Dear Friends,
belonging to the large group of Italians in recent days has caught the flu, take this opportunity to respond to the lively debate that has broken out around my article on 'Athletic ... according to Mark. " Beyond the identity of the mysterious "Anonymous" (what a little 'intrigues me but I'm not staying awake at night), I would go back on the essence of the debate and that is, if Atletico Pavona is, after all, like all other clubs, or is it something else (not saying better, but, in fact, different). I do not want to go back on the issues of volunteerism, of the eight euro etc, because we risk autoincensarci and this is not my desire, then we risk being a bit 'silly. Deal with the subject of "play all". Personally, I always Atletico Pavona has pursued the approach not to select any of those who join the "family". And when I say "no" I mean from our leaders, from coaches and players themselves. Then, open to all, subject to the availability of space and time. Clearly this does not mean to be a "mutual fund", where even those who do not exercise, those who are unruly, who does not respect the coach or the other "must" take the field, however, the same way as everyone else. At the base of the sport is the sacrifice, commitment, attachment to the mesh, respect for teammates and opponents and so on and so on. Those who think that coming to Atletico Pavona mean I always play is absolutely agree. We come then to the figure of the coach. A difficult role, because even on the bench are fifteen players and you play five at a time. If we think of the Championship Cod, where even those who organized it has very clear concept of the three times ... Mathematically, therefore, at best, a player, well that goes, you do a third of the race and the "poor" coach is forced to extricate themselves from lists and stopwatches to field more or less for most or all about the same time. And then there are the parents. Who is complaining because his son plays little, those who complain because we did not win for having to play all those who complain because the coach yells too much and those who complain because he is always silent. In almost ten years the number of "lamentable" far exceeds that to which runs well but sometimes a compliment. It also ranks technical Michele Fierravanti Atletico have come out, the head coach of the Regional Representatives in 2010 and current coach of the Italian National Hockey Wheel chair from athletics and other friends who went to train in other companies, so to speak, more . In addition, statistically, we are the company that in recent years has maintained le migliori posizioni in classifica sia a livello Cod, che a livello FIGC, e scusate se è poco! La vittoria di quattro Coppe Disciplina Regionali completa la torta con l'ultima ciliegina. Quindi, se tanto mi da tanto, i nostri tecnici non sono poi così scarsi. Ma non solo, se non bastasse, abbiamo attivato anche un percorso di formazione continua per allenatori e dirigenti, con Docenti di assoluto livello, perchè da tutti gli allenatori è nata l'esigenza di migliorarsi sempre di più, per offrire un contributo sempre più qualificato e vicino alle esigenze dei ragazzi.
Nonostante tutto questo, fare l'allenatore è sempre e comunque impresa ardua e fare l'allenatore che riesce to please everyone is impossible, it is miraculous!
Finally, it is however also distinguish between Soccer School (Mini Team, Chicks, Beginners) and competitive sector (Juniors and Students). While for the first rotation is almost mandatory, and all the coaches are not difficult to play all those present for the latter the situation is obviously more complex, both for age-related dynamics of the participants and the inevitable conflicts due to hormones in freedom that must be managed by the adult on duty, is to read what happens in sports field. In any case, the guidelines provide for more involvement of all the players in the squad. And if it happens that a player believes, perhaps rightly, to be less of another employee, age begins to be to seek an open confrontation with his coach. You will find however that the availability of both listening and dutiful explanations will still be a growth opportunity for all. If then all the other teams in the movement used the same philosophy, I'm happy to happen, because it means that football is improving. But I get the little voices that say anything and then, let's close the Atletico and appreciate what today would be foolish to regret tomorrow.
hug you all and we continue to face because, as the old wise saying "cogito ergo sum".
Marc or
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