's much easier to tell a stranger rather than reveal that those already there ha idealizzati. Allora quale luogo migliore di qualche duna, un suolo morbido, una leggera brezza calda... Questa è la spiaggia Signore e Signori.

At "Savana"

Ally Aeon
ChrisTower Dae
Cristian Rexie
Dixit Writer
Elle Ellsmere
Feathers Boa
Kaji Jewell
Katy60it Cyberstar
Kicca Igaly
La Baroque
Lookatmy Back
Nessuno Myoo
nexuno Thespian

Quale luogo migliore per tornare alle origini, a sé stessi. Al nostro essere un po' cacciatori e un po' cacciati dove ritrovarsi in un gruppo con tutti i nostri IO.
Savana: essere legati al proprio istinto.

At "Ice sky" 20Things/49/43/754

Augusto Needles
Blues Thor
Julie Janus
Daco Monday
luciella Lutrova
Plague Razor
Tani Thor

What better place to warm up a bit '. Represented here in the cold winter high peaks, firs and conifers and a few flakes that falls on our shoulders.

At "Sky"

Albe Watanabe
Josina Burgess
Lion Igaly
Yaia Nishi

Volare nel blu della nostra fantasia, respirare un'aria nuova, pulita.
Nell'azzurro coinvolti da tutto.

Come vedete ce n'è per tutti i gusti.
There is nothing left to explore.

the next post.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How To Get Gold Cross On Mw2

Un bel "testa di..."

Yes, you read that right.
Last night I reminisce and I trawled back in time.
I read a bit 'of my old posts ... You know it was like seeing the old pictures of the elementary school. We believe that we "reconsider" a little 'our past and say "is my classmate was not so good ...". Sti cocks! It was not good ... It was very good.
Here I felt a bit 'so. Only that the classmate of me was me.
are in a crisis of split personality.
The second digital life, fortunately, not contaminate my life so I feel real biological every right to regard it as the life of another person. Paradoxically, those who read me, who knew me, who I attended but also those who hates me and hates me has taken the best part of me that wanted to do something, to say, and to help in some way to do something good. But let me go a bit 'over, let me invade your field a bit, field of you readers, you who are on the other side.
For a while last night (about 4:30 minutes are the most minute less ed) I heard one of you and wanted to do what I have rarely seen it done .... Comment ... And then I wonder: I really always written and said all right? Is there anyone who agrees or disagrees with what I say?
Then I tell them: a beautiful "Head of fucked up shit you said!" I enjoyed it to me willingly and I tried to understand why.
now no more I get angry, do not be afraid ... I do not get angry over and I stopped in a hurry. Getting angry does not change things much in a hurry and is a bit 'like being on board a train to start running in the same direction with the first excuse to get to your destination. It makes no sense. It makes more sense to sit and look out a window or two to chat with neighbor cursed chair.
me I'm sitting on my ass as a monkey on his arm and my train is steam so has even less sense to start running in the same direction the train.
I try to talk with those below the seats and the most backward and I expect a nice "shut the fuck head that I want to enjoy the view and the rattle!"

the next post.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Plan Bfrequent Urination

Augusto Aghi @ Tanalois - Puuiki

As for this artist guest of Tanalois I declare myself incompetent because it is an artist working in RL that offers a selection of his works then I'd rather entrust the interview Aliza Karu I report in its full text.

Augusto Needles, the emotion of the body

colors and anatomy, light and shadow. Paolo Dei Rossi tells Whipart during his first exhibition in Second Life.

The expressionist language comes out with a loud voice from the paintings of the Venetian painter Paolo Dei Rossi, aka Augustus Needles.
tells us that the current preference of the German Expressionists, who is close with his works. And you can not give a reason: violent and bright colors are the masters, accompanied by hand from soft curves of bodies, as well as the study of light that ' particularly expressive portrait subjects. Not only that, there are also poems of dreams and also a self-produced films (of which more later).

Augusto needle, already had several exhibitions, both personal and collective, will exhibit from Aug. 2, 2010 in a 3D environment, Second Life *.

Q: When did you get into art?
A: Let's say I have an early start to be attracted by the colors. At age 18, attending the arts high school, I started to learn the techniques, focussing on the very human figure, which is the ABC in my work. Only lately I'm changing, art is a continuous search.

Q: Have you ever used oil?
A: Initially I used acrylic, to experiment. But painting in acrylic painting is anxious, because when you post a picture once you finish it. With the oil painting you have more freedom to shoot the picture the next day, there's no hurry to complete the work on an emotional level that disturbs.

