The Lazio Region "takes the field for Sports Safety
(Arianna Saroli ) - Saturday, February 19 at the stadium Arnaldo Ciampino Zone was held on the second day of regional dedicata alla sicurezza nello sport, promossa dalla Regione Lazio in collaborazione con la Fondazione Giorgio Castelli Onlus e l’Associazione Alessandro Bini per la Sicurezza nello Sport. La giornata, che prevedeva la consegna dei primi cinque defibrillatori a cinque società sportive del Lazio (ASD Stella Azzurra Basket Roma, ASD Basket Città di Ladispoli, ASD Maco Nuoto Roma, ASD Angioina Juventus Accademy Rieti, Asd Anagni Calcio), è iniziata con una fase di formazione degli esponenti di tali società alla pratica della rianimazione cardio-polmonare attraverso l’utilizzo del defibrillatore grazie alla disponibilità e alla professionalità del professor Castelli e di suo figlio Valerio, responsabile sul campo della formazione BLS-D of lay workers.
the training course, which took place in the sports arena of Tor Sapienza, was followed by the official time of delivery of certificates and the use of defibrillators, which occurred by a testimonial, the actor Raoul Bova that, just as a former professional athlete and a parent of two children, he stressed the importance of safety and prevention in sport and naturally cured upon himself the attention of the public, autographs and giving shots to children and parents present.
The official ceremony began at around 15.00. Leading the event an exceptional speaker, Marco Giustinelli, Communication and Image Futsal Committee Regional Representative Lazio FIGC NLD. Among those present sports personalities such as the Head of Culture, Arts and Sports of the Lazio Region, Fabiana Santini, Vice Commission for Culture, Arts and Sports of the Lazio Region Mario Brozzi, Commission Vice-President of the Lazio Region Sports Enzo Foschi, the Director the Administrative Service dell'Ares 118, Joseph Salvati, Rita Giorgio Castelli Castelli Foundation Onlus Association and Delia Santalucia Bini Alessandro Bini. Among the various interventions of great social value and we find the demonstration intervention practice resuscitation on a mannequin by the instructors BLS-D Foundation Castelli, to reiterate the importance of the practice of first aid maneuvers especially in view of attention to the next and altruism, which features fewer and fewer relational dynamics of everyday life in today's society. Another highlight saw the children of school football players George Castelli ASD Atletico Pavona who wanted to make a floral tribute alderman, breaking into the field with a rush of joy, as a sign of gratitude to the institutions and to the person councilor specifically, that it is spending so much for safety in sport.
And now the voice of the protagonists.
Dr. Brozzi, what value does this important day for you?
Today is a day when the sun shines not by chance, because after many years of commitment on the part of the Castelli family before and after the family Bini, on that tragic circle of rosary beads that have different succession one after the other, we practically started a process to ensure that solidarity guide individual actions, that does not happen to others what happened to some of us, and then as we all know that if it happened to some can happen to anyone, we started to bring in the sports world this concept of respect for everything that is the race, the game, defeat, victory, but above all respect for the value of the first life, which is the most important thing there is. And this so that our children can do sport and sport is that educational model to create a life marked by the values \u200b\u200bof respect for the rules of honor, victory, defeat, surely only those values \u200b\u200bthat I learned in of the four lines that define the playing field of life are the same, but everything is done safely, by medical examination that is prevention, through a teaching is not only strictly technical, but considering other areas such as proper nutrition, respect for the body, health, because health is not only a right but a duty of citizens. To preserve all the contamination of the risks that today's life brings and that sport has inherent and un'impiantistica where our children can safely play sports: there are so taps, wire mesh, there are no structures at risk and prevent us from definitely prevent avoidable tragedies. Here, today is the day of the "avoids minds." The BLS course, BLS-D allow us to learn a very important gesture, learn what altruism, because the only person who can never be revived "yourself." This is something that we learn for others, is therefore a very important moment in the life of everyone. Already do this means remembering that there are others as well. In Italy the defibrillator is considered a tool of "bad luck", as if to avoid something happens that rightly fears. The generation of young people today will begin to understand that technology is something that should serve to improve the quality of life and give us the security of existence, and we can not fight and conflictual technologies, especially when they represent safeguard the value of life.
