When, that evening in May, around the fountain in Piazza Berlinguer, five gave birth to what is now the Athletic Pavona, maybe the ideas were not clear enough on the "how" should have been done. However, they were very clear about what should be.
The choice was made by Paul, Anthony, Mark, Luke and Nicholas took days of discussion on how the construction and organization, but only a few seconds to reach agreement on what should have been the founding principle of our Association.
"We must realize - we said - a healthy, peaceful, based on Christian values \u200b\u200bof hospitality, solidarity, cemented on friendship and respect for others, reinforced the principle that the boy is the center of the project. And the Sport is the means by which this project is done. "
We did not even remotely thought of having to select the children for skill and competence for the coaches. We just ask that those who enter the Project is simply put at your disposal.
And so it was.
The first group joined Rafael and Henry and a Sergio Federici, one of us who came from school and former football player himself. With him not talking about technique or tactics, but we went to a local radio and denounced all things football and we do not like that, even today, we try to counteract.
As always parents around us that we "lend a hand" and that do not fit in "to second" or companion.
making a single mistake: we bought a coach with a background of fear (league championships, European Cup, Italian Cup) but which, together with undoubted ability, also led to division, discussions, and many other things that might put against each other.
Ah, I forgot, it was also the only one in the history of Atletico Pavona, thanks to the generosity of our members, also received a fair reimbursement.
He the end of every good coach and competent. Relief. The first and only relief occurred in many years. Not counting the results, indeed, with him we won the first championship Cod, counted the fear of deviating from the one we had created.
Today, after so many years, I see that the original idea of \u200b\u200bthe athlete and still in danger. I am not surprised, but I worry.
Perhaps we failed to explain to some parents and coach us, whether we like to win, we have no problems if we lose and after a moment of disappointment, back to laughing with the children.
Others are the victories that we seek, and we do not want missing.
We want to win on the witness . Why pass on to kids who are adults who are willing to spend their time, their commitment, their weekends and even their money for them, without asking anything in return, is a strong message, showing that a word as "love", which can have many meanings (also more noble) to someone is not just a word, but it is a way of looking at someone else more important than leisure time.
We want to win on the health and safety . Why siamo stati una delle prime Società del Lazio ( e d’Italia ) ad avere un defibrillatore in casa e ancora oggi siamo il club che, in assoluto, ha il maggior numero di istruttori ( praticamente tutti, oltre a Responsabile della Segreteria, Presidente e Direttore Tecnico e Direttore Sportivo ) qualificati dall’Ares 118 sul primo soccorso in caso di arresto cardiorespiratorio. Tutto questo grazie alla amicizia nata con la Fondazione “Giorgio Castelli”, al cui ricordo abbiamo dedicato la nostra Scuola Calcio e a quella con la Dottoressa Laura Romeo, pediatra di chiara fama che, anche lei gratuitamente, ci regala qualcuno dei suoi sabato mattina rubandoli ai suoi affetti e al suo poco tempo libero. E anche in questo, non ricordo che Other Football Schools in the area, they can afford to do so.
We want to win on integration. We are doing our kids to experience that skin color or nationality or birth of the Italian region of origin, or separate bank account, no evidence on which to judge a person. And they have taken the football team in El Salvador which is composed of students from overseas who live in Rome, is the proof of this.
We want to win solidarity . Why try to keep the costs associated under ten euro a month is not easy, given that the average cost of the Soccer Schools around us is between three hundred and five hundred euro a year and that we, to stay we have to rely on certain shares (and may God bless them), on many large and small donors who believe, like us, to our project. This means ensuring that everyone, including families with some economic problem, to be able to play sports for their children. Without, of course, to deal in his pocket to anyone.
And this is thanks to all of us that we have never pocketed a € Pavona Atletico since he was born, but thanks to the participation of the Tennis Club that easily accommodate nel prezzo e mettendoci a disposizione l’intera struttura.
Vogliamo vincere sulla preparazione dei nostri amici che vogliono stare in campo con i ragazzi , perché è importante che un allenatore abbia quelle nozioni necessarie a fare con competenza, quello che già fa con passione e dedizione. Per questo abbiamo realizzato un percorso di formazione continua per i nostri allenatori, in collaborazione con i nostri amici dell’Albano calcio a cinque, che sta vedendo la presenza di docenti di primo livello. Abbiamo poi iscritto ai corsi della Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio i nostri tecnici che ce ne hanno espresso il desiderio.
We want to win on the prospects to give our kids . Why are we happier when we give them the best, once you've finished the experience with Atletico Pavona, the opportunity to "break" in sports. Today we can say that some of our young athletes play at the national level and a bit 'him to feel responsible for us all. Some of us have achieved prestigious achievements as executives and / or coaches. Michael is the current coach of the Italian National Wheelchair Hockey, after leading the first technical Mobility in Europe, an Official Selection of the Italian Football Federation. To That is why we linked the Roll Futsal, a company that plays in the National Championship and Series B shares with us that our ethical and moral principles and is able to offer our children the opportunity, if they deserve it, of play at the highest levels.
These are the victories of which we can not and do not want to do without. The other there are nice, but if not penalize or discriminate against any of our kids, our coaches or opponents we meet.
Far Pavona means the athlete can lose a game and stay with a smile, satisfied with the work we have done, the commitment that we took, the serenity that we sent and we have received.
not think any other Sports Club is able to offer more to those who believe in the idea of \u200b\u200bSport and Life.
Atletico Pavona is a project of life before a sports project.
It is, in my opinion, the greatest opportunity that can be offered to those who love sports and football in particular to five.
This does not mean that we are not perfect and that everything we say we can always do it the right way. But the errors are recognized to be fair and to move forward without deviating from the path set.
I believe that today Atletico Pavona is proof that there may be a way to do Sports so peaceful where victory and defeat are the only elements of the game (as important as you want, but only elements of the game) and not the ultimate goal of those who practice sports.
Our eyes must always look to the future, but our feet must stay firmly planted in our roots.
Why Atletico Pavona Pavona remains at Atletico.
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