Q: Have you tried other techniques?
A: I used the bitumen also either alone or mixing it with wax warming and going to work "to remove" you go to undermine the strength to leave a yellowish glow, like a light. I also worked only by wax, again using the technique using the sculptors of taking away, then paints, enamels. Even the china with the bleach for example, depending on the color you use you can get yellows, pinks .. Lately I've been working with the resin.

Q: When you complete a picture starts right away?
A: It depends. There is emotion, idea, which can come at night. Then it may happen that there is something new, then storing the canvas and start painting something diverso.Quella the resume when the time is right: there are paintings that I finished in two years.

Q: In some works I have noted several richiami a pittori famosi
R: Sono degli omaggi ad artisti che sento vicino, ovviamente in una mia rivisitazione, come Mirò.

D: Che ne pensi del momento culturale attuale
R: Credo che sia un brutto periodo di stasi. Viviamo in un'epoca in cui si ha più bisogno del bene materiale piuttosto che del superfluo. Occorrerebbe una rivoluzione, soprattutto nel campo artistico, per cercare una risposta, nuovi stili di vita. Credo che gli ultimi anni di fervore artistico siano stati gli anni '80.

D: A cosa è imputabile secondo te questa stasi
R: Tutto è collegato al sociale, di certo. La crisi economica non permette ai "Mere mortals" to live calmly, and its upper floors do nothing to change that. We pass off a fake freedom.

Q: Who is Augusto Needles
A: It is a person who did everything myself: my life is geared up for myself, I semrpe right on my legs and, most importantly, I have never accepted compromises .

Q: Explain in Second Life ... idea that you
A: I did not know this world, to be honest, but I think it is an innovative reality that goes precisely known. It is another way in more than you can follow. And of course I am very curious to see what will come out.

Article / Interview
Aliza Karu

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Para Que Sirve Quadriderm

Le strade non ci raccontano più nulla (o quasi...)