Mr. Bova, how important is the safety in sport and what is important to convey the concept of prevention in other areas?
Who is in charge of prevention must make information available to all sports facilities which is essential for the prevention of heart attacks or not disregard any of the structures that can be dangerous, unsafe, and cause damage of various kinds. The first aid courses are essential for the prevention but also for the attention to others. I still remember having done in school and I remember with great pleasure because it is still something that is useful to me with my children, to know which are the foundations, principles of first aid, also to have some confidence and not to panic in difficult situations, have control of the situation means Do not waste second key to saving a life. And it is important that in areas where many people gather, the airport, to meeting rooms, to the underground, in places considered "at risk", however, where the first aid does not arrive, these are tools, such as the defibrillator, in able to gain precious moments, no one could stop an airplane to provide immediate relief, it would cost to stop a train too much valuable time, these are the places which should be structured points of first aid gear, small emergency room, suitable to receive and deal with first aid.
Councillor Santini, what value does this initiative for the institutional framework represented by her?
safety in sport and the prevention policy has no color. We have taken great synergy with our colleagues in the Regional Council, in particular Vice-President and the Vice Foschi Brozzi for activities which may lead to more important targets on what is the theme of safety and prevention in sport. We are reasoning together to review, simplify and optimize the regional law 15 on sport and many other initiatives we have in tennis here in the coming months. Today is an early sign of a long series of interventions; defibrillators deliver 50 to 50 clubs in Lazio. This morning, five clubs have participated in the training course held by Professor Castelli and we delivered with Raoul Bova in the first five defibrillators. Our intervention is the first in a series of many other interventions that we wish to take on an institutional level. I hope so and I am convinced that by doing many small interventions can reach a big goal.
The synergy between institutions, sports bodies and voluntary associations such as the Bini and the Castle Foundation can help in preventing the decline of the tragic episodes that affect more and more young athletes ? The promotion of BLS-D courses at school, and sports can be a valuable way to go?
More than synergy between institutions and sporting bodies, I think the synergy has been created with volunteer organizations such as the Foundation as the Association of Castles and Bini. BLS-D courses, awareness about safety in sports, should be the cornerstones of training, especially in schools. The population should benefit from all those that have the potential for life-saving.
more one is aware of the problem, the more you can do it, so roll the union between the institutions, including associations, all with the aim to make the sport safe, that put the health of those who practice the sport on top of everything and everyone. Unity is strength. I would put the current BLS-D as a subject at school as you study mathematics, physics and other subjects you could study the main operations to save a human life. Unfortunately there is not even in boys the knowledge that 118 is the number to be trained to call the medical emergency. Begin to educate their children as early as the simple emergency call is already a step forward.
Ms. Castelli, in other European countries and beyond is the massive presence of defibrillators in places not closely related to sport, such as airports, train stations, schools. Think we're on the right track so that even in Italy the presence of defibrillators should also extend to areas not closely linked to sport?
The defibrillator is used not only in sports but in life every day because of cardiac arrest is dying everywhere, the mall, as well as at the airport or train station. Of crucial importance is then to continue the culture mainly through the emergence of the first impartizione important concepts to help a person. It is statistically proven that in the places where they were implanted defibrillators It has gone from a semi-mortality of approximately 90% survival of over 70%, as the airport in Chicago, such as Las Vegas, as well as some cities in Brazil and Mexico. So the spread of semiautomatic defibrillation certainly can reverse death rates in survival rates. Where he has managed to get in the first 4-5 minutes after cardiac arrest with the life-saving operations and using the defibrillator there was 80-90% of the salvation of people, and not cheap.