Saturday, February 12, at the Centro Sportivo Roma 3 Z Centocelle to be held the second meeting of the year for coaches Futsal. The first, in Naples, attended by a large delegation of technicians who fight in formations of Lazio, which will come back to Rome to confront some of the leading experts in the youth sector.
It will be Richard Manno, university lecturer and contributor to the Commissioner Coach of the Italian Roberto Menichetti, Raul Albani, coach of the Italian National Under-21 and Richard Budoni, goalkeeper coach of the Italian National Under-21 to deal with the many coaches who are crowding the meeting room of the plant Capitoline.
"It 's another step towards the development of Futsal - explains Marco Giustinelli, Head of Communications of the Representative of the Regional Committee Futsal - and all its components, as advocated by 'Luciano Zaccardi friend in his proposed reorganization of regional representation. The "creed" of Luciano based mainly on the involvement of all members and coaches are certainly the business card of every society. They, in fact, is entrusted with the task of training young players who are approaching, many for the first time in futsal. In a recent meeting with the President of the Youth and Scholastic, Gianni Rivera, the former AC Milan and the National Capion reiterated the need to rethink the shape of the coach of the youth sector. Today it is necessary that the coach is primarily a "master" and then a technician. Next to the care of the athlete from a physical point of view and tactical, we need a figure that also transmit ethical values and moral principles are still the basis for all sports and ours in particular. "
And the stage on Saturday wants to be a moment of confrontation between the local reality, represented by the technical teams Lazio and who, instead, represents the elite of Italian football to five youth in the world.
"Project - occurs Zaccardi - is aligned to the changes introduced by management of the Blue Team coach Roberto Menichetti. Without taking anything away from the many foreign athletes "imported" from overseas, who have given so much in terms of quality and visibility to our Futsal lines Federal guide us moving increasingly towards the exploitation of our youth. It can not, of course, be no exploitation of young people, without an adequate youth sector. The final maturation of Futsal passes through the structuring and growth of the nursery. And it is unthinkable that a nation like ours, which, after Brazil, is one that has won more world-wide, is unable to express class athletes. The problem is that often we take, pass me the term, disillusioned with football and that, too often we lose, especially among the young, the most gifted athletes, attracted by the sirens of billionaire football. "
Today, in panorama of football has grown to five the number of qualified technicians and not of those who enter the field with good skills. Workouts begin to be structured in a professional manner right from the lower class. This requires that you start thinking the Soccer School as an asset of the entire movement, where young players have to find people who are prepared both in sports than human, capable of transmitting efficiently, values \u200b\u200band skills. The alarming fact that there are only two football schools qualified Futsal speaks volumes about the need to sensitize the whole movement towards the creation of real incubators of futsal.
"Ironically - continues Giustinelli - unlike other sports," minor ", the five a side football has developed, so to speak, upside down. In the sense that instead of starting with young people and, consequently, create a senior team, in most cases it was initially given rise to the so-called "first team" and then, with the passage of time it was thought the implementation of the youth sector. This was possible because, unlike basketball and volleyball, for example, in Italy all play soccer and find athletes already "ready" was not a problem. But while this is fine for a movement at an amateur level, as has been the top Futsal, problems arise when the entire circuit is professionalised. Then emerge all the shortcomings of this approach. It is therefore necessary, in my opinion, is working on the technical expertise of coaches, and we welcome the initiatives promoted by AIAC and Luciano, but also work on the visibility of our discipline. Many of the younger boys playing football in the head instead of having five football. E 'Instead, the loyalty of young people, making them fall in love with the sport that has time to play, manage technical, tactical movement other than football. Another problem is that the large number of players foreigners since the lower class, in fact narrows the spaces for our children. The Futsal is the only discipline where a young Italian amateur is almost impossible to reach the higher levels. This obviously entails the alienation of those who live the sport as a way to emerge and be realized. But this is the worst side of the coin. The exciting part is that the five a side football, by its nature, can play to perfection the social role that belongs to the sport. The low cost of ownership compared to calcium, the ability to create smaller systems, the need for a smaller number of athletes involved, may provide an opportunity for a small local community to congregate around a sports initiative, restoring a sense of "bell" which for decades has been the strength of our teams in the country, or neighborhood or district, where grandmothers and girlfriends, however, found themselves at the "pitch" to typhoid. Soccer Schools organize effective means to anchor the sport to the area and take advantage of opportunities and resources. It 's a way ambitious, but it is certainly the most challenging. "
on these issues will be based on comparison with Richard Manno, director of Project" I Futsal "which involves the construction, starting from the company Series A, of Schools Football qualified for each club.
"It 's certainly a long and difficult - says Luciano Zaccardi - but it is definitely the tool to finally take off the Futsal. We, as the Italian Football Coaches Association, we are ready to get involved to offer our technical us all the tools necessary to their personal development and growth of the whole organic movement. Let's start at the regional level, by this stage the youth sector. We will then turning our attention to the women's movement, also in strong growth to continue over time to further all those aspects that can contribute to the growth of Futsal at national and local levels. It will be a great job, but the commitment, as everyone knows, certainly does not scare me and the good group that I created is the best guarantee to achieve the objectives we have set ourselves. "
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