Despite injuring his back today I went in motion ... Without much desire and unpretentious me and my "partner" we headed towards our beloved hills on the border that separates the big S (of our fellow Laura Pausini sigh!) From the hon hoha hola hannuccia (trans. Coca-Cola through a straw).
After a bit 'of kilometers we step on my favorite, the wind is brisk and take off the helmet is a little' how to let free the thoughts that had been banished to a hidden part of the brain. The T-shirt under the jacket is a bit 'wet and cool so I prefer not to risk I keep it on him.
A rapid scratching inside pockets and extract a cigarette, cross relaxation and delight. I look a bit 'round and an abundance of gray hair under the helmet, profiles marked by time, some infirmities of age that is indistinguishable from some ailment of kisses cursed the road. My partner knows one of these profiles can be recognized and immediately opens a killer smile. Depart from the classic biker talk about the latest exploits and future rounds.
I feel a little 'alien look and listen with a bit of' detachment with a look a bit 'stupid (I think .. in fact I am sure) ... I've just upgraded to level again and already I feel outdated.
Honestly I have not found my motorcycle but I'm sure to be increased by at least two levels this season: I started as a "nail in the curve" ... Does it have to explain it to you? Well ... Put it this way ... Plant a nail in a board and try to tilt without tilting the axis, or even to move forward again without changing the position of the wood ... In short, I had the wheels side as children ...
I have come to the level "Curbstone ... Does it have to explain it to you? Well ... Normally the wayside following the road but as a "fold" is pretty hard ... I aspired to get to level "those who go round about." Do not ask me what it means, but I suspect it has something to do with smooth running of the engine, but I'm not so sure.
In the meantime, "what goes round up" (my partner) and what he has "the right step for fun" continue to tell ... And I in my small way, I prefer to stay with half sat perched on the saddle of my bike. I admit even my partner has a few years older than me and I realize that I have a different way to talk about the streets.
"It's not the goal, but what is in the middle between the departure and arrival." Here ... I belong to the generation of variants is not a road they have traveled that it remained so. Once the road told us a lot of the place which we crossed, we held the memorial stone alive the memory of heroic deeds, a Madonna in a small cloister bless us even 50 meters before or after a handful of gravel on the asphalt we had pulled out of his mouth a few words too ... Now there are variations ... Where before there was a curved bridge and a viaduct now there's another curve that has eaten the Virgin Mary, the stone and the cornerstone that was promptly replaced by a sign of iron ... While I am completely lost in embryos of these thoughts end to talk and tell things that I probably will not do because of these variations or not see.
place the helmet on the saddle and I went toward the bar and a band of young men just licensed complains del nuovo codice della strada e le varianti mi fanno sorridere.
Mi immagino una strada di collina che fu tortuosa, ripida dove ogni curva richiedeva il suo tributo di polso e braccio. Adesso no, ci sono le varianti per me e soprattutto per loro che, a ragione, sbeffeggiano i chiodi e i paracarri perché sono veloci solo sul dritto e a volte nemmeno sul dritto perché un tele laser o un autovelox minaccia la loro targa colpevole di essere troppo dritta e facilmente fotografabile. Dopo il caffè usciamo dal bar e con passo lento io mi dirigo verso il mio missile senza turbina e il mio socio verso il suo aereo (lui ha già da un po' dismesso i panni del paracarro n.d.a.).
Per il ritorno scegliamo una strada inusuale, un po' stretta, winding and steep ... Well thankfully someone is saved, but when I thought I had escaped yet another straight artificial viaducts is materialized in all its ugliness and destruction in all its ... A variant with a lot of discussion. I crossed incredulous, bewildered, almost did not recognize the places and last but not least a long way in the trenches in motion is as bad you can conceive. In secret I kept to my sorrow, this transposition of our day, straight, directed and controlled with false choices, where a release is no longer a difference and journey time between the start and finish must be as short and flat as possible, I realized in a way that accomplished little, and we hope the rest of the soul, now, do not think any more. To make that trench downed trees, Madonnas and probably also some closed source which has now been harnessed and driven directly into the sewers without being able to be more useful. From the trenches do not see anything, and we see nothing. Tight curve to the right because it has no doubt that after the corner there is an obstacle, but on the straight you are sure to be, in fact, comes from behind a car, gives me the I-beam and overtake. No, not afraid of my velox, I just plan are curbstone choice for aspiring and "one who goes round up" to continue to learn to stand on the street believes that the road can still tell us something different from an anonymous e pericoloso dritto che assopisce, fa premere sull'acceleratore e dove una distrazione non lascia scampo.
Adesso me ne sto qui, ancora come una scimmietta, seduto sulle mie chiappe con una sigaretta tra le dita e un caffè fumante sulla scrivania. Guardo negli occhi le mie moto e mi domando dove andremo Sabato e Domenica prossimi per evitare le varianti... Posso sempre consultarmi con l'uomo della pubblicità che stando a quello che fanno vedere il "vento marino" che stagiona i suoi prosciutti lo insegue in moto.... Forse le varianti le hanno inventate per lui così non si deve impegnare troppo.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ati Radeon Mobility 4330 Rank

...e me ne sto qui...

E' la notte tra il 15 e il 16 Agosto, ed è precisamente l'una e venti.
Non mi va di farmi take the piss and I rest sitting on my ass on a chair, listening as a monkey in the distance, the last sound of this summer is dwindling. I went out running this afternoon and saw the trees that are coming into life in the pre ... Strange is not it? Yes, I stopped and I felt that this stagnation is coming. Paradoxically, a leafless tree is more alive. He has a gem that most of the leaf, and it represents the beginning of its life cycle. They're even they sat on their ass on a chair. Ahead. Nor do they seem to intuition, to want to get caught up for a ride.
Last night, almost at this time, I was wandering through my private pool, my city, where I through water, or better, splash before last night. It is no longer my city. I was looking for a hole to make some suggestive photos, but all was tremendously space. Cars parked in dark places with or without people in it, I did not care, I was looking for a shy intimacy to find some good inspiration he met me, my camera, and the moment. But last night I did not want me taking the piss, and the place was not long in finding. It 's all a joke. Do you think the tree is "dead" in the winter, no, do you think the night is deep and has a bit 'of the place for you, it does not. Those places you thought were your are a little "Marred" by some stroke of the lantern, and so even your moment vanishes.
I do not think badly of prostitutes, but I think that they, too, are a joke. Now they are available everywhere to carry their burden of exploitation and violence and sbam! a door is slammed in your face right where they thought you found your slice of night, your flash of light in the darkness. No I do not think badly of prostitutes, but I think they are a joke, a great roar of hypocrisy, a hypocrisy that hurt me because the beatings they receive. Then I came back home a little 'humbled a little' hurt a bit 'dazed, I blamed the small hours but in my heart I knew it was not. A nothing, a segnetto plus I carry with me dragging behind like my left leg.
Appendix unwanted but necessary. Those of you who would be willing to cut a leg because it hurts ... I personally do not. So I will continue to bring back these segnetti, these wrinkles on the face of my expression, so when the time comes, will prove all his years without falsehood. Just to take the piss.
day I'll be back to try quell'angoletto night I was taken away, but as a photographer's shadows, I can not help but think of the scene at night with the lights and reflections ... But it will be just a picture of the day ...

Al prossimo post.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shovel Pond Nancy Drew Cheat

Kaji e il suo alter ego reale in: "Filosofia da marciapiede"

Non mi ricordo da chi e dove l'ho sentita, ma le parole "filosofia da marciapiede" mi suonano bene in testa; sarà la scarsa densità della mia materia grigia che favorisce il propagarsi di questi pensieri inconsulti oppure semplicemente la mia sciattaggine intrinseca che mi abbandona in paludi dalle quali mi è sempre più difficile uscire.
Ultimamente vengo sempre più spesso aggredito da una leggera vena di rabbia verso gli opinionisti improvvisati e pidocchiosi, non nel senso riferibile alla statura morale, ma nel senso proprio della dimensione di quello che vanno cercando e scovando all'interno di qualsiasi cosa gli si pari davanti.
Cercano sempre il pidocchietto, the inertia, the nit to criticize and groped to insinuate doubt, not so much the product of intelligence and creativity, but as its producer.
I find it simply disarming.
I despair even more abuse of the word "however" that precludes any kind of constructive discussion because, regardless, those lucky enough to be able to say it first, immediately poses a limit to its counterpart. There is no escape from that word.
becomes impossible to continue an argument. From then on it becomes exposed to a diktat thought impassable.
missing a predisposition, a bridge that can be spread between two people. Manca opening. This is true philosophy to the sidewalk, that we encounter every day, whatever we speak. As soon as I hear a "still" fly me salt hives. Much prefer a "my opinion" is more agent, expansive. It provides our views and hands it to anyone who listens to us enabling us to offer another point of view to another "in my opinion."
Another point is to set up the "beautiful".
missing. I miss it. I feel at times to be surrounded by close to this condition.
What it means to be prepared to beauty. In my opinion, is to create within us a kind of harmony, a sort of inner music which carries out what we have inside. I do not mean much more philosophical reason, which frankly I do not know everything, both Eastern and Western, ancient and modern, I refer to our philosophy that we write in our thoughts and in our actions. What should bring this condition?
I think should lead to blindness to the nit, louse to that annoying than jumping in front of us. Think about it for a moment, then your taste and pleasure you can slaughter them for criticism but as you do remember two things: that all these thoughts are just for me and not anyway.

the next post.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Patio Door Window Treatments

Ally Aeon @ Tanalois

Due post in una sera, rischio il collasso psicologico... In effetti un pochino le manine (25 cm dalla punta del mignolo alla punta del pollice n.d.a.) mi tremano.
Sono salito a quota 700 e l'ossigeno un po' scarseggia e il mio avatar subisce, ancora, gli effetti nefasti della mia conduzione e si trova proiettato nel bailame di un altro opening, lo vedo un pochino sofferente, ma io lo ignoro.
Passo in rassegna le fotografie di Ally e rimango un poco interdetto dall'analogia con Abso.
Ritrovo qui un altro pezzo della realtà virtuale di SL.
Trovo dei ritratti intensi e profumati di tutto questo mondo, e ne riconosco il profilo tratteggiato nel quale si passa dall'estate winter, day and night, meaning even the emotional differences that are "haves".
Well, what I see in the work of Ally, is summarized well designed and well made, of all possible environments of SL.
beautiful colors that will complement the scene and make full and intense than in the overall arrangement and its perfect accord.

I think it's nice to see an exhibition to be able to gather and review all aspects ranging from the most distant from those closest to us.

Al prossimo post.

Coleslaw Mix With Pasta And Slaw Dressing

Abso Saltkis @ Tanalois

Ormai sono diventato una specie di ectoplasma digitale, mi manifesto a giorni alterni ed in stretta correlazione con l'umidità dell'aria....
Sono cotto e rosolato come la famosa quaglia dell'altrettanto famosa attrice (Luciana Littizzatto n.d.a.) della ancor più famosa catena di super mercati (la Coop n.d.a.).
Il sole, per fortuna, non ci abbandona un attimo anche se sembra avere preso un po' troppo sul serio la faccenda delle ondate di calore che, non capisco perché, sembrano sciabordare ancor più impetuose e impietose proprio quando esco di casa io.
Passeggio placidamente per la land, talmente placidamente da rasentare lo listless. But a little voice
bothering me, or rather, I realize that the voice is a Director of Mega IM galactic Aloisio Congrejo which reminds me that are behind a post / review ... Then click the mystical crisis and the avatar takes the shape of the Director of the Archangel Gabriel, scene fantozziana memory ... Dismayed as never before started a frantic race against the clock to churn out as soon as possible, a post that can sum up an evening to which I was unable to attend.
I quickly push beyond the threshold of the exhibition of Abso Zlatkis and I can not help but rhyme baffled by the stage presence of faces.
I do not mind anything. The concentration
hitch like water on a slope, towards those looks so intense and magnetic.
The centrality of the proportions, and proportions in the central ... We know now that I think still in the grip of "visions", but it is not.
I move upstairs and wonder, if possible, increased when I discovered this wonderful idea to put the game face of the avatar body-inserted into the cover of "Vogue" and "Men's health". A true stroke of genius.
A different kind of contextualization, which also tells us a bit ', if you will, the intention to be lowered in his own time, not alien to the canons of our time.
Under this view, or point of view, everything is very clear, very clear.
seems a better chain of our aesthetic that, in one way or another, we have been inculcated and offered in a thousand sauces and in many ways and to me that in all sincerity, reads like a summation.
are nearing the end of my tour guided by my imagination, when another voice falls on my mind ... Oh dear ...
Completely panicked and almost precipitous watch the IM will not fall again into a trance. Fortunately, it suggests to me that Tani, like any good CEO, if that does not mean good music played by the same Abso, fired me, and I trusted them to them in full and transmit a copy to the original: "He also played excellent music. Proper and perfect ear."

the next post.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Jenna Haze Got Dick Shirt

Maxsyd Mandel @ Tanalois

recently are not very fit, but ... They are rather weak and fatigued.
The sun beats down hard and it looks like from up there and feel the copious and verbose services follow the news on what is hot these days and what could be ... I trust in the post-industrial ennui in which messages, designed to create new needs, they become paranoid and we wear out in pursuit of throwing a no-self rather ridiculous and violent.
I light a cigarette because smoking kills "is the only thought that goes through my head and I care little step beyond, and back body and soul in the heat of the sun continues to topple him.
television now speaks of everything alone, we had a fight at all, the day he stopped to show me the vicissitudes of the "insane" (I do not want to be an actor, but who invented it) that it go for a stroll on the Emilian plain, shouting "E 'marinoooooo arrived!" because it deprived me of the equally stupid rebellion I had left to answer "Who fregaaa! The marine us there we have it all year and that ham, now produce in the lab! Other than aging."
Meanwhile all this convoluted meningitis (or rather what is left of my brains) my most intolerant and made sure way to find refuge in my digital alter-ego.
Puuiki is quiet and does not appear on the radar no one, except my yellow ball which seems to indicate an avatar plagued jaundice.
I realize that I bruised the fool again, yielding to sleep walking and jumping like the opening of the exhibition of Maxsyd Mandel ... Kaji poor, defenseless target for all my iniquities and biological ... I confess ... still sleepy despite the many hours of sleep (very refreshing) I make two steps, languidly, with muffled step from noob I wander to the land. I
appears before a number di fotografie, non mi soffermo a contarle, sarebbe superfluo, ma mi soffermo a soppesare quello che mi piace. Mi scuso con chi mi reputa un buonista, o una fatina buona del cazzo ma mi riesce di vedere solo il lato che piace a me. Le critiche e le silurate le lescio ad altri.
Faccio la tara su di me e comincio a vedere una bella, bellissima profondità di campo. Come un bel respirone di pancia, fluido e potente.
E sento già il campo pulito dagli "spiattellamenti".
Oltre la fotografia, dentro la fotografia, ci vedo un gran bel ritratto di una realtà che, a prescindere dal luogo geografico in cui è stata scattata, è tutta italiana. Un po' Santa e un po' Puttana. Sullo stesso piano, sullo same level.
Sensualtà of forms, the beauty all around, a waft of perfume and smells of our campaigns, sounds and real words, old age and youth, the best portrait of a country that would not forget, proud of its past but is not able at times to make it emerge. What I see is the shining example of interpreting and translating by 'the Italian vulgate poetic and true.

the next post.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hole In The Wall Of The Throat

Redmoon Balut @ Tanalois

The heat is terrible down here in the southern coast, the warm and humid there is never a habit. As usual
lodges in SL and I realize that I was going to make a fool of epic, the kind that even a flogging in the square were to erase the shame caused ... I was going to forget about 'opening of Redmoon ...
As I said, in the vicinity of my home, even inside my house, the humidity has taken up residence and the stifling heat is slightly damped by the fan who now is also prey to the heat.
I wander silent for the show and I am immediately struck by the image composition, extremely varied and exploratory.
In this exhibition dedicated to eros and the feminine sphere, are the masters of nude images, strong images and challenging. The shades of red, across its range, and in all its fullness, surrounding a solid content of faces, not round need emphasis if not in those suspended in the poems composed by Redmoon same.
I am slightly displaced in having to go "on the edge of the word" pictures of Redmoon because they are constantly hovering between the serious and appropriate and dirty and misunderstanding.
Let me explain.
E 'difficult in today's world, discerning in a way made a bare end in itself, leading to a nude message, an impression, a way of being.
What I read in the images of sensuality Redmoon is a fair way to be attractive while not selling out, a way to weigh an important physical without falling into cafonaggine.
Just a little, maybe, just un pizzico di saturazione, un pizzico buio in più; un tono blu per raffreddare la situazione per poi smentirsi con una linea verticale a ricordare il vero obiettivo: la maschilità quasi vile, che sta di sfondo, persa nella luce ambientale.
Dicevo prima della non necessità di sottolineature, della non necessità di rimarcare in modo pesante la rappresentazione dell'universo non tanto femminile, ma dell'universo "femmina" (concedetemi questa licenza) al quale un po' tutti noi apparteniamo a volte inconsapevolmente.
Sono delle non necessità che si avvertono quando l'immagine sembra finita, quando ciò che vediamo ci racconta precisamente quello che il nostro occhio vede: piacere, sofferenza, dissimulazioni, suffering in pretense, pride of being female, awareness of body and soul.

the next post.

PS: eight live shows in the poems composed by Redmoon that will follow the show on his travels.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Flavor Metal Cores Scooter Wheels

Alexandra Mensing @ Tanalois

The climate is more forgiving in my small town "was" smiling coast of Romagna, and on this warm evening in early summer I wander to Puuiki thoughtfully.
Tonight opens the exhibition of Alexandra Mensing, irony fate comes the dreaded sea ..... No. .. It 's a joke. A visitor to the exhibition is called Marinu and above all does not run around shouting the exhibit "I came." Putting aside this
cnsiderazione psychopathological stress advertising do two steps for the show, as my usual, cigarette in hand, unfortunately, I enter the umpteenth journey into expressiveness.
I notice the abundance of colors and weaves.
hopelessly attracted by Japanese culture I come and start to see a flood of Enso scattered around the exhibition.
Provo to the explanation to a simple definition of Enso: "Driven at the time of the mental state of painter is possbile to draw a powerful and well balanced Enso only if you have the mind clear and free of thoughts and intentions. It 's the real moment of emptiness with fullness. And 'the reflection of your inner state of harmony "(taken dahttp: / / nda)
So Referring to this form of expression, I see Enso many before me where the state of absolute harmony of the artist is perceived by the constant flow and harmonious colors, and its openness to the world from the menu that opens "Touch" of the work.
few words to define a "roundness" that gives some hypnotic moment, a moment of contact with a flow that goes beyond the sense of the work.

The only real differences that I take in the works, compared to the thin definition of Enso, is the "emptiness", in fact we have not really an empty space to welcome in the ' work, but a well-defined space within which fluctuate with the option to leave if the form and flow of colors.

The next post

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Single Deck Pinochle Online

Nexuno Thespian @ Tanalois

are immersed in our thriving piece of land to cultivate art and experience of digital life in industrial quantities.
Outside the windows of my study it is still raining, but fortunately the weather here in Puuki follows my orders and the sun bends its rays to my will, so set lunch and I enjoy sunbathing by the tails of my avatar, practically hands , feet and face and the rest of toasted white as a sheet.
within the building that houses the exhibition Nexuno and are pleasantly greeted by a beautiful water effect on the ground softened by a few hundred yellow and red flowers.
some friends waiting for me and we salute you; on my way to find good Lookatmy Back attempting to steal my work commenting on the color palette but I will not be intimidated.
As a good engineer who has proved to be my track marks to follow.
The real focus to follow and interpret or color choice and researched and elegantly set in the photographs of our guests.
are those who "naturally" do not exist in SL, such as purple skies, azure night reflections.
It 's a frantic search of the artifact in the virtual.
It captures the exasperation of the situations brought, caught the moment that is repeated in a different key.

Per capire a fondo, occorre calarsi con le scarpe in SL e vedere con occhi critici la spasmodica ricerca della riproduzione del reale dentro il digitale, cieli sempre più sfumati, azzurri limpidi tersi, nubi sfilacciate o morbide come pecorelle, acque azzurre di verde smeraldo a perdita d'occhio... Ma... Cosa succederebbe se tutta questa perfezione venisse stravolta ?
La risposta a questa domanda la trovo nei lavori di Nexuno, persona simpatica, affabile che concede il proprio modo di non vedere.
Non fraintendete.... Lui ci vede benissimo, ma offre, secondo me, una proposta di non-luoghi digitali. Luoghi che nel metaverso non esistono, quindi un posto al outside the logic that becomes a non-place. All we can meet in those places.
Hues puts on us, with the way we live this SL.

In this respect also our skies can be dyed in purple, we can find colorful cityscapes at night, a thousand shades and we can invent things that do not exist as an albino sparrow.
This show manages to make us forget the sad scenes Twilight (idea Lookatmy Back nda), indeed, I would add, are diametrically opposed.

It is uncommon for even the arrangement of the works, set up huge blocks of wood strips, angled and scattered around the building as if they were dice thrown at the table, who wins and who loses can not be said simply because they do not exist. The green table of life is drawn, and the flowers that decorate let us wait for the softness of the picture Nexuno.

the next post.

Peliculas Free Online

... we live on memories.

today from the windows of my study American see only clouds. Throw a light breeze from the ground so I feel safe from the idiot of the ham. The marine environment for today if they stay away from my little village di provincia sul finire della campagna e sull'inizio del mare. Si sente solo il profumo della pioggia e il frenire di alcuni pioppi in lontananza. Le mie moto mi guardano languidamente e, se non sapessi che non hanno motilità facciale, giurerei che mi stanno implorando di uscire. 1600 centimetri cubi e 200 cavalli in due, ognuna col suo carattere, pregi e difetti.
Vive a modo loro.
Viene da usare un linguaggio scurrile e violento per descriverle, quando il culo appoggia sulle loro selle e il feeling aumenta e cresce in maniera smisurata dopo le prime curve, non se ne può fare a meno; si sente la necessità di far emergere la loro indole.
Una più pacata, timida, che va stuzzicata, presa per mano e allungata in alto dove il motore becomes a growl and a gear change becomes a rap that you hear on the foot and stretches the legs of the front fork ...
's always other bad, angry, rude, which in turn calls always three things: gas, butt out and almost touching the knee open' asphalt that makes you always wonder if you're driving on the street or track.
are small fragments of memory, chips are crazy for spending days in the hills between the hairpin bend and a bend in the middle.
are memories.
The vessels of life, where all the flowers that shine day we ragalano, are also filled with these things. Are liquid, like water, keep cut flowers, those flowers that remain in whatever happens.
These are memories that are adapted to the container, fluid, filling all the interstices of the soul.
... memories ....
In these days where a light rain smooths, flattens and plane, the clouds envelop the sky and the drugs do not look like rain, are not doing their "job" takes the value of all memory, a binary code that runs in front of your eyes, overlay on the screen and you realize that the horses of the PC may not look like the horses of the beast is watching you. E 'strong' s instinct to open the door and turn it in the middle of the wind, rain, the lightning and thunder, to hear him, if only for a split second, that place where it seems to come: a circle of hell.
But it's all a memory superimposed translucent.
Reality is a chair, the drugs, the ants in the feet and hips that seem to explode.
A punch that does not care that there is under your skin, you line the body, with scarring and contempt.
from the groin to the knee, and back, via the skin, by all that's inside (cited Marco Paolini from "Vajont-October 9, 1963 note)
but open your eyes, look down and everything is still in its place.
's just the constant reminder of' the other day where the sun was shining and it could be the last.

the next post.